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Johnny Robbing

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Posts posted by Johnny Robbing

  1. type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) gang wars

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) changed from sat to Thursday its dumb

    Solution on how to make this work?: change it back 

    Pros & Cons?: pro more ppl have a chance to go to gang wars con nothing

    Suggestion rules:

    • Suggestions involving something negative that has happened in game to you must have three key sections
      • The problem gang wars being on a Thursday 
      • An example no one can really play cause work school etc
      • The solution chance it back to sat like it was original so ppl have a chance to play
    • Like 3
  2. ype of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) sever remove smoke from conflict 

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (every time i go to conflict i either get shot with people just sitting on smoke cans or using NVidia force to see complete though all smoke and if u sit on a can u can see everything witch is unfair to people who acc play legit getting fucked by people sitting on can or using a 3rfd party to see though when smoke where removed last time it was a lot more fun because people could'T really exploit 

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    Pros & Cons?:Conflict will acc get more people to go because it will be more fun without cons people use use the 3rd party app or sit on cans to get kills will not be happy but who care there exploiting anyways 

    Suggestion rules:

    • Suggestions involving something negative that has happened in game to you must have three key sections
    • Suggestions involving something negative that has happened in-game to you must be reported before you suggest something if it is against the rules.
    • You can only -1 one reply per person per thread (If you -1 the original poster on the main thread you can't -1 them on their replies as well) 
    • All suggestions must contain detail or they will be ignored. 
    • All new content suggestions must have a step by step on how they work.
    • If you're suggesting something as a result of you dying in game, walk it off first, take a breather, go outside maybe, you loser.
    • Always consider both sides of the argument and understand that if the people you are fighting, especially the police, quit the server, you won't have anyone to fight against, and will be very bored.
    • Like 4
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    • - 3
    • OMEGALUL 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Lex Hale said:

    I don't play civ anymore johnny and when I do I buy straight from rebel, and maybe you don't but everyone else did lol.  Just because we get cheaper guns doesn't mean it's not a problem or shouldn't be addressed, that's like me walking up to the vendor and seeing a gun for $1 and not telling the devs because I get it cheap.  Also, just because you got raided doesn't mean it's still not a problem that the majority of other crafters meta game sell guns.  


  4. 4 year ago alot shite happen in 4 year like people dying people going jail getting made homeless having to sort funnel putting animals down getting a beach of the peace cause people are dumb so ??????????????

  5. WHAT U SMOKEING BOY CAUSE IVE NEVER META GAMED TO SELL GUNS THEN HOW COME IVE BEEN RAID ????????? and if that the case why didnt u do it then also u where getting guns cheaper then the trader now ur paying so price u acc confuse me lex LS

  6. the pushiest is being raid and having to start collect again so there is a pushiest if ur not clever u get caught and raid to be honest  i dont want to play after crafting update just ruined my gameplay and i dont have all the time on my hands so gg 

    • Like 1
  7. and urto pay 7k a level 2 fireing pin then on top the the steel witch take for ever need more then u need urianm more times ur more better to do quest buy then sell at that point crafting has be came utter less and let alot people fucked 

  8. Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?:  the update to crafting is a bit too much to craft a weapon even before the rest was added steel was a problem to make the parts and people who have work etc lifes to do cant just chill on weekend crafting because now u need all sorts of other stuff to even make one gun and u cant even make a gun if u dont have the perk witch then make crafting a complete waste of time and basicly pushing people to wards combat rather then just chilling and mineing  

    Solution on how to make this work?: - revet back to old carfting 

    Pros & Cons?: let people enjoy the game more rather then spending everyone day on the sever trying to get one item grinding there life away 

    • Like 2
    • Dislike 4
  9. Name:Johnny Robbing

    Steam64ID: mcommunity.com/profiles/76561198207098369/
    CharacterID: 577
    Date of Incident: 2/3/24

    Time of Incident (Server Time): 7.00

    Amount your claiming: 10k for insources +pro coal if possible THE AMOUT IN TRUCK


    Description of situation: was chilling driving to my house to go to conflict guy getting chase goes its a good ineed too just ram my truck https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/1YCuTTwhXpBQCP/d1337mtfDYrU?invite=cr-MSxXWXEsMzExMDc0NzIs

    Evidence:   image.thumb.png.1bf06c26e58bff73fe2f8536f3254011.png

  10. Name: Nota Fariee

    Steam64ID 76561198207098369/
    CharacterID: 577
    Date of Incident: 27/2/24

    Time of Incident (Server Time): 00.57

    Amount your claiming: 13k

    Description of situation: bought loadout try to sync mutilplie times keep saying cant sync then it did but when island resart it was all gone

    Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/1XUNWFQEqG2T6a/d1337467jglK?invite=cr-MSw3azAsMzExMDc0NzIs        https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/1XUPfJraCMS8py/d1337OmsDmSs?invite=cr-MSxGS0MsMzExMDc0NzIs


    Florida Fire & Rescue
    Candidate Application


    You must be 15 or older to apply.

    Exception to age requirement is at High Command's discretion.

    Personal Information:

    Age: 30

    Steam64ID: 76561198207098369

    Country of Residence & Time zone: scotland gmt

    Discord Username: mrhightimes#4577


    Lost The Discord To Rein still there


    Character Questions:

    What will your FFR name be: (Make sure they are separate due to double life & no stupid names allowed)

    Does your character have any criminal convictions (if yes, please state): 

    Describe your character:

    How many hours per week will you be dedicating to the FFR:


    Personal Questions:

    Do you understand and speak fluent English:

    Is this your first time applying to the FFR?:

    Any extra information you would like to give to us?:

    Why do you want to join the FFR(100 words minimum):

    What qualities should a good FFRmember have (50 words minimum):

    Why do you think you fit the role of a full-time FFRmember (50 words minimum):

    Do you understand your application may be denied for lack of effort? (yes/no):

    Do you understand, that after you get your application accepted, you will go through an interview and training? (yes/no)

    • Like 1

    Name:bob littie

    CharacterID: 1213
    Date of Incident:8.12.23

    Time of Incident (Server Time):16.30

    Amount your claiming: 20k

    Description of situation: was at event AND WE GOT REV AND THE MAGS WHERE FILLED THEN WE LOST ALL GEAR

    Evidence           https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1998550918                      . 1HOUR 01-06SEC

    Proof you've reported this as a bug: (Only for comp requests that involve a bug)

    Edited Saturday at 03:56 PM by Johnny Robbing
  13. On 10/30/2023 at 5:11 PM, William Moore said:

    Ok but as i said you cannot be serious. You can’t roach if you are internal at a major and i agree that it is much simpler to defend the building however that is why u have more numbers and shield and flashes and smokes and above all of that if you do run in a die you keep your gear. <<<< Not allways the case


    I would like to add i don’t know how much civ you have played recently but in willing to bet its not a huge amount.


  14. Right For hue a can see ur point but being on cop and going to major just to die to a g3 with a 50 round like went to knox last night swat smoke and one guy with g3 killed 8 guys though smoke and there was a other major went to with 2-3 people with g3 and slicer and 50 rounds so it more aid for cops then them haveing smoke/flash/shlied and amw to g3 7.62 50 rounded drums and a suppose nearly a 25/75 win for cops cause they guns and cops trooper senior most cops cant do jack against that so ur just bitching but love you hue

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