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Nico Torrenti

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Gang Name: Legion PMC
Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang): Nico Torrenti
Gang Leader Discord: 190916520480604160

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): Legion PMC is made up of contractors/mercenaries/veteran soldiers from all over the world that have come together for one mission and that is to form an unbreakable brotherhood that can not be found in any other gang. From the Swiss Alps to the land of the free this band of brothers is sworn to protect each other to the death. Drug runs to protection of clients Legion PMC is an elite gang that is willing to do anything to get rich. Tactics learned and used on the battlefield are the foundation of this gang. 

Why you would like to become official: Legion PMC will provide the people a new type/style of gang. This is due to the culture, brotherhood, and tactics behind Legion PMC , it is unlike the other low level gangs. 
Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: Yes

Do you have a uniform available: Not yet
If you have a uniform available please post it in the format below.


Please provide a list of your gang members using the following format:
Member #1: Nico Torrenti (76561198090455915)

Member #2: Tom Wick (765612468)

Member #3: Martillo Garcia (76561198086515603)

Member #4: Pierre Cox (76561198047376816)

Member #5 Cyrix Cox (76561198047056410)

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I would like to join the corp.

Hi, I'm mike here are some details about my arma life : 

Hours- 1697.9 hours
Roles- Military, MSOC- special forces , helicopter pilot and gunner , Civilian and roleplay. 
Country- India
Language- English fluent 
play style- strategist, planning , Organised crime and Military ops execution. 
Age- 21
Outfit- suit

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