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Alexis Sanchez

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Everything posted by Alexis Sanchez

  1. Over the past few weeks, the server has been awesome. The pistol only has been very fun, as it's something different than what we're used to. I think class 2's should slowly start to be introduced into Rebel shop for people to buy them there & crafters being able to sell them as well. I do think that they should be able to be used anywhere. Class 2's should be priced anywhere from 10-30k Class 3's on the other hand should for now, in my opinion, only be accessible from crafters who can sell them at a higher price (15-30k). Basically, add class 2's & 3's to the server and see how it goes. Evaluate if any changes has to be made along the way, and just take it step by step until the perfect spot for the community has been found. It's better to do things slowly and evaluate on them, instead of pushing all the class 3's out now and then people not liking it.
  2. Thanks for the update devs. This looks incredible.
  3. Name: Alexis SanchezMain role on the server: Chief of PoliceTime at ANZUS: 3 years Opinions on each rule and what you voted: I voted yes to all the rules. It has been a great time on the server recently with the new rules in place. We have had response numbers for cops for so long, that it is something we think about and take into consideration in every single situation even if they are removed. The no limit rule seems to have been working out fine as well. Civilians should not be abusing this rule, they should be using common sense. I think it is common sense, that if you have 20 gang members online, you split into smaller groups and do situations like that. Robbing people doing illegal runs should be 100% allowed. You take a high risk doing a run that pays out a larger sum of money than legal runs. The 500m initiation rule is to be used with common sense. You should only be robbing people who are a part of a rival gang, or someone who has been talking shit about your group etc. People should not rob new players which is where common sense comes in. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Yessir
  4. I'm sure that I speak for a lot of people when I say this. This is the most fun I have had in a while. Since Friday, I have not run into a single toxic situation. People are having a blast & the deatchat is just ''GG - that was awesome'' instead of ''Damn, cops are soooo boring or Civs are camping etc...''. With cops having response numbers before this ruleset was introduced has also had a huge impact on how situations work out. We still try to limit our numbers, so it becomes fair for both sides. To conclude, it has been absolutely awesome. The server pop has been amazing and I have only had positive situations & interactions with people.
  5. Sounds really nice. I also think we should stay with the current rules.
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