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Hue Hatch

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Posts posted by Hue Hatch

  1. 7 hours ago, Doug Jumper said:

    This kind of thing has been suggested many times over the years, in reality it makes more sense for the civilians to push out. I think civilians just need to use better tactics to not allow cops to do this such as using externals. Majors are meant to be hard to win, but I also sympathize with civilians having to wait in there for ages but its just how it goes. 

    In reality externals are useless 85% of time especially with the newer rule were you need 2 people in side cause if u leave 2 inside and rest external they slam in bearcat and zerg the 2 or it can happen the other way around cops just sit in bearcat searching for external for a hour then find em and sit on them until they all jump out at once

    But usally if there is only like 1 or 2 externals and 4 inside cops just wont push untill they kill the externals by just do laps in a bearcat either way its gonna be a snooze fest i still believe bearcats should have windows like ifrits were they can take like 900 556 untill they bust so cops and just sit in em when they are in a pickle 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Chao Winsmore said:

    tbf I’m not bothered what guns get brought in server is just altis brain at moment anyway 

    I mean u kinda gotta care since u agree'd with Noremac tbh id much rather people running around with type 115's that 3-4 tap rather then someone rocking around with any 7.62 w/ SOST that 1 tap and you can ask nucky since he is the only one with the type rn and its not super OP or anything its probably worse then some "meta" guns rn

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Chao Winsmore said:

    Might aswell bring in promet mr whilst your at it there are loads of decent 6.5 modded guns that can be used instead of a broken gun from base game 

    If there are better modded guns then what is the issue with bringing in a worse gun that people want to use being brought in? The promet is already in as well.

  4. I feel like having the base arma 6.5 mags for the promet would encourage more people to go to crafters to buy the promets and i feel it wouldnt affect anything as we already have the 6.8 26 rounders and the 6.8 30 rounders in rebel


  5. Type of Suggestion?: server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: Armoury Point can be very roach heavy sometimes with the silos and the cap and box are in the very open dont know much else to say here

    Solution on how to make this work?: Move to capture flag pole inside of the big hanger building (https://gyazo.com/f17f09f12ee1f377c5ffcaafe4762411) and put the unload box for the trucks either in the back corner room or just right next to were you would put the flag pole

    Pros & Cons?:

    Pros - Less incentive to roach on top of the silos which would encourage more area to slam and having the cap and box inside would encourage more cqc gunfights

    Cons - more rooms to clear to cap safely 

    • Like 2
  6. 46 minutes ago, George said:

    SWAT don't have, and will never have, a 7.62 Scar H

    Yea i figured that out i misstook the scar L for a H cause the vertical grip but my main point i still feel the same about i like the other suggestion about matching calibers in like dispatch or something like that and limiting awms

    • Facepalm 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, LukeRogue said:

    good solution to problem tbh, im worried about that guns won't be declared though, and it will just stay how it is. Maybe this can be developed to tell pd what guns they have by default so there is never any doubt.

    If this were to happened it would have to be done by caliber because it could possibly ruin some plans of external or something like that

  8. 50 minutes ago, Jack Barrow 1 said:

    +1 Force Matching makes my life a lot easier & would stop the constant ringing in my ears

    The one thing i ask is please include the amount of awms in force matching i dont see a reason there needs to be more then 1 awm at a all 556 major

  9. 2 hours ago, Lewis Miller said:

    This post is pretty pathetic tbh. It's so crazy to me that we have a Semi Auto 7.62 and CTRG are already complaining, yet you use countless 7.62s, LMGs etc at majors and when cops complain about it you guys just say "We earned this, its a risk using it" "You guys have the numbers" "It's just a major, just push". 

    The AWM is no different to the FN-30, both have the same effect no matter where you hit someone, its just a new gun with new sounds. The Snipers we have are useful for two things only, sniping people who camp on the rooftops of major buildings and peaks. It's incredibly bias to complain about the snipers being used for both of these things. Take national bank for example. If you have 1 person on the rooftop of the office building and we have no sniper we are either going to have to climb up the ladder one by one, use a helicopter (which is extremely loud) or ignore them. If we ignore you and push the major it gives the person on the roof the option to shoot us in the back from the rooftop or flank down behind us during the push. 

    Use Casino for another example. Someone plays top roof. Without a sniper we are supposed to push the building and get ripped out from the rooftop uncontested, they then are either going to jump off the roof, even though its not allowed its done anyway and yet again come behind us OR have the option to shoot us in the back or top of the head while pushing. 

    The snipers are useless in pushes, they are bolt action and a waste of a person on the push. Let alone the fact that you are running at people holding head peaks the likelihood of you hitting the shot is low.

