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New York: 0/150
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  1. January 20 2022

    Doug Jumper

    4 reputation points

    Tariq Jamal

    4 reputation points

    Paul Phantom

    2 reputation points

  2. January 19 2022

    Pug Winter

    6 reputation points

    Jojo Bango

    4 reputation points

    Harry Lennar

    3 reputation points

  3. January 18 2022

    Melvin Roberts

    4 reputation points

    Adam Stewart

    3 reputation points

    Ross Lee

    3 reputation points

  4. January 17 2022

    Kelvin Levington

    3 reputation points

    Chang Changle

    2 reputation points

    Nathan Stevens

    2 reputation points

  5. January 16 2022

    Raphael Mephistopheles

    7 reputation points


    3 reputation points

    Steve Snow

    2 reputation points

  6. January 15 2022

    David Black

    5 reputation points

    Nathan Stevens

    4 reputation points

    Matt Darhk

    3 reputation points

  7. January 14 2022

    Tom Mitchell

    29 reputation points

    Coyote Sulzberger

    5 reputation points

    Doug Jumper

    4 reputation points

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