I am unsure if I am still blacklisted after this amount of time, if I am not please close this topic
Trooper's Name: Roman Novak
Organisation: None
Rank: Senior Trooper
Department: Patrol
Badge Number (If Applicable): 249
Punishment you were given: Blacklist
Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): I was blacklisted 2+ years ago and have changed quite alot since then. I believe the way I acted before was largely due to burnout to playing the game / police far too much, at the time I was not employed and would play the game 24/7. This isn't an excuse but I think it contributed heavily to me acting like a dick and taking the game / police far too seriously. Since then my personal situation has improved dramatically and in general I am much more chill and relaxed.
I feel that the first few months, or maybe longer, prior to me joining CID (which is when I started acting up) were very positive and I never had any issues. I would like a chance again to play as police in Anzus and show that I have changed. Police RP was by far my favourite and I would love to get back into it
Any evidence to support this: No
Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): It was due to selling police equipment to civs I believe which at the time I didn't realise was also a major server rule violation
Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: Yes
Do you request the Texas Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: Yes
Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here: