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Jammal Murray

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  1. Bro I don't know how many times I have to say it... crafting isn't the only avenue to obtain class 3s... and your point about losing class 3s is more detrimental... maybe thats the point... so that we don't have a spam of major crime and people think out what they are doing. regardless yes the guns go quick and their will be a heavy demand for class 3s, for the most part you'll have a way to get your class 3.
  2. Here is where I will leave it on the thread as I have posted a good bit on here and want to leave more space for others to converse... option 1 and 2 are worth trying... implement it and see how it goes... the worst that will happen is we see that it doesn't work and go back to the way it usually is... it's not hard to give it a shot and it won't be game/community breaking if it doesn't work out... be open minded and try something new.
  3. the problem with this logic is that both options 1 or 2 both allow for class 3s... they just won't be ease of access... you are right not everyone wants to grind a bunch... you don't have too there a multiple avenues to get C3s... pirate ship... weapons cache... labs... crafters... illegal shipments (if readded)...
  4. well hear me out; you have KD, resurge, mafia, bikers, gangsters and other gangs, not to mention private crafters; in Cuba we have been stockpiling and working on crafting as well; just Cuba alone we have enough weapons rn to comfortably do shit and sell weapons and that number is just going up as we have all this time to save up and collect. I am pretty sure we are not the only group like that and tbh there are probably groups that have a much more impressive arsenal at this time.
  5. I am for the crafter market 100% thats what I ahve been saying from the start
  6. I agree that this could be an issue; but remember that cops use C3s against C2s anyhow. Perhaps even have most cops carry class 2s and only swat has class 3s? This would also add to the "oh shit factor" of class 3s where a regular cop would need to phone in spec ops if there was a gang loaded with C3s. Which would be realistic as well...
  7. not once have a said you are attacking me; I have proposed a counter to the argument you have presented. I am also not saying that combat players are against RP... ...personally from what I have seen though... combat players scrolling through disliking any proposition that is not option 3 without even proposing a counter. I digress though. The suggestion I have presented does not kill combat; as I said class 2s should be available meaning you can do Cap Zones with other weapons. I am simply saying that you do NOT need class 3s to do cap zones etc... and that making class 3s more valuable and harder access means people will be using them more sparingly... If everyone doesn't want to lose their class 3s at cap zones than most people will use class 2s... I am all for a good mix of combat; but clearly we can't just have 5.5 or 3.0 of super easy to get class 3s where pretty much everyone has one and their is minimal consequence to use or lose one. "strategic maneuvers= camping/roaching/making everything longer for no reason at all" Your exactly right that's what it is; that more realistic and still requires skill and tact. yea it's not KOH fast paced but it still works... I have personally had very exciting shootouts that take time and are more drawn out. ArmA itself is built for this kind of combat. In this case it also wouldn't be "for no reason at all" it'd make sense as people wouldn't want to be killed.
  8. or maybe people won't do them with class 3s and use class 2s... you don't need a class 3 for everything, sure it's difficult to fight class 3s with less fire power but it's doable if you have the strategy for it; yea fights will look more different but is that a bad thing? You are going to not like this statement but most fights with military grade weapons at are not ArmA pvp run and gun; they take more time and involve more strategy; "gear fear" is good, it adds more value of life meaning you'll see people doing shit more realistic, taking their time and not zurg rushing like they don't give a shit. You don't see half the shit you see in anzus because people actual value their life in combat and try not to put themselves in positions that get them killed. If someone is worried to get killed cause of their gear they will be making more strategic manuavers. Yes combat players won't like it because tbh they love the sprint around, lag rush and push methods. Combat will overall be more thought out; I know how horrible that you need to be smarter and more strategic in how you do your fighting. In simple terms you'll need to stop playing checkers and start playing chess... but as far as anzus combat players go... you'll need to stop playing connect 4 and start playing chess.
  9. Class 3s irl are also not used by criminals on a day to day... most criminals that have full auto are organized crime and use it in situations that call for it (more often than not to my understanding; gang on gang violence's). In the end of they day these are tools; expensive tools that aren't just thrown about in every scenario, in the system people will need to be more careful with their class 3 and will need to make decisions based on risk/reward with that gun. So I feel we will not see a whole load of full auto shoot outs all the time but more so thought out plans and crimes; this will make it so that class 3s are not a common casual thing but more so an "oh shit they have class 3s" kind of situation.
