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Looking for Official ANZUSGaming Streamers

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Hello everyone! Recently I have been privileged to obtain partnership on twitch. This allows me to make a team specifically for ANZUSGaming and to have streamers from the community to all be in one place. We are looking for some official ANZUS streamers who stream consistently and show the community to the world in a positive manner.

ANZUS Twitch Team: https://www.twitch.tv/team/anzus



  • Join the ANZUS Twitch Team
    • This will be advertised at the top of our website and people will click on it and see which official streamers are live.
  • Content Creator tag on discord which puts you high up so people can see your stream
  • Every 100 hours streamed on ANZUS you get to give away 2 month reserved slots for free.
  • Free Deathcam in-game
  • Instant access to beta testing for future projects
  • Ability to redeem 1 week reserved slot every month, for yourself or a friend.

What we expect from you

  • Consistent streams on ANZUSGaming
  • Loyalty to ANZUSGaming
  • !ANZUS or similar command in your title and commands
  • ANZUSGaming in your dashboard



Stream link: (Please display as a link and not embed the video)
Hours able to stream per week:
Previous ANZUS vods: (Please display as a link and not embed the video)

Tips to be accepted

  • Stream actively before you apply, we will not be accepting anyone who is not actively streaming ANZUS
  • Have a nicely laid out stream dashboard
  • Not be a known rule breaker
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Name: Caleb Stiller
Stream link: (Please display as a link and not embed the video) https://www.twitch.tv/cjnnewman
Discord: Caleb#0307
Hours able to stream per week: 25-30
Previous ANZUS vods: (Please display as a link and not embed the video)





Edited by Caleb Stiller
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Caleb Saints

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Name: Samuel Clark 
Stream link: www.twitch.tv/noisix_ow
Discord: No|Six#2069
Hours able to stream per week: 30+
Previous ANZUS vods: www.twitch.tv/videos/620377744


Edited by Samuel Clark
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Owner of Fanta | Twitch Streamer | MSRT 

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Name: Josh Deal
Stream link: www.twitch.tv/sostressful 
Discord: SoStressful#0763
Hours able to stream per week: 30+ Ive streamed over about 120+ hours the last few weeks of anzus alone
Previous ANZUS vods: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/623512854


Edited by Josh Deal
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| Josh Stress | Former Arma 3 Project Life Marshals Director | Tier 3 Donor x2  | Ex-Doc Guard (old anzus) | Twitch SoStressful | 4,400 Arma3 Hours



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Name: James Hamilton

Stream link: https://m.twitch.tv/ambulancemangaming/profile

Discord: miniturfsoil#4231

Hours able to stream per week: As many that is needed. I'm honestly only into streaming because I like to interact with the community.

Previous ANZUS vods: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/623984185

SGT. James Hamilton
Department Of Corrections
Corrections Emergency Response Team

Ex KCSO Dispatch Lieutenant

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name:Skeeter Peeter
Stream link: (Please display as a link and not embed the video)https://www.twitch.tv/skeeter_peeter
Hours able to stream per week:40+
Previous ANZUS vods: (Please display as a link and not embed the video)https://www.twitch.tv/videos/654154766?filter=archives&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/videos/653233742?filter=archives&sort=time



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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Alex Dahmer
Stream link: (Please display as a link and not embed the video)  https://www.twitch.tv/alex__dahmer
Discord: Alex C. #0666
Hours able to stream per week: 30-40+
Previous ANZUS vods: (Please display as a link and not embed the video) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/667483065 || https://www.twitch.tv/videos/661362370 || https://www.twitch.tv/videos/660457782 || https://www.twitch.tv/videos/659426695 || https://www.twitch.tv/videos/658795183


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Developer

Name: Mort Higgins
Stream link: https://www.twitch.tv/mortamarmorgan/
Discord: Mortamarmorgan#4600
Hours able to stream per week: 25+ Easily.
Previous ANZUS vods:

I have more videos too if you want them but Doug knows I have streamed since Kamdan.

Edited by Mort Higgins
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| Ex-Head Administrator 🤴 | OG Member 👴 | Retired Staff 🚩Honoured Member🤵 | Plonker Professional 🛠️ |

Post A Suggestion | Report A Player | Request Compensation | Appeal A Punishment | Apply For Staff |


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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Logan Bridges
Stream link:  www.twitch.tv/projectregicide


Discord: P.Regicide#1986
Hours able to stream per week: Currently im streaming 55 hours a week and 49 of those hours are anzus 
Previous ANZUS vods: (Please display as a link and not embed the video) 


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  • 2 weeks later...

High Command - Reapers
Colonel - Alaska State Troopers
Sheriff - Los Diablos Sheriff's Office

Chief - Montana State Police
Colonel  - Texas State Police

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