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Jack Fire

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Posts posted by Jack Fire

  1. DOJ Mass Recruitment

    Dear members,

    As many of you are well aware, the DOJ has been quite inactive recently for a number of reasons. While applications for lawyers are soon to be answered I am also putting a callout for the major positions in each department as well as a few judge positions. I have included a list of jobs for which you may apply. This will support a number of the documents becoming updates to allow the courts to operate more efficiently.

    Your application should be made to me via PM on the forums or PM on Discord. It must include a CV/Resume which outlines your experience and why you would suit the role. Your performance will also be assessed and during your probation period in the role you may be terminated without cause or other people may be given a turn at running the department so I can figure out the best staff. You may also be required to sit a verbal or written test on your preferred legal system. (either a certain country IRL or Kamdan law) If your main character is a criminal, I suggest applying under a new character (AKA new name). If your main character is police your final rank in PD may be limited based upon your role.

    You must also send the following form filled out:

    Form 35B - Application to fill casual vacancies of office
    Social Security Number (Steam 64 ID):
    Current Occupation (including rank):
    Application for:

    Do you have a criminal record:
    Experience within legal systems:

    Preferred legal system for test:
    Reasons you should be employed over other candidates:
    Other notes:

    Open Positions

    1. Chief Judge of the District Court of Kamdan (Basically runs the operation side of the main trial court in Kamdan)
    2. Supreme Court Justice (x2: DO NOT APPLY WITHOUT LEGAL EXPERIENCE)
    3. Judge (x4)
    4. Attorney General
    5. District Attorney
    6. Chief Public Defender
    7. Senior Counsel/Prosecutor (x4 for civ, x2 for prosecution)
    8. Court Registrar/Legislative Draftsmen (to draft rules, regulations and laws for Kamdan and its courts)


    Section 14 Rule Trial: Limits on Police Response

    As you will have all seen, a new section was added to the rules last night. Section 14 introduces a limit on the number of police that can respond to major crimes. For the duration of the trial (1 week), this will be limited to the Commonwealth Banks outside Kamdan City. This rule has been introduced in such a manner for the following reasons:

    • Increase the use of Commonwealth Banks by hopefully making it more fair.
    • Balancing out one of the less fair Major Crimes. (we want rebels to win sometimes :) )
    • Trial of something that used to work really well on Australia Life.
    • Commonwealth Bank is still breachable with low numbers provided they play it well
    • NOTE: To balance out this rule, rebels cannot rob a Commonwealth Bank with more people then the total number of police online.

    Questions on this rule can be posted as replies to this topic and staff will attempt to respond promptly. Some key things are:

    1. Police can respond with +2 more people than the robbers declare over text (which includes externals). If there are less then 4 robbers, police can still respond with 6 people. (this is to stop 1 man majors, as majors are endgame teamwork content and contain large amounts of money)
    2. You cannot bring more people then you declare and you must declare your numbers truthfully.
    3. The declaration must be made within 1 minute of the announcement AND before police arrive on scene and begin attempting to negotiate. (made over 911 dispatch)
    4. Once people start dying, neither side can add to their numbers which they already stated. (new people cannot come)
    5. Negotiations in person are still required. All other rules still apply to major crimes.
    6. This is limited to Commonwealth Banks only. They are signified by a gold/black square logo on the map and are usually found next to paycheck centers.
    7. This rule has been under development for a while but we decided to trial it last night after tweaking the trial to limit its effect.
    8. Lying about numbers is a serious offense. (in your deceleration) It will result in any money won being confiscated and points being issued.
    9. Extra police can only come in once the robbers leave OR all robbers are dead. Extra robbers cannot attend the bank after police are dead/leave. If all police die and additional units move in after the robbers leave, dead robbers that are revived CANNOT be arrested.

    I hope this clarifies some things regarding to the enforcement of this rule. Please post any questions on this rule, or on any of the other new rules in this forum and I will attempt to provide some explanation.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Ambience said:

    Current Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go.

    New Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR between eachother (not 2 attempts per cop/civ) against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go (without searching/taking items).

    Reason: The cops seem to have it in their thick skull that each one of them can do 2 attempts of CPR on a civilian

    This is the current interpretation of the rule. It is not per person. It is per faction.



    3 hours ago, Danni Free said:

    Current Rule: (Cant copy and paste the rule number, I’m on my phone.) 

