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Harvey Armstrong

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Harvey Armstrong last won the day on July 31 2021

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  1. Jason has a huge point here, outdoor combat is the best when it comes to large groups fighting each other. We had this experience in 3.0 with USCG's USAF and NASA majors, however the layout of external majors usually makes them more difficult for civs (as they can't just camp indoors) so response numbers like +5 are needed. The solution to the major problem is not as simple as making a dice roll, it is a nuanced issue. Overall, majors with external fights are best for everyone, and an honorable mention for majors with well-designed and large layouts like Embassy. When it comes to civs doing major crimes, don't complain that cops don't instantly push into all-internal holds like the Lab that civs do back-to-back over and over, surprise them with a counter push or set up external positions to ambush them. If cops have fair equipment to overcome the significant defender's advantage that is holding an angle on a door/hallway in Arma 3, then cops will push more often. One thing I think can help is a different shield, I was using this shield during majors in Takistan, usually Lab but also Knox and National bank, it is the Ballistic Shield that comes with an M9, it obviously has somewhat more of an advantage because the shield-user can shoot, it is a crappy gun with relatively low clip capacity, firerate, and damage compared to other pistols, but it is something. The shield seems to be wider but also shorter, better for pushes into death hallways but making it fair for civs when cops try to use it going up/down stairs. It was definitely not OP at all, I was really testing the capabilities of the shield so I was very aggressive with it in Takistan and usually lost way more majors than we won, but cops were always ready to push right away, and usually when I showed up we would do a push within just a few minutes instead of making the civs wait a long time while we tried to figure out some tactic or just tried to hold. As time goes on civs will learn to counter the shield even more (eg. holding on right instead of left to have better cover in a hallway from the shield, as the gun is on the right side of the shield), but most importantly cops and civs can expect to push quickly. I found it was worse than the regular shield when going up/down stairs, because of how short it is, and I often got headshotted or shot in the legs if I tried to do that, but it was a slight improvement over the old shield for moving through death corridors. Due to it being short I also got shot more often in the legs while moving at all, and I got shot in the arm as well because of the pistol aiming out the side, but it still gave cops more confidence to push, even sometimes when it didn't help, and so I think changes like adding another shield can increase the pace of internal majors. Careful solutions like that shield, changing up majors to have more external combat, and others will have a better effect instead of a dice roll. The 500m KOS major crime rule returning is already going to encourage more external combat as cops can't move up to the building pre-combat. When it comes to the dice roll, it may dull majors, as any strategy/tactics civs and cops try to attempt or use will just be wasted because once it has been 30 minutes from the civs popping off the major, one side will have to push out. People may come to expect the dice roll and all majors may just take at least 30 minutes as everyone waits for it instead of players taking initiative. This can also really change SERT, CRT, and MSRT tactics as the dice roll gets factored into how majors are done, as cops come to expect the dice roll, it can be tricky for cops to be told to push before 30 mins by spec ops, as simply waiting 30 minutes can mean the civs have to push out, or at 30 minutes cops have to push anyway so then the spec ops plan is put into action. I think a 50/50 dice roll even makes it worse for civs as cops are the ones pushing in about 70-80% of the time after long holds.
  2. While many of us may have nostalgic feelings about the 3.0 Kings County map, myself included, nostalgia always means you remember the past in a rosy, positive light. When I looked back on some videos from 3.0, I realized just how flawed the whole map was and how annoying driving on it was. It is true that the 4.0 Kings Peaks map felt like a loop, but this was mainly at the beginning when there was no way to go through the middle, now this is possible due to the middle being opened up. There is a jump bridge, a way to go south from NASA, and a way to go West from the Capitol. Today the 4.0 Kings Peaks map is a pretty good one, the devs have already done a phenomenal job with updates to it so far, it would do better from being tweaked rather than being thrown away wholesale. Not to mention that the novelty of the 3.0 map would wear off quickly and would become dull even faster because many ANZUS players have already played on it for a year, the current 4.0 map isn't as old, factoring in all the changes to the map layout that have already happened.