    Take this photo below. If we was to make a post complaining that you guys had access to this the conversation would be completely different. We have restrictions on the sniper rifles, and monitor it closely. This post is not a liable option its just a salty suggestion on the forums from a death or a major you lost. Civs win more majors now than they ever have and cops are severally outgunned and unequipped for majors. I am not sure why it has got to the point where civilians are able to have access to much better guns across the entire board while cops are left in the dirt but it's just the nature of the server right now. The 7.62 and .300 guns you are complaining about can be used by less than 50% of my department, meanwhile EVERY civ at a major has access to whatever gun they want.



    I am open to adding restrictions to guns like the AWM and 300. but you need to DM me with examples, clips of them being used and unfairly. Making a rank suggestions wont change anything. I can help the issue but instead of complaining in death chat, crying in general chat or making salty suggestions on the forums you need to DM me these issues. I spoke to you guys the other day at a NASA, you complained about the way the shield was being used, I listened, looked at the clip and 4 minutes later sent out an announcement preventing it from happening again. If you want to work with me you have to actually talk to me. But let me be clear, if you send me a clip of you dying to an AWM, and you are holding a G3 with 50 rounds, or a LMG then I'm just going to reply with a Gif.

    Im not exactly sure how long it took him to make it but its worth like 110k in materials, so he probably did around a minimum of 10 to 11 runs to make it that alone with average of a run taking 40 mins thats around nearly 7 and a half hours

    While you walk up to a sign press windows key and get a equivalent with a lesser mag for 6k

  10. Type of Suggestion?: Server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: Feds hack is very hard and i feel like it should be easier since the major itself is hard enough

    Solution on how to make this work?: Change the hack to make it the same as the pharmacy's or make the usb's cheaper so we can have more attempts without spending so much money or could even just make the usb multiple uses

    Pros & Cons?:

    Pro-Encourages more people to do the major

    Con-Not sure

    • Like 4
  11. 15 minutes ago, Andrew Smith said:

    I like the idea of them getting the weapons from KD, but unfortunately KD is inactive (if you are talking about people who actually run it) but maybe a way to “Place an order” and after like 5-10 minutes ingame it will be in an inventory at the shop so their can’t just be unlimited supply’s of 7.62 you have to wait after you die and loose it, you will have to wait a few minutes until the shipment arrives.

    this is a suggestion idk

    That’s what I said in the second part of my suggestion limit how many can be bought in a time period and maybe up the price based off KD

  12. 1 minute ago, Patrick Lee said:

    You are so misinformed it's crazy, where has this 762 scar come from? we don't have it lol, we got 1 762 which is semi auto and shit. I've been using an mp5 for the past week as well 

    The scar H is the one with the grip is it not? It looked exactly the same as the one rich Littleton has but just in black.

    And that still doesn’t change the fact that you can carry a blackjack for push and awm for q/e

  13. 1 hour ago, Patrick Lee said:

    I think you should give it longer then 24 hours before complaining about it, maybe look at it from a balanced pov and not the sitting behind a corner eating food while holding q, e and left click. 

    I still don’t know how you being able to carry a awm for a q/e and then being able to switch to 762 scar for a push is balanced 

    or taking 762 to caps when the majority of guns used at caps are still 556 G3s and shit like are mostly used at majors 

  14. 1 hour ago, Tyroney Cousin said:

    -1 You guys start complaining when SWAT actually get some decent guns to counter 3 LMGs or G3 50 rounders.which are all 7.62 one taps. I like to see the day when CTRG don’t use Grenade or LMGs same with RGN. Maybe we should get a GL instead and just launch rounds into the room…. The guns we are given is basically what was used in the 3.0 SWAT team so what is different? We have even had the guns for a day and there is already a forum post of combat players crying over us getting a single 7.62 snd a few more 5.56


    Like South said we will give up our 7.62 but in exchange civ give up there’s that’s seems fair right? But that won’t happen because then there would be more crying over it

    George posted a major logger showing us win with only 556??

    And If you think rocking a blackjack and a awm is fair you’ll be one the very few that do y’all are literally rocking the load out I used in purge 😂

    The one downside of using a blackjack is neglected cause they are caring a awm so they can just switch when the fights far enough were they can’t control the blackjack 

    The 3.0 argument is whack cause civs could literally buy stronger guns from rebel as well as the insane guns you could get outta weapons cash 

  15. 3 minutes ago, South East said:

    I think you should give it a bit more time and see how the majors are going and if cops are winning a lot then repost the suggestion if this is the case.

    The main thing is i could care less if SWAT gets 762 or not the main point i was trying to get across was i dont like how they are rocking a blackjack for when they push and then have a awm for their peaks it just doesnt seem balanced 

    and overall i feel like a push for more 556 for gen ops wouldnt be bad since all 556 very similar and it comes to more of a preference 

  16. 2 hours ago, George said:

    This is WITH the new weapons, if SWAT was to get nerfed, you can bet Major Crime payouts would be severely lowered too.


