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Jesse Pinkman

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Posts posted by Jesse Pinkman

  1. Type of Suggestion?: Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: The suggestion revolves around temporarily transitioning the entire server into a first-person perspective for a limited duration, perhaps spanning a few days or up to a week. This adjustment aims to enhance the immersion, roleplay, and overall realism within the gaming environment. Imagine being deeply entrenched in your character's viewpoint, offering an entirely fresh experience that could invigorate storytelling and interactions among players.

    Solution on how to make this work?: Implement a server-wide setting that restricts the perspective to first-person for the designated duration, allowing players to solely experience the game from their character's eyes.

    Pros & Cons?:


    Heightened immersion: Engaging gameplay from a first-person viewpoint can deepen the connection to the character's perspective.

    Enhanced roleplay: Encouraging players to embody their characters more fully, leading to enriched storytelling and interactions.

    Realism boost: Providing a more realistic gaming experience by limiting the view to what the character sees.


    Potential adjustment period: Some players might take time to adapt to the new perspective, affecting initial gameplay experiences.

    Restrictive for some players: Individuals who prefer third-person perspective might find the shift limiting their gameplay style temporarily.

    Technical considerations: Implementation might require adjustments to server settings and potential technical challenges.

    Suggestion rules:

    The problem: Limited immersion and realism within the current gaming environment due to the third-person perspective, hindering full character immersion.

    An example: In many instances, players struggle to fully connect with their character's perspective, affecting the depth of roleplay and overall realism. For instance, during intense roleplay scenarios, the detachment from the first-person view might hinder the true emotional impact of the interactions.

    The solution: By temporarily transitioning the server into a first-person perspective, players can immerse themselves entirely in their characters' viewpoints, enhancing roleplay and realism.

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