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Danny Gullen

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Posts posted by Danny Gullen

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lee Bread said:

    i get this is a hot topic that everyone has a opinion on, and i know this was made after someone was afk in one and came back mid fight. Bearcats serve a specific purpose and they are op for anything else and that's why its so restricted. 

    maybe no bearcats for cop raids make them only for majors 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Lee Bread said:

    We have already said publicly we are changing maps on 7.5 thank you for the suggestion tho

    7.5 servers gonna be under. Is there anyway we can get some major combat updates or atleast tell us what combat features you guys are working on? 

  3. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) server 

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) I think its safe to say the server has died and needs to be revived, Ive spoken to alot of poeple and nobody likes the texas map, its too big for the current pop and it takes ages to get anywhere. I believe you guys need to take drastic measures to save the server such as switching the map sooner than later. It is sad to see but unfortunately i dont think enough was done to make everyone happy .  if anyone else has any other ideas to hopefully revive the server you can say them. 

    Solution on how to make this work?: change map 

    Pros & Cons? hopefully saves server b

  4. 24 minutes ago, Smajl said:

    I have been on Anzus for 2 months and I have maybe been in jail 4-5 times max, I pvp 24/7 with the gang and vs cops and tbh I never cared about jail time. The most I have ever gotten was 20min I think. I get what you are saying, the server is dying and making prison time long doesn't make it better but is this change really necessary? For me it's not a +1 or -1 I would say neutral. 

    If u fight civs and not cops u will never go to jail.

    until they pull up and start restraining dead people 

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/17/2024 at 11:54 AM, Jake Vercettii said:

    You should swap the location of where you need to take the armory transport. Move the armory cartel drop off at the King's County capture zone or just move ghost hotel into Texas somewhere inbetween the border and the NASA major.

    At the start of the .0 I loved the concept of the border but I feel as if it's starting to feel like how taki pop up servers go, It's fun for the first few weeks and then everyone realizes how much of a hinderance it is and it starts to become annoying and then the taki servers population slowly and slowly decreases more and more.

    Personally I think you should cut the map in half and take Mexico out of the map as the map is called "Texas", make it Texas only and squeeze the map down a bit more so that there is more player interaction as the place is HUGE with alot of empty space.

    honestly cutting the map in half is probably alot of work but worth doing tbh, just put rebel like top map or smthn 

    • Like 1
  6. Name: danny Gullen

    CharacterID: 2055
    Date of Incident: 17/05/24

    Time of Incident (Server Time): 5:08

    Amount your claiming: 50k 

    Description of situation: I was doing a run on the server and around 8-10 people disconnected whilst i was flying and i was one of those people, I had to cut some parts of the clip as i was showing important documents that cannot be leaked online. To further back that I didnt pull my plug I am on force pov and my stream health would show https://gyazo.com/1141d34ae4755375b6cabc6f1c9db625


    Proof you've reported this as a bug: (Only for comp requests that involve a bug) 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Hunter Kio said:

    @Danny GullenWhy are you in discord?

    deafened in discord to talk to people that arent in game (wade wrld) . you can literally see the radio in the bottom right aswell 

    wade wrld is 14 day banned 

  8. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) server 

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) You have to drive the truck at 80kmh across the world go through the border then deal with the big hill that you go 30km up all for 20k and 2 spars. 

    Also have to fight swat and everyone for it 

    Solution on how to make this work?: buff the armory transport so you atleast get a guaranteed 50k 

    Pros & Cons?: Worth doing 

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Hunter Kio said:

    On Hold right now for pricing reasons. Figuring it out now

    its like 9k from a crafter but the headache to get it is what raises the rpice

  10. Name: Danny Gullen

    CharacterID: 2055
    Date of Incident: 13/05/24

    Time of Incident (Server Time):20:00

    Amount your claiming:30k 

    Description of situation: tried grabbing a gun and lost my tavor 21 


    Proof you've reported this as a bug: (Only for comp requests that involve a bug) known bug 

  11. 1 minute ago, Hunter Kio said:

    Thanks man, really helps me narrow down who I can ask about it. Can I get a name so I can help you out?

    im not tryna get anyone in trouble over a tavor 

  12. Name: Danny Gullen 

    CharacterID: 2055
    Date of Incident: 11/05/24 

    Time of Incident (Server Time):18:00

    Amount your claiming: 35k 

    Description of situation: was in event got tped to conflict for the event then lost loadout 


    Proof you've reported this as a bug: (Only for comp requests that involve a bug)

  13. +1

    currently when you decamp you have to put the gun on your back and then pull it out again, sometimes it glitches and can happen faster sometimes longer 

  14. 54 minutes ago, Isaak said:

    you are correct but I feel with most of the old cap points you actually had a chance to slam rather than having to slam the flag itself with almost no cover for stretches of like 50+ m 

    yea new cap points increase ratting 100% 

  15. 13 hours ago, Isaak said:

    Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) Bring back the caps that were replaced with the current ones in conflict.
    Current points in conflict are not very fun to fight over IMO, any time I slam them I either run around for 20 seconds trying to find someone or people just dont want to push them because majority of them you will just get shot from above or in the back/side

    Solution on how to make this work?: drag and drop

    same with the old cap points its just anzus play style cant really fix it 

  16. us-capitol-1533368_1280(1).png

    Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee

    Disciplinary Appeal

    Case Number: [Office Use Only]


    Texas Legislature

    Officer Presiding: [Office Use Only]

    Danny Nullen


    GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Texas Dept of Public Safety )


    Trooper's Name: Danny Nullen

    Organisation: TxDps
    Rank: Trooper
    Department: HWP
    Badge Number (If Applicable): 348

    Punishment you were given: Termination  Class X
    Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): It was some banter on the TxDps discord and some of my friends were getting in trouble for very stupid things imo.  https://gyazo.com/73ec07bfc0bd72fafc757409b33dbe64 . I get that saying "gay" isn't really nice but the context it was used in didn't target an individual but was used to talk about the situation. I didnt mean to offened anyone by saying it.


    Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal)https://gyazo.com/533771cc2fcdfb4d83d38bf4eaccd559

    Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: I dont even know if I got kicked for saying "Thats gay" or for "saying its not that serious"

    Do you request the Texas Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?:

    Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here: 

  17. 8 minutes ago, Jack Bigalow said:

    All i gotta say is that some of these are like trying to change anzus to altis life servers, and nobody here wants that. All I gotta say I will not be responding to any other threads about this.

    Alot of atlas players joined literally 2 of the biggest gangs are ran by atlas players and without them idk where the server would end up pvp wise.


    23 minutes ago, Tariq Jamal said:

    grinders are the reason the eco is so fucked pvpers are the ones losing money/kits 24/7, while grinders/legal players sit there muted watching netflix while getting a boner over how much money they have on a virtual game without ever spending it/losing it

    If youve ever tried playing rebel and buying guns for stock prices and actually playing with it youd realize how quick your money goes and how bored you can get from majors.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Jack Bigalow said:

    seeing as all of the pvpers buy guns from us "legal runners" they would stop playing without us. and also who do you think makes the economy work on this server? the pvpers HAA. Take your jokes to the comedy club bro.

     take a good look at this thread and ctrl f crafting youll realize noone wants it, without legal runners server would be catered more towards rebels rather than pve players

  19. 1 minute ago, Jack Bigalow said:

    stop making like 5 suggestions a week, that will never get approved. Just take a few months before trying to change everything different from other servers. 

    all the suggestions are valid for what anzus is right now, when all the pvpers get bored and leave the server youll realize how legal runners bring 0 to it 

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