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Garrett Winters

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Everything posted by Garrett Winters

  1. Awesome, I have a couple thousand hours on fivem or so lol
  2. Personally, I'm a EMS main so my opinion probably doesn't truly matter. I may not even have all the correct information from never playing civ. I do want to see class 3s come into the island soon but I think the slow approach to class 3 is a good idea but id also like to see the economy slow down from people buying class 3. I think a solution for this would to be add class 2's into rebel and make it so only class 3 can be bought from crafters for a period of time, another 2 weeks maybe? then add them into rebel at a higher price (5-10k) so people still have a reason to use crafters over rebel to get them cheaper.
  3. Thank you everyone who worked on this! It looks epic, lets goooooo
  4. I love the old rules being back, it’s a blast from the past. I would love to see anzus to return to how it was back in 2.0! This is a great step into that direction and the increased player base has proved that. I hope we can come together as a community and keep these old rules around permanently.
  5. If there is no response numbers for cops, are we forced to go to majors or can we choose to not go and continue normal police duties?
  6. Yeah I can understand having an accent for mafia or gangster's just not so much a biker club.
  7. Very cool idea! However I’m confused on the requirement to use an accent because no American biker gang has accents really, it’s very rare. I’ve been around the biker club life for a couple years now. I’m excited to see how this is ran and to see something new around the island.
  8. Thank god for this post, there has been no RP since I’ve joined this server. It’s literally just shooting people and robbing people. Do some creative RP for a change and put the guns away
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