    If police attempt to S1 your vehicle during a pursuit, this is initiation. (two sided)

    New rule: In a pursuit, s1 is two way initiation, but once the evading vehicle has been stopped, the police have to re-initiate. 



    I find it wierd how the cops can S1 a evading vehicle, and once the car is stopped and the civilian starts running, the police can open fire, because they are initiated. It gives the police the power, to when a vehicle has been s1’d and crashed, for all the police to potentially open fire on any occupants inside, or any armed gangs inside the vehicle. It would be nice just to have a little more RP, when in a police chase, without the end result being a straight up gunfight.

    As addressed by the officer above. The current reasoning behind the current rule is:

     - Making it less complicated

     - Police can be taken to court for excessive use of force. (Police are managed by both rules and SOPs/Laws, which isn’t quite the case for most Civs)

     - Civs want to be able to stop, jump out and just gat cops

  3. AG.png.a91fbf8dd368c95d854de6d59e35381f.

    So folks, we decided to push out a community update, mainly focusing on the forums, changing a few things over and working better with the in-game features:


    1. Privacy Policy and Forum Rules & Guidelines (Added about a week ago, now required on registration)
    2. Rank Icons for Administrator and Community Ranks
    3. Community Team Forum Groups
    4. Calendar
    5. Ticket Support System (Still being finalized)
    6. ANZUS Contributor Badge: Awarded to members who assist the server management team whilst not being staff.
    7. Retired Staff Badge
    8. Introduced Forum Ranks (e.g. ranks based off how many posts you have done; more coming here soon)
      Note: because of this, people attempting to post heaps to get the rank up will receive warning points and will have posts removed from their count. :) [ON TRIAL]
    9. Discord and Steam link made to look sexy. Donator button centered.
    10. Edited Staff Directory
    11. Added donator only section of the forums. (Giveaways can be seen by all but only entered by donators)

    We plan to get new graphics for most if not all of our forums, teamspeak and logos.

    And the most exciting release of them all, the highly anticipated release of the COMMUNITY TEAM

    This teams duties will include:

    • Forum management/moderation
    • Advertising the community and growing player base
    • Create video and image content
    • Manage social media
    • Run events
    • News of ANZUS
    • Miscellaneous assistance within the community

    The team will have a number of members as well as up to three leaders. The team will be led by the Community Manager and overseen by the Community Lead. To join the Community Team an application template can be found near the Support Team Applications. Like support team, after your interview you will be placed on a Helper Trial. (unless you are already staff) As you applied for Community Team you will then be placed in Community Team after your Helper Trial. (Unless you request to transfer to Support Team)

    Please feel free to apply and help out the community.


    • Fixed up the forums when I broke them cause I'm an idiot :)
    • Removed Chatbox because it didn't fit.


    • Like 2
  4. The Altis Government Votes are now open. So you might be wondering, how can you get involved.

    The Forums

    The forums have been created for the following purposes:

    • Altis Elections Central: Providing information on upcoming elections and the government system.
    • Political Parties: Advertise your party for the upcoming election. Grow your member base and let everyone know why they should vote for you.
    • Suggestions of Citizens: Let your government know what they can do for you to improve the land of Altis. (Keeping in mind there are major limits on the power of the president)
    • The Kavala Times: For political news stories. This includes exposing corruptions and what a political party is doing right.


    Times for elections will be announced in the Altis Elections Central (as well as candidates selected for the vote).

    The candidates for the vote shall be selected by the server administration team based upon the membership of a party (e.g. the likes it has on the forums), if it has experience in the area, if it is active and how long it has been waiting to be included in a ballot.

    If the maximum number of candidates is not reached, all candidates will be included.

    Please be aware of the server rules which bind the president.

    Election Conduct

    Persons can sue for defamation in the Courts of Altis.

    There is no statute preventing it however fraudulent or misleading conduct in the election may also constitute an action in court. The courts will decide this if there is a case presented to it on the matter.

    A person cannot act illegally in the election campaign or they may be disqualified by the courts.

    Presidential Pardon

    The president will have a limited ability to offer pardons. If it appears they are misusing this ability to pardon somebody when it is not in the interest of the state to do so then they may be dismissed from their presidency by the High Court.

    The president cannot pardon themselves.

  5. AG.png.a91fbf8dd368c95d854de6d59e35381f.

    Brings You

    Hot Pursuit

    A Classic Race with a Twist

    When is It?

