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Jose Martinezz

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Everything posted by Jose Martinezz

  1. It's been a while since I last responded but now I'm back to reiterate. MSP has shown that they have the maturity to handle their new found freedom so now the only worry I have is vanquished. Honestly other then the Elk Green zone being super ridiculous in size the rules should stay. 500M from the elk city barrier includes the main PD which eliminates hostage rp there and honestly I'm sad that you can't kidnap people anymore even with a valid roleplay reason. I rarely kidnap people in the first place but recently there have been some people who have pissed me off and need to be taught a lesson that spend there time in Elk 24/7
  2. For your last suggestion I’d really discourage something like that. Hard bans on things like that would make this some like a gmod server, I believe things like that should be up to the player due to no reason usually for people to be robbed over and over and most people already using discretion to makesure people aren’t rage quitting off the server. Now harassment is a rule and I think spam robbing the same person with no rp reason would fall under that.
  3. These rules are great, the players are control of the fun factor now. If command want to send 30 cops for 4 gas station they can but they won’t be getting off lightly when the civs fight back, now the server works together.
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