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Olav Krakatoa

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Posts posted by Olav Krakatoa

  1. us-capitol-1533368_1280(1).png

    Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee

    Disciplinary Appeal

    Case Number: [Office Use Only]


    Texas Legislature

    Officer Presiding: [Office Use Only]

    APPLICANT/Officers Name


    GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Texas Dept of Public Safety )


    Trooper's Name: Raka Williamson

    Organisation: TXPDS
    Rank: Aux-Trooper
    Department:Highway patrol
    Badge Number (If Applicable): 599 i think Cant remember

    Punishment you were given: Termination 
    Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): I believe that this should be overturned for two reasons, first being the fact that it was publicly known that peter did not like our gang GLM, now this shouldn't be anything new, many people dislike our gang for good and some bad reasons, I believe in some way shape or form there is a bias from peter towards us. (Opening statement borrowed from Brandon), I heavily believe the reason I was removed was due to the gang I'm in and my disagreeance with the splitting off AUX and the general PD which I don't agree should be grounds of a termination as I haven't been disrespectful to anyone.
    This termination is just proof of a obvious bias against me and my fellow members of Saleh`s organization and should not be a reason for me to be terminated.

    Any evidence to support this:N/A


    Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal)https://gyazo.com/7da8f22a77302f64e26a4e30abcf3178

    Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?:NO 

    Do you request the Texas Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: Yes 

    Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here:  N/A

  2. Bro the upstairs hold got put in to the play after cops figured out how to win on the old "meta" hold so we developed a new strategy so now you have to adapt and figure out a push that works 

    or you can go cry on the forums

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Jake Vercettii said:

    I have started to construct new caps with feedback from the community in which I will post below. (I will be making more a bit later but for now this is what I have put together, please give your own feedback on the points as I want the conflict zone to be enjoyable by all means.)

    Lumberyard V1:
    Here's a clip of the cap and how it would look running around it:

    Church ruins V1:
    Here's a clip of the cap and how it would look running around it:


    bro they look like crap if you are going to copy caps of other servers and claim them as your own creations so shamelessly just copy the original cap as they are better then what you provided here

    • OMEGALUL 1
  4. great suggestion but why are everyone crying for auto combat stance and auto full mags and full auto on spawn etc like its not hard to just press f and doubletapp c when you spawn you don`t need to be babied to the point of spawning in your car with a full magazine on full auto in combat stance when it takes 1 sec to fix it yourself 

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Lewis Miller said:

    +1 You can easily win/hold most major crimes with 8 people. Doing 10/11/12 man majors is unnecessary and fucked. In an economy side of things, it is just easy major wins for civs pumping money away. I'm not saying cops will win more without 11/12 people defending but it is draining for cops to respond to 11 man nationals, and not even get through the door.


    Sometimes it is a skill issue absolutely but for the server health and general happiness/wellbeing of the people playing on it I think reducing AT LEAST majors to 8 people is for the best.

    I agree with Oliver, cap zones and other activities will be impossible to track and I don't think should have a limit, ONLY major crimes imo 

    Bad take honestly why limit gangs on members during majors when it literally doesn't matter how many you are as longs as there is enough cops to respond 1 to 3 I don't get how cops struggle so bad winning majors try making a plan and sticking to it if you go for trades where you get one for one you should win 10/10 times based on numbers alone but instead there is 4 swat that knows what they are doing and 21 braindead`s running in because they got told to with no strategy in mind.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Katheeri Insomnia said:

    I don't have a problem with conflict currently, but you are right on the payout most of the time it's not worth playing unless its mass conflict so there would be a reward.


  7. Im not going to say we dont have numbers in GLM but you are RARELY going to see more than 8 of us and thats max going to conflict or anything at all the only time we have real numbers on are for Majors a majority of our players like doing majors then "afk" and good off till we can pop the next one, I cant remember one time we have been more than 6 people on a cap zone and dont get me started on conflict where at most we bring 5. cops can cry all they want about our "numbers" but i dont think we have had a single fight except for majors were there are more of us than you. if you want to win fights you should play smarter and not 3 stack cars and take disadvantage positions.

    • OMEGALUL 1
  8. Serious brainrot from reading this thread wait till class 3`s are added and I'm sure the economy picks up a but as its really bad right now with class 2`s 
    but hating on people doing legal runs is retarded I would recement making illegal runs actually worth wile more people would do them and that would drive the interactions with people doing runs up.

    • Like 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, David Black said:

    I think anon reports should be kept when; 
    -Reporting staff
    -Reporting PD command as a cop
    -Reporting EMS Command as EMS
    --> cases where actual coi can and will happen!
    For the rest of the population, anonymous reports are a way of screwing people over and making em not able to defend themselves since the report takes more than 24h from being done to you getting your message which will make you unable to recall any details and therefore is a 100% "get fucked bozo sentence"
    With the above-mentioned knowledge, anonymous reports are known in the community for fucking people easily and without confrontation.


  10. 11 minutes ago, Tariq Jamal said:

    bro u dont get to  defend urself you are sitting there guessing what u did wrong and staff wont even tell u if you are talking about the right situation


    i should be atleast shown the video its bullshit some kid can report u and you have to just wing ur defense



    if a video is shown its not anon anymore, for me that have to record 24/7 when I'm on the server anon reports are not anon since I can just go back and check so its pointless anyway its just spineless behavior. 

  11. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.)

    server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?:

    Remove anomomous report feature as it is so unbelievably shit you cant defend yourself whatsoever you are just at the mercy of whatever staffmember that takes it and it is so spineless if you are going to report someone at least have the decency to be there instead of lazily just posting a video. 

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    remove it and go back to teamspeak/forum reports

    Pros & Cons?:

    pros: you can defend yourself from reports and talk shit out and give compensation if needed

    cons: absolutely none

    • Like 10
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    • OMEGALUL 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Mitchell Murphy said:

    Hello all, I think a compromise can be made here. If the Bearcat is to be de-armored, I think it would only be fair to do the same to the Annihilator. 

    I agree why not its not like you can shoot the engine out of a annihilator with one mag making it useless, Give civs fuel RPG`s so we can RPG the bearcat so it cant drive off 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Shaqwanda Jackson said:

    -1 this does not promote RP at all. i think major crimes should be removed from the server. 

    And this is a speculative quote of what someone on SLT might say "major crimes currently and historically and in the future as well as currently and historically provide little role play experience, as they have historically as well as currently and perhaps additionally in the future." - From what i think SLT would probably say. 


    Please see below


    funny 😐

  14. Type of Suggestion?: Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: Make conflict popping again. as of right now conflict is just such a big investment of time that its simply not worth it. due to the conflict taking so incredibly long its just such a bad investment of time to reach a maximum of 5k points takes a while and for what you barely get any warpoints and the payout for the winning gang is 10k each and for second its substantially less. Furthermore the caps gets really repetitive a switchup wouldn't be to much to ask for every once in a while when I know the community will make the points without any monetarily gain.    

    Solution on how to make this work?: reduce the points to 3k to end conflict and up the payout for first second and third place doesn't have to be a crazy amount but make it worth it to play conflict instead of doing a major when conflict is up. 

    Pros: people will enjoy conflict again creating a sense of competitiveness among gangs

    Cons: dev work :) 

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