    Saturday 24/11/18 at 8PM NSW/Vic - 7PM Qld - 10PM NZ

    What to Bring

    • Yourself (and a cool helmet if you want; No body armour)
    • A toolkit
    • Your driving arm

    (No Car Required

    What is It?

    It will be your classic car race with a twist. Civilians will begin the race in a town named Rodopoli. It is about halfway between Pyrgos and Athira. SUVs will be provided for the race

    The eventual goal of the race is to get to Kavala Market first, and cross the market finish line in style.

    However it won't be easy. Not only will other races attempt to stop you from making it to the finish, but the cops were tipped off about the race before it starts. They will be waiting at the Athira turn off, Agios Dionyosis and at the Police Checkpoint above Kavala. 


    1. You must follow the highway all the way to the end of the race. No shortcuts. Where sharp corners exist in the track you must stay on the road around the corner. (markers will be placed to go around) 

    1.1 You cannot use the Agios Toll Bridge and to get to Kavala you must completely go around Kavala Loop as the Police have set up a roadblock north of Kavala on the highway.

    1.2 The exact track will be set out to the racers on the day.

    2. This said you will not be penalised for falling off the road as you drive or being forced off the road by other drivers, providing you go around any set markers of the track.

    3. If you break a wheel you cannot continue. If you only damage it you may repair the wheel. (if the car blows up you are also eliminated)

    3.1 Attempting to repair your car with a fully broken wheel will result in a $200,000 penalty. (for trying to be a little cheater)

    3.2 You must finish within 90 seconds of the second car to cross the line to claim a prize.

    4. Nudging is allowed during the race, however the driver on the inside/infront has the right of way when cornering. This said the server rule of no ramming will not apply to the race. A penalty may be issued by the Racing Organisation Committee.

    5. Do your best to avoid civilians driving on the road. If you crash into them during the race and kill them you are liable to compensate them in law. You will also be eliminated if you break any of your car doing so.

    6. Cars will be provided, you cannot use your own car. (SUVs) Each car will receive 1 package of Nitrous Oxide (6 to Speed Boost) 

    7. Police will get hatchback sports. If police are disabled they can re-spawn at the next quarter checkpoint (as mentioned above).

    8. Starting Positions on the grid will be determined by a random number system.

    9. The Race Organisation Committee may determine penalties for any breaches of racing rules, exiting the road, attempting to take shortcuts, Desync Ramming or any other action where they see fit.

    10. Entry is free but monetary penalties may apply for actions during the race.

    11. The race may be delayed by up to 30 minutes before being abandoned. Please arrive 20 minutes before the start time. (teleport available) There must be at least 6 competitors present to begin the race.



    1st: 1.5 Million Dollars
    2nd: 500k Dollars
    Any Other Person to Successfully Finish: 100k Dollars (within 90 seconds if the second car)

    Police: 100k per car knocked out (to the driver of the car)
    50k per car knocked out (to the AFP funds)


    • Like 1
  6. Guess What...

    The Department of Justice is now open.

    While not all the forms are open or documents are in place the courts are in operation. 

    You can now apply to become a solicitor right here.
    You can also submit a court case by sending myself a private message. Any liability that arises before the applications for a case are complete will still be heard before a court.

    If you want to help with the creation of anything simply apply for a position and once you are admitted ask me how you can help.


    Also Note: As we lack lawyers and judges the entry requirements and process is not as strict as set out in the application topic.


    Hope to see you all using the courts. As a last resort if you can't find a lawyer, you can represent yourself.



    Jack Fire (Feel free to contact me with any questions or reply below)

    • Like 1
  7. Application

    Subject to Change

    Pt 1: Personal Details

    In-Game Name (General Alias): 

    TeamSpeak Name: 


    Country you live in: 

    Timezone you operate on: 

    Steam 64 ID:    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEfBw5JEMf0 or https://steamidfinder.com/)


    Pt 2: Admission Questionnaire

    Do you have any experience and particular skills as a lawyer? (Min 50 words or 5 dot points)

    What are your strengths and weaknesses as a lawyer? (Min 50 words)

    How many hours a year (a week) can you put into the Department of Justice?

    What is your goal as a position within 2 months of being accepted?