  3. I played the original Arma 2 Takistan Life, no mods needed, Takistan came default with Arma 2. It is very nostalgic for me and many others, I think it shows that "Combat RP" can be fun when done properly. I played on an unwhitelisted server but with whitelisted BLUFOR/OPFOR, I proposed the faction system for it. It went from just a handful of people playing in unwhitelisted BLUFOR/OPFOR slots to packed whitelisted slots all the time, many people working hard to rank up in BLUFOR/OPFOR, joining special forces, training in vehicles and coordinating attacks, airstrikes, as well as events like War, Joint Ops, and martial law. I mainly was on the BLUFOR side but OPFOR had a lot going for it, the corrupt OPFOR Russian south could let drugs go by for a price or straight up execute you, while the US/NATO BLUFOR forces were more like the straight cop faction and played within the rules. Civs could become terrorists and kill cops, go to the Medic or PMC shop and act in those roles, or simply be a straight up civilian. Finally, the Independent group were straight up terrorists, they spawned at a base and would venture either into the BLUFOR North or OPFOR South and go wild. Despite how it may seem, there was a surprising amount of in-character RP, but it was combat RP. There's a difference between unwhitelisted random cops playing versus whitelisted and trained cops who are in a faction and hierarchy, there is a lot of RP involved in that. I want to share with you some Legendary clips from that time During a war with OPFOR, special forces detonate OPFOR's hangar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emDpvmAEa0Q Myself when I was an "Executive Senior Admin," also commanding all US/NATO forces, took to the skies with one of my Majors and broadcast some "news" https://youtu.be/3WPZHCW9_jI?t=10 What regular "patrol" cops would do (Army National Guard on that server, entry level like DOC etc.) https://youtu.be/9TJZ6eUxVJw?t=9 Manning Rasman Checkpoint, kind of like the aids of watching DOC gate in 3.0, in this video the OPFOR come to the gate with their jet and some admins screwing around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8sx-IcI3Cg No fair response numbers! Unequal weapons and firepower compared to OPFOR/BLUFOR, let alone their armor and aircraft! And still destroying cops because of ambush and guerilla tactics https://youtu.be/JoNHHREoOYg?t=23 Sending a message to some civs from another server, where the cops believe in "preserving life" and can never shoot anybody, so we avenge those cops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89Dfm2IhURA OPFOR and BLUFOR operating in the North during joint operations, the Embassy is taken and they assault it https://youtu.be/ecwdrhmkF8s?t=537 Civs doing a major crime https://youtu.be/RRe1OqXCWr4?t=170 OPFOR and BLUFOR executing war criminals by firing line https://youtu.be/ftBHTQLm2OU?t=253 This screenshot shows how different the experience was from what you might be used to: https://i.imgur.com/izIMUIJ.png I hope that our Takistan can have awesome memories made too!
  4. When the cleanup script removes abandoned vehicles, it removes all the fuel from it Was this fixed with this update or should another bug report be filed
  5. House and contents, its because a lot of the real estate is bought up
  6. All the tow truck drivers in the KCT company will be very happy for the first change, thanks a lot
  7. @Loxxon Husky @Jack Knight @Jack Jefferson @John Hilton @Nick Smith @Alexis Sanchez @Mort Higgins @John Taylor @Tom Carter @Sam Jenks @Raph Reaper @Alex Hinkley @Oliver Blax @Pug Nuestra @James Shark Seeing your posts and some of you being on the rosters of those companies, if you guys are still interested in the official companies, come find me and speak to me, we aren't setting sail just yet, but we are building the boat!
  8. I was the one who made the original suggestion to Doug about these companies, and gave him the list of the potential companies. One other idea that might be accepted is an official racing company. With the new go-kart track, this can be facilitated in many ways, and I see many roleplay opportunities. Ex. shutting down roads for a race, drag races, formal betting/pink slips, etc. If anyone likes this idea, go ahead and make one! I have made a suggestion to make some combination of companies. This is what I told Doug: All these applicants for official talk show/news/radio stations could instead be one large station that does all 3; news, music, and talk show over a set freq. Doing just music/talk show over a freq for hours at a time can become boring. I can see an integration of a music/talk show going, then interrupting with "Breaking News" and switching to a news broadcast for any major crimes or other reported incidents, or switching to news broadcasts for updates on situations (ex. an active DOJ case) with a Twitch live feed from a news helicopter/news van. Conveniently, we already have a "breaking news" report for major crimes by AAN World News, so that integrates nicely. I haven't heard back yet, but larger companies with subsidiaries is a good idea, but in general banks/bounty hunting require sophisticated roleplay, the other types of companies like radio/towing are less complicated so I suspect that idea might come later or not at all because of its complexity to integrate.
  9. If you vote for wipe now, we will have to work to level up in 3.6 and 4.0!!
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