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Hunter Kio

Administrator [Arma 3]
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Posts posted by Hunter Kio

  1. Compensation Request Accepted

    Hello @Edgar Villarreal,

    After reviewing your evidence I will be accepting your compensation request.

    Compensation Date: May 14, 2024
    Amount Compensated: $25,000

    You can claim your compensation money via the Claim Centre in game.


  2. Compensation Request Accepted

    Hello @Danny Gullen,

    After reviewing your evidence I will be accepting your compensation request.

    Compensation Date: May 14th 2024
    Amount Compensated: $16000

    You can claim your compensation money via the Claim Centre in game.


  3. Compensation Request Accepted

    Hello @Danny Gullen,

    After reviewing your evidence I will be accepting your compensation request.

    Compensation Date: May 14th 2024
    Amount Compensated: $20,000

    You can claim your compensation money via the Claim Centre in game.


  4. 1 hour ago, Danny Gullen said:

    An event hoster

    Thanks man, really helps me narrow down who I can ask about it. Can I get a name so I can help you out?

  5. 21 hours ago, Shane Jackson said:

    I mean maybe it isn't because of majors entirely but all I know is that 6pm-12pm the most cops ive seen on is about 8 in the last week or two. Idk when 24 cops are ever logged, maybe 6 AM or something but I'm US EST so. Maybe they gotta just find more cops that are US EST or people that don't work night shift.

    Apply to pd. Ez solution if you want to play more major crimes.


    Personally, I don't hate major crimes, but I just way prefer having fights that aren't contained to q/e peaking a hallways and then getting mowed down as we rush, to then be put in a montage later that month. Put a major that isn't in a building and I would be way more happy to attend


    There's a lot of different things at play as to why cops are at a lower pop, and everyone will have different thoughts on reasons why. Tbh, theres nothing I can think of to incetinvise cops to hop on and wait for a major

  6. In the future, please take personal disputes to dms rather than the thread. It's okay to disagree with someone, and you can iterate that disagreement in constructive ways and have a discussion around it. "Attacking" people isn't constructive or helpful for anyone


    For example: hey Danny. Interesting suggestion, I'm not the biggest fan of just lowering timers. Can you give some examples of what you mean? If you take a cop hostage, you should go away for a while. I normally just charge people with class 3 possession, and as long as they comply with cid, they get 5 months, which is more than linient. Major crime is the only thing that I charge other than that really, and I agree it could be reduced, but again, if you work with cid, it's reduced ALOT. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Daryl Ward said:

    Remove the jail and alcatraz. When you get arrested you get placed into an FFA arena with free guns. When your timer runs out, you get returned to civilization. (Like the gulag from Warzone)

    This way it's not boring, but also gives you time away from the rest of society to give cops a short break from your criminal antics.

    A mini FFA zone would be 🤣 🤣 

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