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Benny DeCicco

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About Benny DeCicco

  • Birthday May 4

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  1. Option 2: - Only add back class 2s to rebel - Allow crafters to run the class 3 market - Allow class 3s to be used at majors/red zones Reasoning: I have thoroughly enjoyed the class 1 game-play and the activity level tells me I'm not alone. I think situations and combat are better when weapons aren't as powerful. You can allow some threshold of risk now (ie. running from cover to cover, flanking, pushing, etc without getting killed the instant a pixel shows.) and make larger plays in challenging situations. I've never been a huge fan of Class 3's roaming the island freely because I find it more immersive and less mil-sim to use realistic weapons. I could understand the use in gang wars, faction v faction crimes, AND MAYBE (MAYBE) for cartel enforcement (when fees are denied or it's time to show muscle, overarming the cartel could create an interesting dynamic where their authority is elevated.). I understand that the combat players may find it a bit restrictive, but I feel that Class 3's should be a special occasion. Cheers,
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