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Danny Gullen

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Everything posted by Danny Gullen

  1. Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee Disciplinary Appeal Case Number: [Office Use Only] Texas Legislature Officer Presiding: [Office Use Only] NAME Danny Nullen and GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Texas Dept of Public Safety ) RESPONDENT **DISCLAIMER: IF POSSIBLE, YOU MUST FIRST APPEAL INTERNALLY WITHIN YOUR DEPARTMENT YOU MUST BE LISTED AS ACTIVE ON THE TEXAS POLICE ROSTER PRIOR TO DISCIPLINE (10 Hours a Week) TO PLACE A SENATE APPEAL** Information Trooper's Name: Danny Nullen Organisation: TxDps Rank: Trooper Department: HWP Badge Number (If Applicable): 348 Punishment you were given: Termination Class X Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): It was some banter on the TxDps discord and some of my friends were getting in trouble for very stupid things imo. https://gyazo.com/73ec07bfc0bd72fafc757409b33dbe64 . I get that saying "gay" isn't really nice but the context it was used in didn't target an individual but was used to talk about the situation. I didnt mean to offened anyone by saying it. Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): https://gyazo.com/533771cc2fcdfb4d83d38bf4eaccd559 Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: I dont even know if I got kicked for saying "Thats gay" or for "saying its not that serious" Do you request the Texas Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here:
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