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Squilliam McGuire

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Squilliam McGuire last won the day on December 29 2023

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About Squilliam McGuire

  • Birthday July 27

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  1. Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee Disciplinary Appeal Case Number: N/A Florida Legislature Officer Presiding: N/A NAME William Rocket and GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Florida State Police ) RESPONDENT **DISCLAIMER: IF POSSIBLE, YOU MUST FIRST APPEAL INTERNALLY WITHIN YOUR DEPARTMENT YOU MUST BE LISTED AS ACTIVE ON THE FLORIDA STATE POLICE ROSTER PRIOR TO DISCIPLINE (10 Hours a Week) TO PLACE A SENATE APPEAL** Information Trooper's Name: William Rocket Organisation: FSP (at the time of blacklist) Rank: Senior Trooper Department: Patrol/Highway Patrol Badge Number (If Applicable): N/A Punishment you were given: Blacklist from PD (not permanent) Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): I believe the punishment should be overturned because when it comes to being a cop and doing my day-to-day tasks/duties, I do amazingly and rarely have issues. I always try to make people less angry, de-escalate situations, and just have fun. When I took the gun off of the suspect for my personal use, I never meant to cause harm and didn't have any ill intent behind it... I was bored and let my curiosity get the best of me. I wanted to use a different gun for a change since the HK416 was rank-locked for me. I understand that my taking it out of roleplay and turning it into an out-of-server thing was stupid of me and ultimately landed me where I am now. All I ask is for a second chance; when it comes to being a cop, I can be an amazing cop and not cause any issues. On the blacklist sheet on the database/roster, it says that I can't appeal; but this is not true; I am allowed to appeal. Let me know if you have any questions or need further elaboration. It has been over 4.5 months since I have been blacklisted. I think that is more than enough time to sit me in "timeout". Not trying to toss the heat off of me, but there have been others that have done a lot worse than me and have been blacklisted multiple times and are still playing cop presently in Texas. This is my first blacklist ever, I think that alone is enough to justify a second chance. Any evidence to support this: N/A Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): No Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: N/A Do you request the Florida Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: N/A Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here:
  2. Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee Disciplinary Appeal Case Number: N/A Florida Legislature Officer Presiding: N/A NAME William Rocket and GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Florida State Police ) RESPONDENT **DISCLAIMER: IF POSSIBLE, YOU MUST FIRST APPEAL INTERNALLY WITHIN YOUR DEPARTMENT YOU MUST BE LISTED AS ACTIVE ON THE FLORIDA STATE POLICE ROSTER PRIOR TO DISCIPLINE (10 Hours a Week) TO PLACE A SENATE APPEAL** Information Trooper's Name: William Rocket Organisation: FSP (at the time of blacklist) Rank: Senior Trooper Department: Patrol/Highway Patrol Badge Number (If Applicable): N/A Punishment you were given: Blacklist from PD (not permanent) Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): I believe the punishment should be overturned because when it comes to being a cop and doing my day-to-day tasks/duties, I do amazingly and rarely have issues. I always try to make people less angry and de-escalate situations even though some situations can be frustrating (trust me, I know how stupid and unfair some situations can be). When I took the gun off of the suspect for my personal use, I never meant to cause harm and didn't have any ill intent behind it... I was bored and let my curiosity get the best of me. I wanted to use a different gun for a change since the HK416 was rank-locked for me. I understand that my taking it out of roleplay and turning it into an out-of-server thing was stupid of me and ultimately landed me where I am now. All I ask is for a second chance; when it comes to being a cop, I can be unique and not cause any issues. On the blacklist sheet on the database/roster, it says that I can't appeal; this is not true; I have proof that I am allowed to appeal. Let me know if you have any questions or need further elaboration. Any evidence to support this: N/A Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): No Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: N/A Do you request the Florida Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: N/A Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here:
  3. Something needs to be done soon; already noticing server pop dying at times when usually it would have 125 people on. Any implementation that allows players to use class 3's soon would be best. Yes, the server pop will go back up when this implementation occurs. However, it still should be of concern as people are clearly starting to show disinterest in the current stage the server is in (class 1 PVP, money farming, leveling). Roleplay is an essential aspect of the server, and should receive as much attention and feedback as possible. However, the PVP aspect of the server needs to improve and should be prioritized, regardless of whether you are a pvper or not. I don't care what battlemetrics says; coming from someone who has been on at peak times every day for the past 2-3 weeks, I can clearly see numbers dropping within the past two days NA and EU times. Why is that? Because people are farming, over and over and over again. All majors are barely being popped, and even then, when they do, I hear people complaining about pistol movement and how it takes 5-6 bullets to kill someone.
  4. My vote is option 3, don’t see an issue with tossing it in normal price.
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