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[THM] - The High Mile - Official Gang Application

Luke Scruggs

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Gang Name: The High Mile [THM]
Gang Leader (Owner of the in-game gang):  Luke Scruggs
Gang Leader Discord: Motra™#5771

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): The High Mile is a group of stoners who love playing Arma. We have been around Anzus for a while now but recently decided to form a gang as we all share a passion for smoking. We all love grinding various jobs to get as much money as possible, we also love crafting items whether that be legal or illegal. Furthermore, we love combat and will not back down to anyone trying to get the up on us. 

Why you would like to become official: We are a group of stoner friends who met a long time ago on Arma 3. We have had a passion for Arma for a long time and love meeting new people. We would like to become official to get our name out there more and share the fun with others whilst blazing. We are all really close and love to help other people when they get stuck. I would consider The High Mile to be a "noob-friendly" gang as we have a few members who haven't had Arma very long, this affirms our passion to help out new people and get them started properly on Anzus.

Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: Yes.

Do you have a uniform available: Yes.

Front - https://gyazo.com/f6ebcfc6d29aeeca3e8978d4f9b082ee

Back - https://gyazo.com/ba759efe77c4d99cedf3524844d970d1

(Both already paid for and going in)


MEMBERS: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u60b4cPgvvS9F1OjhsCzEhGC-rBdMcS0yT_2MGJIcII/edit?usp=sharing

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