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Seska last won the day on September 16 2023

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  1. No thanks. Not gunna have a 30-min cop RP investigation ruined by some chucklefuck who just wants a Class 3 so he can run to a cap zone.
  2. Rules don't mean it doesn't still happen, as we saw in 5.X, and given our policies around comp, people often didn't get what they'd lost back, even if the rulebreaker received points. By the time the player has gone to support, their session is already ruined. Neither of those restrictions solve the underlying issue, nor are they practical for ANZUS.
  3. Oh okay, I'll type out 'or' instead of using a / next time if that makes things easier to understand. Mutual exclusivity is hard.
  4. Not sure what you're getting at. I'm not talking about cop perspective, and I'm not talking about price. I'm talking about how in 5.X, C3's and combat mentality was so prevalent that the RP/grind players weren't being left alone. They didn't go looking for combat, it came to them. Wylie's argument of 'RP/grind players should just avoid combat lmao' holds no merit, as they weren't going looking for it in the first place.
  5. I don't think the people who RP/grind and avoid the Class 3 combat are involving themselves lol.. That's not a practical solution. The problem, in 5.X at least, was the combat andies weren't exactly leaving the roleplay or grind players alone.
  6. Likely because the concern is that what may be enjoyable for you, may be a detriment to others and ruin their experience. That's why it's important that we find a balance which keeps people of all playstyles at least content. Fraggy boys should be able to enjoy their combat playstyle without the roleplay and grinder groups having less fun as a result. Right now, as a cop main I've been able to do normal police work like traffic stops and investigations without getting taken 'hostage' (AKA robbed), or being pulled away from my cop fun to go do major crimes every time I start getting into it. I wouldn't want Class 3 availability or restrictions to make majors too common, or make the combat fellas start seeing cops as a loot source like they did back on Kamdan.
  7. In my opinion, the overall feel of ANZUS since pistol-only has been really nice. It's been really enjoyable as a cop main to be able to do traffic stops or speed traps without being viewed as a talking loot drop by the apes that don't care about RP. I'm on ANZUS to play a role and socialize, not feature in some kids over-saturated, third-person, max FOV fragtage set to a shitty drill track and edited in Filmora. That said, I recognize their necessity given our unfortunate community playstyle split. I'd suggest Option 2, but with the omission of location-based use, as I think that will be needlessly painful to enforce, with little overall gain. If you do down that route, I think you'll need to tighten rules on robbing cops, or taking them 'hostage' but stripping them anyway, as cops will definitely be targeted by the combat andies when they're either too lazy or poor to speak to a crafter for their Class 3s, and if cop RP gets killed to the point that it was back in Kamdan, I don't see myself playing at all. I've made a rule adjustment suggestion in the Staff Suggestions section on Discord, as I believe it deserves its own discussion, and will be necessary if access to C3's becomes in anyway partially restricted.
  8. PRO: Far less bitching about response numbers. Less conversations clogging up radio and micromanaging numbers. CON: The 'initiate for no reason' thing makes you more on-edge outside of the safezone, and from what I've seen people doing runs are targeted a lot.
  9. Denied - Already in PD (DOC Trooper Jordan Bourbon) This form is not to be used to as a fast-track for current PD members, nor to avoid an inactivity warning.
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