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Evan Puckles

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Evan Puckles last won the day on September 2 2021

Evan Puckles had the most liked content!

About Evan Puckles

  • Birthday 04/25/2003

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Probably a staff member.. (7/8)



  1. very pog update, seeing devs making those big and useful updates for cops and ems. Thank you devs for the hard work
  2. What is your favourite thing on 5.0? Roleplay has been fantastic (except for some people) What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Small one lane roads in certain areas that can only fit one car in very populated areas. What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Just change them to the two lane roads
  3. For takistan purge, my opinion is that we make it full KOS under some circumstances, like no shooting in rebel, near shops, big towns like spawns etc (that was a big problem in 4.5 purge) and just overall no camping airfields because that's no fun if you're just getting shot any time you try to get a jet or leave. Maybe add those KOS zones back like we had in the kings county 4.0 purge.
  4. Great job! Was absolutely worth the wait. Thanks a lot dev team for the hard work.
  5. Big thanks to Doug & anzus devs for putting so much work in to try and fix bugs.
  6. How does ammo work? Do we have to craft that too or can we just buy it? I feel like that could be another aspect. People IRL can make their own ammo or just simply buy it from a store so I was just curious. I feel like you should be able to buy it from the black market but could also manufacture it for cheaper if you wanted to take that route.
  7. I say we just do full out purge for the last week and events could be made up within that time. Just send everyone like 1 billion dollars or something. Just the question is, is the economy going to be wiped at 4.0?
  8. Name: Evan / Adam Puckles Time played on 3.0: A lot Do you have anything in the next month that will effect you being able to help testing: Other than school not really much at all. Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks: I understand Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: (any OG anzus people will not need to do this) Yes
  9. why are you complaining? dont you get paid to save lives mister
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