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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/22 in all areas

  1. Wasn't it a thing where if you own Cartel/Mobster and a person doing your run was getting robbed they'd be able to call you and let you know? Could make it something like that, either it's getting raided by cops or whatnot, the gang will come and help out. I remember TI did this early 4.0 at least.. Other than that, I feel like illegal runs are ok to rob etc. as long as legal runs doesn't mean you can get robbed without a good reason..
    2 points
  2. Honestly, haven't really enjoyed playing civ as of recent until now. The new rules are giving me old 3.0 vibes.
    2 points
  3. I feel like the gang that control cartel or mobster should do more to protect the runs and for example if they hear that such and such gang has been robbing people at the processor they can declare some sort of gang war on the other gang and if the gang robbing looses they cant go back for X amount of time. I also feel like this rule entices people who normally go around alone or new players into joining a gang for some sort of protection which I think is a good thing because the game is 10x more fun when you play with others. I think it was yesterday that a gang also hired CTRG for protection and I thought that was also a cool idea. To be honest I don't have much experience as a CIV so not sure how this would actually work in practice.
    2 points
  4. Name you used last as PD: A California Compliant german #3131Previous rank within the PD: Snr DepDiscord Name & #: A California Compliant German #3131How long ago were you a cop: Earlier this monthDid you leave on bad or good terms: YesWould you be considered by other players as a karen roleplayer/problem player?: NoAre you in a group of problem players on civilian?: NoRegion: West CoastSteam64ID: 76561198080472206
    2 points
  5. Hello fellow ANZUS gamers On Friday we started a trail for the new ruleset. If you are not aware of what we trailed here is the thread. https://www.anzus.life/topic/56662-ruleset-change-weekend-trail-2030-vibe/ This thread is to discuss how everyone felt about it, if people enjoyed it etc. No answer is the wrong answer, don't go negative reacting people because you disagree, just reply to them and have a civil conversation. Do not just type +1, give your actual thoughts I want to know everything people are thinking/feeling about this positive and negative. My opinion: A massive issue on ANZUS for a long time has been entitlement, for a long time the "2.0/3.0" ruleset was mentioned as an issue and I never really thought of it helping this issue. The problem with the old ruleset is people expect response numbers, so they get mad and complain. People expect cop response so they get mad and complain. Another thing is, I've always hated the fact some people get left out of situations... Another thing I've realized is that sometimes there will be 3 cops and 10 civilians and it will be "unfair numbers" but sometimes it will be 10 cops and 3 civs. It will happen, its better it happens this way and I hope people vote for it to stay. We will have this discussion thread, then a vote.
    1 point
  6. As one of the main groups robbing illegal runs this weekend I can say this is not a problem. Out of the maybe 10 we robbed over the weekend not a single person was a obviously new person. Everyone was a part of the established grinders / gangs. Could just implement a rule clarifying that you shouldn’t rob new people w a apple
    1 point
  7. if you do an illegal run you should expect to be robbed by other gang/people tryna make money, should just take it on the chin and go hunt em down and rob em back
    1 point
  8. Don't do illegal runs. Illegal runs are meant to have risk to them because of the increased payout. CID can raid you, or other criminals can rob you. It makes sense to me. If you dont want to get robbed, just do legal runs, literally no one can touch you. There also a rule against camping a location, so that concern is void. If someone camps a location, report it
    1 point
  9. These rules are great, the players are control of the fun factor now. If command want to send 30 cops for 4 gas station they can but they won’t be getting off lightly when the civs fight back, now the server works together.
    1 point
  10. Thats the whole risk of doing illegal runs and official gangs cant rob runs. SO that being said it was like this in 3.0 and some of 4.0 where u would actually have to defend urself instead of it being way too easy
    1 point
  11. PRO: Far less bitching about response numbers. Less conversations clogging up radio and micromanaging numbers. CON: The 'initiate for no reason' thing makes you more on-edge outside of the safezone, and from what I've seen people doing runs are targeted a lot.
    1 point
  12. Who ever owned cartel would actually have to start offering protection, or call CTRG to protect your runs. eZ solution
    1 point
  13. Tbh played for 1 day and made me get off instantly. Been keen to do runs lately and stay off pvp but its kinda dumb getting robbed 24/7. (I havent been robbed so dont go saying im “salty”.)
    1 point
  14. Instead of having official gangs have a quota for majors. Lower that quota and make them to do some sort of security for runs. For runs that are owned by gangs, they should be protecting it and the people doing them seeming as they make money off it.
    1 point
  15. I love the fact that we have temporarily returned to the old rules and hope that we can move to them permanently, when I first joined ANZUS when we were on Kamden I had so much fun and had no want to play anything other than arma and this continued on for like 2 1/2 years but when the new rule set was released something changed, you were very limited on what you could do and people started to become more and more toxic and this over a few months made me have no drive to get on the server. After this I occasionally got on the server and it was grim nothing seemed to ever happen but during this weekend I feel like the server has returned to how it was and I have started to have loads of fun again and I think having to ability to rob illegal runs is a welcome change because it actually means that they have some risk factor and if you want to safely complete runs you have to group up and work as a team or make deals with groups for protection or work out some sort of peace treaty. I feel like these rules will make long term players return and also make it more fun for new players and hopefully calm down certain members of the community and make them realize that we are all here to have fun and to quote Doug “take a spoonful of concrete and harden the fuck up." ***Copied my reply for previous post***
    1 point
  16. I thought this ruleset and whole vibe of the server over the weekend was great Had some really fun times and fights. I really enjoyed getting HMT back together it really felt like 3.0 again doing the norm. To the response numbers I have nothing to complain about honestly I didn't even notice it changed. Overall I think making this ruleset permanent could really boost the player base like we have already seen over this weekend alone I enjoyed my time over this weekend and it was probably one of the best times I've had for a long time.
