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Mitchell Murphy

Moderator [Arma 3]
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Posts posted by Mitchell Murphy

  1. 13 hours ago, Reece Anderson said:

    -1, I completing understand how this is annoying but there are case laws (nation wide laws) that allow law enforcement to open fire on anyone that is in current or thought to be in the future a threat to the public or other law enforcement. So if somebody puts a gun in their backpack after shooting at you or causing threat to the public, you can just shoot them. 
    Some people think just because you have your hands up, a gun on your back or holster, or gun in your backpack you just cant be shot, that is just not the case. 



    George ruled against us using Tenn. v Garner. So yeah, don't.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Lex Hale said:

    This would cause SWAT to not be able to switch from AWMs/Shields/Etc during majors and use their equipment to their fullest extent.  I don't believe it would be fair to them.  Also it would be annoying with people who shoot randomly at rebel by accident, you wouldn't be able to do what you need to do.

    Seeeee I knew I overlooked something. 

  3. I'm very torn on this subject. Something needs to be done. The courtroom seems to devolve into chaos on 3 out of 5 occasions, requiring the entire police force to respond. Yet, we cannot grind the server to a halt, immobilizing 13 cops like we did today, just for us to sit in a courtroom. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Doug Jumper said:

    I feel like auction house defeats the purpose of roleplay and people are just roleplaying with a sign. What are your thoughts given that statement?

    That is certainly true, but crafters can't be awake 24/7. I believe the Auction House fee needs to be highlighted to those using it and potentially increased. A fee not so much that it would make the auction house equal or worse than Rebel. But a fee that would certainly encourage the buyer to reach out to the poster and would allow a peer to peer transaction. 

    • + 2
  5. I’ll say this again. A lot of people have not completely accomplished what they are looking to achieve. I still have a lot of goals to accomplish in game that are held hostage by finances. There are new houses coming, I want to achieve that. And there are cars I still want to splurge on. Even then I still don’t have full racks of GPUs in my house. While it’s great you want people to experience new systems and return to systems that are currently used, it needs to be understood, that if they don’t make that much money, we won’t be using them two weeks after a wipe anyways. Wiping will only achieve temporary goals and will not fulfill what you hope to accomplish for long. Also understand I write this coming from a point of view where I can’t use many of the systems to being with as Mitchell Murphy commits no crimes. 

  6. Coming from the financial perspective of the server, I’m not quite sure if a wipe is great idea. On June 26th BrooksField had 20+ active loans that totaled  $75,165,000 (and that was all the money we had). I’ve maintained a tempo of running out of money for the past two months or so, we’ve been using a loan waitlist. There are still plenty of people trying to earn and spend money on the server, something that indicates that a wipe is unnecessary. While it’s great you have Parker’s perspective, understand Parker will be in better position, compared to most players currently, within a week. #loveyoumisterparker

  7. Name: Mitchell Murphy
    Time played on 4.0: 700 hours or so? 
    Do you have anything in the next two month(s) that will effect you being able to help testing: While taki is ongoing, i'm completely free
    Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks: Yes
    Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: Yes
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