  10. anton made a comment already stating he could keep up... sure class 3s will be not as easy access to come by, but labs, pirate ship and crafters... crafters have already said they can do it. People will just have to actually think twice about what they are doing with a class 3 and use it well.
  11. Here is my thought; Options 1 or 2 Reason: First of all people already have class 3s... a decent amount just from pirate ship or labs... why not make getting class 3s require some work and RP. I think the idea of letting crafters be the main seller is brilliant and would give DTU more work to find them etc... I thinking if class 2s are at rebel make them at an inflated price to incentives using crafters, labs or pirate ship. To be entirely honest... keep rebel as is (pistols and rebel gear only) and just allow for people to use class 3s they buy from crafters, get from pirates ship or get from labs.
  12. Name: Che Guevara, Jammal MurrayMain role on the server: Gang Leader, MSP Time at ANZUS: 3 yearsOpinions on each rule and what you voted: My answer for 1 will be detailed below. 2 was a yes because I think being able to add more people is really nice because it lets groups get more people involved especially when a lot of gang members are on, as well as it allows for really fun and interesting senarios and new tactics. 3 Robbing illegal adds more risk to them now which opens up more intersting ideas, such as paying for protection etc... as well as I think allows for more shit to go down. 4. I think opening the island to more initation is nice especially for getting hostages, as a person who loves doing hostage situations it was really hard getting someone but now it is a lot easier. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Swallowed that shit whole. 1. All cop response numbers to major crimes, minor crimes, any situation are removed from the rules. It will be up to PD command to decide how/what they want with the idea of fairness in mind. So with this, I like the facts that minors cops will sometimes bring more to combat a bunch of people. With majors it works but also doesn't now I get sometimes shit happens and I am in no way trying to come of as complainy. This is just my opinion I have made over the course of this trial period. Sometime cops have just absolutely slammed people at majors, I am talking a 3 man lab and brought triple the civ numbers. The "Idea of fairness in mind" is key to this rule being a thing, because I think this rule can be nice, it can also be easily abused and a way for cops to be harsh to groups they dislike. "Idea of fairness in mind" seems hard to enforce. Overall I do like this rule but I will say this in hopes command takes something from it. Back in 4.0 when I was CG, we had response numbers but often took the liberty in bringing what we thought was fair even when it was groups that we really did not like PvPing. If only 2 guys rocked a boat we would sometimes drop people because it was only fair. I stress that if this rule stays keep this in mind because this rules gives LEOs the liberty to make situations Majors/Minors more interesting. Now I am NOT saying let civs always win, I am saying make sure that everyone is having a good time and that when PD does something kind it really sticks in civs minds. Now my message to Civs, with this rule in place Cops can and will bring a lot of people sometimes, so make sure to make it fun and take it like a champ. I know I am guilty of bitching and being a dick when I think cops overespond, so I can also say that I know it does nothing but make cops dislike you and the other players around you. So with that in mind... Civs make sure you are being nice and fair to cops. I can say right now that when civs are nice to cops they receive the same love from cops. I know we work hard to grind and make the money but in the end of the day we are all here to have fun and play a game. So as hard as it can be in the heat of the moment, be nice, have fun and if something really pisses you off... pause, think about it and if you really want change open a productive conversation on the proper platform (IE. Forum discussions, etc) Not bitching in death chat or yelling in game at cops. Again I am guilty of losing my cool, so do not take this as me speaking from a morale high ground, I have been a bitch, whined and complained, so I can tell you that it gets you nowhere. That's my main comments on this. I think it has real potential so I am a yes. But I urge caution with it.
  13. I will say this weekend seemed to do well. Now some things I would change which I will detail below. Pros: I think it helped with entitlment I think players felt like they could do more on the island when it comes to being able to rob and get into fights Elk was def a lot calmer Cons: Some gangs and groups went over the top just intiating everywhere which was little much but I think will smooth out The greenzone is nice although I think allowing shit to happend within Stict RP would be better. Overall the convos I have had with people about thsi is that we do want 3.0 vibes back and I think this did help.I mean the island was popping this weekend and i had a shit ton of fun with the islan. I think this is a good start.
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