    1 point
  17. To be honest more people have been playing since the change, which I think goes to show that it's an improvement. Before the change people were always on about too many cops or saying something about unfairness and whatnot, either in deathchat or in the back of a squad car. Now it is a lot less common, but there is still always going to be somebody questioning arma and its goofy combat. If you are complaining about a 9 year old game's mechanics developed by bohemia interactive you might as well uninstall it and go play some triple A game. There is nothing you can do except realize you wont win every gunfight. + CTRG defends me from scary HMT boys wanting my shiny uranium
    1 point
  18. You do not need a roleplay reason to rob people doing illegal runs This rule just make it so if cops dont find the location, just random gangs will sit there and rob it. will be no point of doaing any illegal runs. New people will have a hard time makeing money just doaing legal runs.
    1 point
  19. I've limited experience with the majors(aka none) so I wont comment on response amount vs crime-party amount aside from a general like of the weekend's rules on paper. In real life, it's not like cops ALWAYS have overwhelming numbers, but when they do, why wouldn't they use them?! Just like its not always a massive group doing these attacks, but if it can be, why wouldn't they?? However, the general principles of the weekend trial are something I'm fully behind. Elk being a green zone makes a solid RP hub for people that dont want to get into the crazy shit, but there's so much fun in the crazy shit that they'll come out soon enough. karen/complain RP is a waste of air and I'm all for keeping it the fuck out. Gameplay-wise, i love being able to revive someone you've killed. For one, maybe you don't want to fuck them over or maybe there's an rp way to spin wounding them and keeping them alive for your plans. My only 'issue' is the lack of RP reason to initiate on someone outside green zones. Make a reason, thin though it may be. For example, I was initiated on by some 'cargo inspectors' and though I was running steel and nothing interesting and therefore got to go on my way, i LOVED the interaction. As someone who has thus far MOSTLY stuck to the straight and narrow, it really helps sell the worry of living on an island so overrun by gang violence and lethality in every corner. But having someone just 'HANDS UP' and not even come up with a reason is... kinda boring. I'm all for every other change from this weekend, however.
    1 point
  20. I'm sure that I speak for a lot of people when I say this. This is the most fun I have had in a while. Since Friday, I have not run into a single toxic situation. People are having a blast & the deatchat is just ''GG - that was awesome'' instead of ''Damn, cops are soooo boring or Civs are camping etc...''. With cops having response numbers before this ruleset was introduced has also had a huge impact on how situations work out. We still try to limit our numbers, so it becomes fair for both sides. To conclude, it has been absolutely awesome. The server pop has been amazing and I have only had positive situations & interactions with people.
    1 point
  21. Enjoyed it a lot, throughout this weekend I saw quite a few old names that I haven't seen in quite a while. I feel this rule-set might encourage old players to return to Anzus. Even though this rule-set is more 'laid back' and 'combat friendly' I still saw a lot of good roleplay from people. But as for an overall, I really enjoyed this weekend and I think we should keep it like this permanently.
    1 point
  22. So i'm gonna put on my comment here so my thing is i love the whole major aspect is really amazing but when it comes to people that loves grinding its really hard to make money cause everytime i go out to do a illegal run to make some cash i get robbed pretty much all the time i don't know if it is because the whole reason that you don't need a reason to initiate on someone or if it is because you can rob illegal runs for no reason if the robbing gets fixed id love the new rules and this is coming from someone that has been here since way back in the day and been a grinder for a while much love and respect.
    1 point
  23. The new rules make anzus feel like old anzus fun and just chill its been less toxic less reports on everything. Both sides are having fun civs and cops the majors are more balanced for everyone and its just a fun experience would be fun if it remained like this
    1 point
  24. I love the old rules being back, it’s a blast from the past. I would love to see anzus to return to how it was back in 2.0! This is a great step into that direction and the increased player base has proved that. I hope we can come together as a community and keep these old rules around permanently.
    1 point
  25. The new rule set is great, from what ive seen everyone seems to like it. Yes theres the factor of just the excitement of a new thing coming back and that blast from the past feeling. But I think this is more than that and if it stays, people would like it more then the previous ruleset. Although I do think this should be changed You do not need a roleplay reason to rob people doing illegal runs. Just due to this will cause new players to have a bit of a hard time, Maybe change to you must have at least a Gang v Gang reason and not just robbing civs. Also just from playing cop for a bit, I think that panic buttons should be added again. Maybe it has just been the chaos recently with the new changes but its really hard sometimes to respond to a cop being robbed or something when they are other things going on and you didnt hear it over radio.
    -1 points
  26. make it where for that one they need to have a roleplay reason to rob illegal runs but keep it where if the person aint doing a run and just driving around they can be initiated on i know i might just be pulling shit out of my ass but figured id say something.
    -1 points
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