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Tyler Killmore

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Everything posted by Tyler Killmore

  1. Absolutely SICK build. I love the dock idea however IDK how well this would work in conflict. I feel this would just be a lot of camping because of the 2 chokepoints, plus sitting on the shoreline to the right and shooting in. However this would fuckin perfect as cartel boat dock. I think doing cartel boat if this is where we got to fight would be EPIC.
  2. I think you have a great idea here but tbh its just another wood plank pile capzone, a lot of the capzones currently are just fighting in planks of wood and it kinda gets old.
  3. Cool take on a conflict zone. Im curious to see how this would would with how Anzus players currently play conflict. I feel like there would be a lot more sitting and waiting than running and gunning on this zone. However that being said this is a really good concept for a CQC map.
  4. Your name: Tyler KillmoreYour steam64id: 76561198273441079Your discord: Tyler Killmore#8406Which capture point/conflict zone is this submission replacing? Gas Station EDIT: Suggestions to zone such as fences being changed to walls to disallow bullet pen and more cover towards the middle so its not as open. Screenshots/media: Details: The goal of this zone is to be something different than all other zones we are used to. Currently I believe like 3 or 4 of the zones are just woodpiles which is cool but boring when that's all you are fighting on is piles of wood. My goal was to make a map that everyone knows and holds dear to their heart. I attempted (Arma 3 assets allowing) to make a Arma 3 edition of Nuketown. This is ANZUSTOWN 2035. I have added a few of the same sightlines as the original Nuketown but changed up and added a lot more to work better with Arma combat. I have added many ways to peek over fences with objects that will be climbable. I have added stairs leading to the tops of the garages for additional sightlines for either oncoming cars or across the zone. This also adds the ability to parkour to different spots. Unlike in Nuketown the house in the back that is inaccessible now has a scaffolding leading to the top for a new angle over the zone. I have also added the addition of 3 ramps for different ways to slam (Because who doesn't love ramping their karuma off a ramp and flying into the zone) @Kaladin Sulzberger. Although it looks as if a lot of the zone is walled off with fences, each angle is accessible in some way whether that be by ramp, scaffold, vault, or an opening. So there is no opportunity to camp one single entrance. I think this would make a great addition to the conflict zone, however with this unique idea I think it would be an interesting addition or replacement for a capture zone as well. OPEN TO FEEDBACK AND CRITICISM.
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