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Daniel White

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Posts posted by Daniel White

  1. Type of Suggestion?: Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: Chicken feathers should be craft able towards a hunting bait to catch a animal's from the smaller variant so you would set the traps in a small area and leave a GPS mark on where it is or circle the general area and it would capture auto like smaller animals IE chicken and rabbit, at the same time could give rabbit meat a use maybe a rabbit stew but that's for another day, another good idea would be give more for hunters.

    Solution on how to make this work?:Crafting option in the tent

    Pros & Cons?: Better rate of hunting is a PRO Cons I don't really see any

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  2. Type of Suggestion?: Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: Make gang challenges achievable

    Solution on how to make this work?: I think these monthly gang challenges are damn near impossible to complete let along completing more the one

    Pros & Cons?:Pro money for gangs to earn that isn't next too impossible I only see one con and that's a hard understanding for what is a challenge vs impossible


  3. I feel like you should be able to spike someone in that black box and they still should verbally initiate if there to allow more time to react, but interesting yeh when crossing the border I hoped the same.

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  4. Type of Suggestion?: server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: New mobile phone app where you can see what contracts are but that is all..

    Solution on how to make this work?:Make another app on the phone to allow people to check the legal runs they can do at port

    Pros & Cons?: pros able to mobile access and see your best contract options right from either the major crime your popping or your house the second you wake up as for cons maybe the chance for it too bug but I would expect with the correct bug reports made when errors happen it could be fixed quite quickly

    • Like 4
  5. Name:Daniel Farr

    CharacterID: IDK 413
    Date of Incident:11/04/2024

    Time of Incident (Server Time):Not sure but was around 1-2 am gmt

    Amount your claiming: Velum Racing

    Description of situation: So I bought a Velum Racing and during the excitement of buying it I had not stored it and I flew it around till restart based of buying it, for some reason it did not go back in my garage after this purchased I paid I think around 575k for the plane completely now the person whom I bought the plane from has the money but I do not have the plane, looking back at the situation I am clearly at fault here but I feel like its such a common mistake to make an in situations im usually the first to tell people to store there cars at modshop so there work is implemented before it has a chance of being destroyed, which I get may seem random to mention but im just trying to bring it across that it was a silly mistake and I wasn't hoping for cash back but in fact the velum racing.

    Proof you've reported this as a bug:N/A

  6. -1 Feel like only KD should be able too craft high valued guns like these and they shouldn't be sold to civs so would only agree if it was mainly just cops that could get these, Once stolen would give you guys a chance to use them.

  7. 8 hours ago, Lee Bread said:

    if this is something more people want we can look into the specifics cause i think we had this idea in 5.0 but it was deemed not viable and not made

    Maybe repost for opinions if rust can make it work, its definitely something I would like too see even if its put in a cap zone or somewhere with a redzone its better then hearing people complain its hard to get valued items for crafting.

  8. If you rework casino make it so its more easier to hold better angles, like some areas have invisible hit boxes aim to get rid of them or walls that extend longer hitbox wise more then the wall actually does etc..

  9. Type of Suggestion?: server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: finding it hard to craft guns make a rust styled machine in order to actually make crafting weapons enjoyable again, fix the eco for guns

    Solution on how to make this work?: Scrapping weapons machine towards getting some items and firing pins back in return for crafting to feel easier

    Pros & Cons?:pros more better firing pins will return but for good reason like to craft guns too sell back to combat players allowing for more roleplay, only con I can see is more selections of weapons based on tier of the firing pins, also a bit of a con is more perks to recycle the weapon in order to craft the better gun

    • Like 4
  10. Type of Suggestion?: Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: The ability to buy rebel clothing from any of the vendors that sells guns, such as snow moe etc..

    Solution on how to make this work?:Dev work on how to add rebel clothing

    Pros & Cons?:Pro would be picking rebel clothing from anywhere around the map so you can match uniforms as we dont have heli's at this point in time cons could be faster scenes which is what all rebels want but maybe not all cops

  11. +1 added time should only be a one time thing and there is no reason for it to be high other then for tobacco people work but with a warehouse most of them should have a lower option for more time you are picking one's you can do and not finishing them I only ever let this happen once an it was a tobacco contract

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