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Leviticus Jackson

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About Leviticus Jackson

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  1. Applicant Information: Officer Name:Levitt Lagrange Real Life Date of Birth [DD/MM/YY]: [25/02/1997] Timezone/Region (NA/EU/AU/OTHER):NA - Eastern Time Steam 64 ID:76561198289644169 Character ID (In-Game):2688 Link to your forum profile:https://anzus.life/profile/27230-leviticus-jackson Link to your Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198289644169/ Discord Username & ID: leviticus00 758393238465544224 Law Enforcement Background:None. ROTC back in high school if that means anything Why do you want to join the Texas Department of Public Safety? (100 words minimum): [Joining the Texas Department of Public Safety represents a significant opportunity for me to engage with like-minded individuals and foster a safe, secure environment for the people of Texas. My passion for ensuring public safety drives me to seek out roles where I can make a substantial impact. I am particularly drawn to the idea of curating new experiences on Anzus, which aligns with my goals of enhancing community interactions and ensuring a peaceful coexistence. Through this role, I aim to leverage my skills and dedication to contribute to the department’s mission, while continuously learning and growing within a team of professionals who share a commitment to excellence and community welfare. This opportunity is not just a job for me—it’s a chance to make a lasting difference in the lives of the Texas community by promoting peace and safety in an innovative and supportive environment.] What skills/talents can you bring to the TxDPS (75 words minimum): [I bring a unique blend of goal orientation, innovative thinking, and a strong willingness to learn to the Texas Department of Public Safety. My ability to think outside the box allows me to develop creative solutions to complex problems, enhancing the effectiveness of the team. I am committed to continuous learning and self-improvement, which ensures I remain adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of the department. These skills, combined with my determination to achieve objectives, make me a valuable asset to any team, ready to tackle challenges and contribute to the department's mission of ensuring public safety.] Tell us why we should choose you over other applicants to join the TxDPS. (75 words minimum): [I learn quick and can get the job done, whatever that may be. I am willing to put in the timeeffort and want to climb the ranks as quick as possible. ] Any past experience related to Police or Law Enforcement on an ArmA 3/FiveM server? (If none put “N/A”): [N/A] Specify any border-related departments & servers where you were active or held a rank (If none put “N/A”): [N/A] Additional DPS Details: Do you have any references from current serving TxDPS members or relevant border security personnel? (Not Required): [N/A] Are you adept at handling border-related situations and conflicts with patience and efficiency?: [Yes. I can remain level headed and composed under stressful situations.] Can you communicate clearly in the English language, crucial for efficient coordination in border control operations?: [Yes] Are you capable of working under high-stress situations, especially those related to border security?: [Yes] Do you agree that, if accepted, you will complete all required border enforcement trainings and evaluations within 10 days, or face removal from TxDPS?: [Yes] Do you commit to following the global handbook, JTF-T Standard Operating Procedures, all announcements, and policies related to border protection?: [Yes] Do you acknowledge that providing false information in your application could result in blacklisting from TxDPS?: [Yes] Do you understand that any proven corruption within TxDPS may lead to immediate removal?: [Yes] Confirm that your application complies with all relevant TxDPS application requirements?: [Yes] Applicant's Signature: Please sign with your TxDPS name: [Levitt Legrange]
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