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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/22 in all areas

  1. Name: Ryan HancockMain role on the server: SWAT CaptainTime at ANZUS: Joined May 13th 2020, 3,700 Hours.Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1. I feel like the 'all cop response' aspect is good. Even though PD don't have 'response numbers' we are still managing our numbers well and trying to make situations fun and fair for both sides. With this in place it takes out the constant fear for cops that they are 'over-responding' and stops civilians complaining in regards to over-response. I think this is a lot better for the overall mentality. 2. Yes, I feel gangs should be able to use all of their numbers awake at the time. Although yes some gangs may do a 15 man knox for example which is a bit excessive. I do agree with restricting majors to 12 people. There is no situation where you would need anymore than 12 people at a major crime. 3. If your doing an illegal run it should be a risk. You can always do your illegal runs in groups so your able to protect yourselves if someone was to attempt to rob you. It's illegal for a reason, expect people to try and steal it from you. 4. I am yes on this up to a certain extent. A concern I have with this is new players getting robbed and it deterring them from playing the server as they are unable to get a foothold. Although gangs should be able to recognise people with apples above their heads being new players and should not rob them. But eitherway if someone is going to initiate on you 90% of the time they have a reason to why, maybe they're trying to rob you, maybe they're trying to take you hostage or maybe you just annoyed them. Majority of the time there is a reason behind it. The people that go around initiating on everybody for no reason whatsoever can always have restrictions imposed upon them. Adjusting this rule gives people more freedom and makes it so people won't be scared of getting reported if they initiate on someone not wearing a rebel vest. Part of me does feel people may go overboard with this and if that is the case it can always been reverted back to rebel vests although I feel the vast majority of people will use common sense when deciding to initiate on someone, it would just be a minority that ruins it. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Yes.
    1 point
  2. Name: Mita Schofield/Helen HawkesMain role on the server: Cop/civTime at ANZUS: 2019Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1. Honestly the cop response number has been very good these last days; no civilians have really complained too much as I've heard and I feel as a Command member we haven't needed to check on it too much or stress about it and could rather have fun; either it's not needing to respond to majors and continue with roleplay or micromanage every situation happening. 2. I honestly agree with what Doug said; as long as nobody goes too overboard with this it's no harm in it, just don't abuse it to an extent so it can be kept non-hostile as a rule.. 3. I originally was very unsure about this rule as illegal runs do pay more and are now super risky to do; but if it could be a thing if cartel/mobster gangs would help protect their runs towards other gangs robbing people doing their runs it would be very helpful. Even if not, you can always be raided by cops no matter what, so the only thing it really changes is bit more of a scare to do these runs, but hopefully gangs won't go over the top with it.. 4. I do think needing a roleplay reason should be a thing for engaging as with small gangs (like my own) it's really hard when bigger (un)official gangs initiate on you just because they can.. It also seems to confuse people that if they can initiate everywhere they can also rob everywhere. People are playing to have fun, not be worried about being 500m from a safe area all the time.. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Taken a fork full.
    1 point
  3. I have been a player since late-Kamden at this point, on all walks of the roleplay. Police, medic, legal civilian, illegal civilian, gang commands, etc. After the experiences I have had I will say that this is the closest to 3.0-vibe in terms of gameplay and experiences with others that I have had since 3.0. Do some people take the piss with it? Yes. Does that mean that it has been bad? No. The only thing that I do think needs a little bit of protection still is the legal civilians who realistically don't have the ability to defend themselves nearly as well against large 8+ man groups of gangs with class 3's. The only change I really think is required is that legal runs and for instance, the ol' limiting factor of anyone not in gang/rebel uni/vests. This not only helps to protect those who legally can't do much other than pray the cops have a rapid response time and also helps those who are new to the server have a bubble for a little while to get "in the game" so to speak. People get bored and then they just see a car at a mine, like ruby or steel, then decide that's something to do. So to summarize, yes to everything however protect legal & new people a little bit more.
    1 point
  4. Name: Nex Nuestra/Nex SaurusMain role on the server: I am a MSP CID guy, I raid processors and shit. I like majors. On civ I pvp cap zones, cartel, etc. Do some runs, but PvP is my thing.Time at ANZUS: 2 years 3 months, about 3k hours Hello I am a self proclaimed cool person. Lets GO! Alright, well my input is this; 1. I think cop numbers for minors shouldnt be a thing, it should be up to PD command. I think cops being able to decide the response numbers for majors is a bad idea though. Because for some majors like no offense but if USOG does a major, theyre gonna respond with the avg or normal amount. If CTRG does a major, theyre gonna bring a lot more extra cops. I think having it hard locked to a number across the board at a community vote is reasonable, it should not be up to command. 2. I think a limit should 100% be imposed. I am saying this from a cop and civ POV. Fighting zones on civ is boring asf when 10 reapers slam a scrap tower or likewise with GFK slamming a tower with like 12. I understand these are rare instances but it should be limited to 8. I DO NOT think there should be a limit on civs at majors besides maybe like 12. 3. I think not having a roleplay reason to rob an illegal run is pretty poggers. Robbing needs to be a thing again. Its too safe nowadays for the amount of money you make. Although I think a LIMIT should be made on how often your group or you as a person can rob a illegal run, maybe like every other hour. Idk. 4. I think you should need a roleplay reason 1km from a green zone/blue zone. And then be able to initiate on anyone on the west islands. My final input on something that should 100% stay a thing is letting people revive people they killed ANYWHERE, albeit cops, or other civs. Losing kits isnt fun ever, especially if you lose it in a BS way. And when someone bleeds, almost half the time the person is getting off the server after that. Overall people are playing less when they lose kits. It should stay a thing. Keeping this a thing will increase friendliness across the board on the server and it would be instantly less toxic, cause people want the group that killed them to rev them. Youd be surprised the amount of times people get salty they lose a sit then let that group bleed the next sit they win, etc. It will not fuck the economy it will trickle itself out.
    1 point
  5. Name: Frank ManganoMain role on the server: Mob BossTime at ANZUS: Was around years ago, just came back a few weeks ago.Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1: If i robbed a bank and took 9 hostages in real life every cop in the city would show up, this is a LIFE server. 2. If I was getting shot up in any situation I would hope every member of my family (mob lol) would rush to my aid and save my life. 3. I dont see this being nessassary, the only roleplay reason criminals have in real life, is that they're criminals. 4. FOR THE MOST PART people arent just randomly shot IRL (no further comment on that), there should obviously be a roleplay reason to initiate on randoms.. 5. I'm married. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: I work in customer service. You can't hurt my feelings, I don't have any.
    1 point
  6. Name : Steven Donut Role : MSP SGT I like and I will be returning to anzus if these are set rules! It honestly is just a better vibe all around in my opinion. I recently felt like some of the rules we had we’re just to restricted.
    1 point
  7. Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. After Matt's thread we decided to trial out the 2.0/3.0 mindset, I feel like it was quite successful we've seen a large increase in population and a lot less complaining which was a big problem. This thread has been made to vote for permanent changes to the rule set, please make sure you've read https://www.anzus.life/topic/56763-new-ruleset-megathread-discussion/ this post. My opinion: Q: All cop response numbers to major crimes, minor crimes, any situation are removed from the rules. It will be up to PD command to decide how/what they want with the idea of fairness in mind. A: I feel like the positives of not having the entitlement for response numbers outweighs the risk of some situations having over response. There will be some situations where it's 2 civilians and 10 cops, and there will be situations where there will be 10 cops and 2 civilians. As long as cops continue to make an effort and don't become complacent and give us a need to retract the rule I feel this will work very well. Q: No limit on groups, you can be in a group more than 8 during all initiations. (LEO AND CIV) A: I am 50/50 on this one, I think that it sucks massively when people are left out of situations but I also think a 16 man GFK Fort Knox is beyond cringe. I would love to hear suggestions to make it a bit more fair for both sides, possibly maximum 12 at majors? I am not sure. Q: You do not need a roleplay reason to rob people doing illegal runs. A: Again I am 50/50 with this one, some people on this server are honestly sociopathic when it comes to this rule. I don't understand