    Why should your application be accepted? (Min 25 words)


    Pt 3: Disclosure

    Have You Been Previously Struck Off the Roll: (e.g. been kicked out of the DOJ)

    If Yes, For What Reason:

    Do you have Current Pending Criminal Charges Against You? (And if so, what charges)

    Disclose Any of the Following Convictions; Murder of a Judge executing his duties, Attack of a Courthouse or Terrorist Acts Towards the Courts:

    Disclose Any Convictions for Perjury or Lying Under Oath in Altis:

    Please Disclose the Number of Past Applications For Admission Made:

    Please Disclose Reasons for the Denied Applications: (if any have occurred)

    Do you have any Bans on ANZUS Gaming?


    In spite of these, why should we accept your application?


    End Application

  8. Lawyer Application

    Note: Where the High Court exercises its inherent jurisdiction over admission, references to the Admission Committee shall also refer to the High Court.

    Step 1: Application

    The first step in this process is to fill out an application. Your application will then be reviewed by the Admission Committee. 
    Try to fill out the form which will be provided in below as truthfully as possible. You're application will then be assessed.

    Make a new new topic here named '[Insert Name]'s Application' or something similar, copy and paste the application template and fill it out! After completed, do not harass the Committee to review your application. Simply wait patiently.

    Make sure you follow all the requirements otherwise you might be denied.

    If you are denied you will have to wait two weeks until reapplying.

    Step 2: Fitness to Practice Interview

    After your application has been reviewed, if you are suitable to practice you will progress to the interview stage. Here an approved interviewer will ask questions as to the conduct rules and ethical requirements of a lawyer.

    You will also be asked a few questions about the operation of the Courts Constitution however these weigh less then the lawyer conduct rules and ethical requirements.

    You may contact any person with a tick next to their name on the database in the 'Approved Interviewer' Column however do not harass them. The person may be busy or may want someone lower in the chain to conduct the interview. Harassing someone for an interview will constitute a failed interview.

    Failing the interview will mean you must reapply after two weeks. The interviewer may also give allow the interviewee a second chance within 3 days of the test if the person achieved reasonably close to the required score.

    Step 3: Internship

    After passing the interview a person is placed on the roster as an intern. The period of internship is 1 year (1 week IRL). This internship may be under any active lawyer or judge. The role will be assigned.

    In this role you shall assist the lawyer/judge with cases and other activities. You must also complete one article for the Kamdan Law Review. The topic of such an article may be assigned by your interviewer. Rules for such an article may be found in the Kamdan Law Review  Forum.

    If you fail to adequately perform your duties as an intern or fail to write the article in the first year your internship may be extended for one extra year if there is not a high demand for places. Otherwise you must submit a new application after one week has passed.

    NOTE: The Admission Board may deem prior experience as a paralegal as satisfying this requirement.

    Step 4: Restricted Practice

    For one year (1 week IRK) after being granted your practicing certificate you must not start your own firm or legal practice. You must work with another lawyer who is your supervisor. The supervisor will report any misconduct during this time of supervision.

    NOTE: The Admission Board may resolve to grant an unrestricted practicing certificate where no supervisor is reasonably available.

    Step 5: Full Practicing Certificate

    After the week of restricted practice, a solicitor will be granted their full practicing certificate.

    This will mean they can start their own legal practice and be a partner of a firm.


  9. What is your name?:

    Who or what organisation are you sueing?:

    Why is it in your favour to sue said human/ organisation?: 

    On what date at what time did this happen?:

    Do you have some level of evidence to support your claims?:

    Do you require any compensation for your losses/ time?:

    Is there anything else that you would like to say?:


    Have a chat with your attorney and work out a preferred date and time; place your answer here: 

    Who is your current attorney?: 


    I understand this is a legal document and any incorrect information will be seen as a criminal offence.

  10. IF sueing the AFP, please refer to this format.

    What is your name?:

    Were you arrested? if so what for?

    On what date at what time were you arrested?:

    Do you have some level of evidence to prove your innocence?:

    Do you require any compensation for your losses or time?:

    Please list the names of the Police Officers that arrested you: 

    Is there anything else that you would like to say?: 

    Do you have an attorney willing to uphold your case?:

    Have a chat with your attorney and work out a preferred date and time; place your answer here: 

    Who is your current attorney?: 


    I understand this is a legal document and any incorrect information will be seen as a criminal offence.

  11. Response From (including organisation represented)

    What is your response to the claims of the other party:

    Do you have some level of evidence to support your response:

    Do you have any counter claims:

    Is there anything else that you would like to say?:


    Have a chat with your attorney and work out a preferred date and time; place your answer here: 

    Who is your current attorney?: 


    I understand this is a legal document and any incorrect information will be seen as a criminal offence.

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