    Guns arent straight 100% the reason cops are losing you are right but i feel there could be other things that can be done to increase these win percent instead of just allowing some cops to rock 7.62 with AWM with 8x in their bags

    Like me personally if i had to give cops better guns id much rather have given the more majority of cops (Gen Ops) better 556 then just giving swat shredders i feel like that would of helped more and would of defiantly mad a lot more people happy

  17. 41 minutes ago, Kyle Allen said:


    You guys have bearcats, 2 1 tap snipers 8x scopes at a major, sups, flashbangs/smokes,6.8, number advantage with 0 downside at all. It costs a fraction of the price with almost 0% chance of losing it and you can buy it all from shops. If the civs are using 7.62 or a LMG at the major the risk reward factor is crazy. Ex: A 7.62 is around 30-40k, LMG 50-60k and most payouts don't even cover the cost of a gun. 
    The post never said you guys shouldn't have access to the weapons, he is just stating it should be equally as hard to acquire these weapons. Feels like whenever the cops don't have a significant advantage vs civs at majors they come to the forums to complain instead of trying different strats.


    who tf u getting lmgs from for 50 to 60k lmao lmk

  18. 1 hour ago, Malik Moocliv said:

    This suggestion makes no sense.
    You complain about firearms while YOU (civilians) use 7.62, LMGs, Nades, 50 round magazines and so much more.
    Why shouldn't SWAT have access to the same kind of weapons you do?
    Besides, even if we use better weapons (.300 or 7.62 or snipers), we have to push the majors and that means you have to hold the corners with LMG 7.62 50/100/200 round and you still have a much better advantage over us.


    Cop should not be better equip then civs for the most part cops have plenty of advantages with the primary ones being numbers and you act like every single major there is 7.62 used what happens when groups like NFS or McDonald try to do a 556 and yall turn up with 762 and 300 blackout

    and for the pushing majors things thats why ur given flashes and smokes to help assist in things like that for any way civs play cops have a counter/equal the one thing civs had on cops was guns but no anymore

    But no matter what i say its gonna be a -1 from you cause you wanna keep the gear and i feel most people would feel the same if they got that shit

  19. 2 hours ago, George said:

    Could not imagine how they feel dying to 50 round 762's :o

    The main thing im saying is i dont feel like it should be this easy for them to access these guns if they can carry awms in their bags while using them and be putting scopes on them

  20. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: This is a assumption based off just what i have seen so far but im assuming SWAT now has access to 762+ and .300 straight from the shop and i dont necessarily think they shouldnt 762+ and .300 i just believe it should require a little more effort to get.

    Solution on how to make this work?: Make it so Swat have to order the 762 and .300 weapons they are allowed to use from KD or if not that put a limit on how many of each can be purchased from the shop a week or something along those lines.

    If the KD thing isnt a option i think a good alt is if they are carrying a gun above 6.8 they cant use anything from marksmen qual so like no scopes or snipers

    I would also would like them being able to carry these weapons with awms in their backpacks to be taken into consideration.

    And these type of guns can cost civs 50k-100k for civs

    Pros & Cons?:

    The main pros would be it will allow KD workers to make more sales and interaction with the police department as well as well cops have arent getting 762+ for cheap and mobbing 556 only majors.

    The main cons i feel would be the activity of KD isnt too consistent but then something like a limit mixed with KD would balance that situation out in my opinion.

    • Like 8
    • Dislike 8
  21. 3 minutes ago, Dann Jackson said:

    If you are in a Gang you get rewards;
    Cap zones give you money in the Gang bank for taking it
    Cuba zone give you extra money when you sell to the Cuba Drug Dealer

    "No Reward" though...

    I mean your point was for combat players to go cap cuba but it would be useless since they wouldnt do cubans and they wouldnt get combat since no one shows up

    Cap zones are a little cause they are fun but they arent going to entertain me for a whole day maybe like 3 to 4 fights then just get tired of it especially if its b2b

  22. I literally just said i done think its a bad idea there was no reason for you to add on and say "gangs are just gonna have to deal with it" it seems toxic and unreasonable those little remarks is what make civs upset with cops and drives them apart


    • TF 2
  23. 21 minutes ago, William Wilkinson said:

    Kinda depressing a RP server would drop so many numbers cause majors get disabled no?

    Saying shit like this or the other thing andrew said i commented on is what drives parts of the community apart and cause issue between cops and civs

    Instead of complaining try to think of a compromise both sides would be happy with

    What andrew said isnt a terrible idea since majors could still be done just on a lesser scale until the desync problem is sorted i just didnt like the way he said "civs would just have to deal with it" that part was not needed

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