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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/22 in all areas

  1. Hello fellow ANZUS gamers On Friday we started a trail for the new ruleset. If you are not aware of what we trailed here is the thread. https://www.anzus.life/topic/56662-ruleset-change-weekend-trail-2030-vibe/ This thread is to discuss how everyone felt about it, if people enjoyed it etc. No answer is the wrong answer, don't go negative reacting people because you disagree, just reply to them and have a civil conversation. Do not just type +1, give your actual thoughts I want to know everything people are thinking/feeling about this positive and negative. My opinion: A massive issue on ANZUS for a long time has been entitlement, for a long time the "2.0/3.0" ruleset was mentioned as an issue and I never really thought of it helping this issue. The problem with the old ruleset is people expect response numbers, so they get mad and complain. People expect cop response so they get mad and complain. Another thing is, I've always hated the fact some people get left out of situations... Another thing I've realized is that sometimes there will be 3 cops and 10 civilians and it will be "unfair numbers" but sometimes it will be 10 cops and 3 civs. It will happen, its better it happens this way and I hope people vote for it to stay. We will have this discussion thread, then a vote.
    1 point
  2. I personally love the revert back to the old rules when I came back to the island after my leaving it felt so stiff everyone walked around like they were on edge and while I understood why these rules where in place it felt like it constricted RP massively. Regardless of what we think or feel I think the islands speaking for itself these last couple months I've come home to 35/40 people on island after my work shift was up and I'm currently looking at an island of 82 people... If its not the rules I don't know what it is but I'm loving this improvement
    1 point
  3. Lowkey, for a little bit in game i felt like i was back in 3.0 again where you could actually have fun in situations and you aint worried about someone reporting you for the smallest incovenice I hope it stays like this as i have seen a genuine influx of players these past 48hours. The Team has done a fantastic job listing to people and actually showing they are as well. The amount of dev updates done for general fixes that help day-to-day activities is refreshing so thank you As for the robbing with illegal runs. Simply put: Legal Runs = not rob on sight Illegal runs = able to rob. Official Gangs should know the difference between new players and old especially when they are expected to assist new players. Also most gangs cant rob the respective runs for the mobster/cartel they own anyways. People doing runs just need to learn to have a gun with them out at all times. I remember being in the LSD pro building the shit shack just outside of highway and having to listen for cars turning their engine off and rolling up on me so i wont be robbed. Now i can blast movies on 1 monitor whilst naked and worry only about my food and water running out.
    1 point
  4. Don't do illegal runs. Illegal runs are meant to have risk to them because of the increased payout. CID can raid you, or other criminals can rob you. It makes sense to me. If you dont want to get robbed, just do legal runs, literally no one can touch you. There also a rule against camping a location, so that concern is void. If someone camps a location, report it
    1 point
  5. I feel like the gang that control cartel or mobster should do more to protect the runs and for example if they hear that such and such gang has been robbing people at the processor they can declare some sort of gang war on the other gang and if the gang robbing looses they cant go back for X amount of time. I also feel like this rule entices people who normally go around alone or new players into joining a gang for some sort of protection which I think is a good thing because the game is 10x more fun when you play with others. I think it was yesterday that a gang also hired CTRG for protection and I thought that was also a cool idea. To be honest I don't have much experience as a CIV so not sure how this would actually work in practice.
    1 point
  6. Nah ima straight fuckin G i dont get robbed so no need to protect im looking out for the apples out here in these streets
    0 points
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