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Rubin Novak

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About Rubin Novak

  • Birthday 01/11/1992

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  1. I am unsure if I am still blacklisted after this amount of time, if I am not please close this topic Trooper's Name: Roman Novak Organisation: None Rank: Senior Trooper Department: Patrol Badge Number (If Applicable): 249 Punishment you were given: Blacklist Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): I was blacklisted 2+ years ago and have changed quite alot since then. I believe the way I acted before was largely due to burnout to playing the game / police far too much, at the time I was not employed and would play the game 24/7. This isn't an excuse but I think it contributed heavily to me acting like a dick and taking the game / police far too seriously. Since then my personal situation has improved dramatically and in general I am much more chill and relaxed. I feel that the first few months, or maybe longer, prior to me joining CID (which is when I started acting up) were very positive and I never had any issues. I would like a chance again to play as police in Anzus and show that I have changed. Police RP was by far my favourite and I would love to get back into it Any evidence to support this: No Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): It was due to selling police equipment to civs I believe which at the time I didn't realise was also a major server rule violation Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: Yes Do you request the Texas Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: Yes Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here:
  2. Option 1- Bring back class 3s in rebel at 20-30k (or a a high number) to begin with- Add class 2s in rebel for a affordable price- Allow class 3s to be bought from crafters (Note crafting is A LOT easier in 6.0, some people are already level 70+ and have a big stock of C3S. They will be affordable regardless of rebel price) Change Class 3s can only be used anywhere however having a visible class 3 or if police report an individual with a class 3 that person is KOS by the police with no initiation regardless of code color, though perhaps 10 / 15 mins after they are last seen by police this KOS ends unless seen again with the class 3 . This would allow people to use them to rob etc but would be more weary about flashing them about. Or instead of going as extreme as KOS remove police response limits on individuals with class 3's. If you want to add an RP reason in the extremely unlikely event the above gets implemented could be that the Government has outlawed all assault rifles or something. I think an important thing to add, which no one seems to have touched on is that if you go for one of the options which heavily limit class 3's or make them alot harder to obtain you should also strip back police gear to only high ranking police having class 3's or SWAT. This would fit in well with the above because if an individual is seen with a class 3 more heavily armed police would be called in as it would in real life. Would make for some quite funny sits if you have some heavily armed rebel heavily outgunning a bunch of normal cops then the SWAT boys roll in.
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