the gratification of stealing someone else's stuff but I understand the freedom that comes with it. If people can play fair and not go crazy with it I think it will work but over the weekend I've seen people even developers just go way overboard with it. I would like to hear more opinions. Q: You do not need a roleplay reason to initiate on someone except 500m from a green zone. A: Personally I disagree with this one, I feel like every situation should have a roleplay reason to initiate but I feel like the restriction could make more negatives/positive again I am 50/50. Note: Any votes over 80% will be automatically accepted, anything under that will be determined by SMT based on how close the vote is AND the discussion had about them. I feel like everyone should reply in this format or similar but it isn't required you do so. Name: Main role on the server: Time at ANZUS: Opinions on each rule and what you voted: Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete:
    0 points
  8. Name: Scotty GrahnerMain role on the server: CivilianTime at ANZUS: 600+ hoursOpinions on each rule and what you voted: 1. It's fine and adds more dynamic scenarios to occur. It sucks when 10 cops start chasing after one person with a class 1 at a gas station robbery, but with that said, there were situations that occurred where the civilians outnumbered cops at major crimes. As long as PD doesn't go about abusing it with over the top numbers I see no problem with it. From my personal experience, there are plenty of command members who understand this and refrain from using drastic numbers in scenarios, while others will gladly take any officer available despite it being only 1-2 suspects. Overall though, a well welcomed change. 2. Of course, one can't remove cop response numbers without looking at the removal of max civilians allowed per situation. This rule was always painful because occasionally there would be people who would be left out of situations, thus lowering the population of the server since it supported smaller groups. I don't think gangs should be doing 12 man gas station robberies like a certain group did on 4.5, but this change is also welcome. 3. Illegal runs should be risky given the amount of profit one is able to receive from it. Before, people doing illegal runs would only need to look out for CID or police raids, now everyone is a threat. It makes perfect sense. 4. I think roleplay requirements should still be put in place though for scenarios outside of illegal runs. Makes no sense to have regular civilians doing an earth run to be initiated on for no reason. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete:
    0 points
  9. Google Drive(Update only): https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Oias5vzVLznrByhZepKXglwDuzwm4RQ/view?usp=sharingGoogle Drive(Full): WILL BE UPLOADED LOADER Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2630891747 (WILL BE USED AS MAIN MOD INSTALL/DOWNLOAD/UPDATE ON 5.5)Arma 3 Sync: Aurora labs Returns Completely re-written looting tables Mostly class 3 and lab items(No gun parts) Bindable Animations You can now bind animations to your hot bar There are several blacklisted animations such as full cancel, front flip Overdosing Consuming too many substances can make you overdose at random This includes having a seizure, screaming and more Three new cars Ferrari 812 Novitec N-Largo-2019 Brabus 900(x222)'18 WEY Tank 300'21 All obtainable from Killmore Imports Merged Cartel/Mobster Will randomize location every restart between the two bases All gangs have been made one group All drugs made to one group Will be trialed between 5.4-5.5 and re-reviewed then Insurance discount perk added Ability for police to raid warehouses/factories added Added MFR female uniforms Added MAA Life Vest Added Civilian Life Vest Added Business Cards Added Meme Cards Gang unis added Tenkasihe uniforms Exiled uniforms Bad Uniforms Reaper alt uniforms AND MORE !! Fixed warehouse drug drops Fixed Ford Falcon tiers Fixed HSV Holden tiers Fixed UNM Explorer tiers Fixed MSP Traffic Vest (NVG) Slick top Holden fixed Fixed devils port Fixed snowside Added road to Happys estate Made it so you can use the parachute at any height bound to the hotbar, you can still windows key it if you forget to. Removed reviving who you killed for civilians (On trail, because people are saving more kits we want to see more people at conflict) Added car garages to every boat shop Moved milship Fixed bagging coke Fixed killmore imports sign Modshop geo fixed Heaps of tier fixes Embassay doors fixed Fixed kabuki warehouse MRCO ctrg skin Camo fixed on all CTRG things Rangemaster Cap CTRG added Two CTRG backpack skins added Fixed the warehouse cartel money Bridge control room door Alkatraz breaking free quest fixed La Costra heli pad tree chopped down Killmore imports sign should now work Fixed all kd targets Fixed oil rigs dispatch Fixed crop dusting clothing Fixed awkward uranium processor Fixed produce runs checking spawn locations Trick estate added
    -1 points
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