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Rule reform

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Hey everyone, looking at doing a bit of a rule reform to change some stuff up that the community doesn't like


If there is a current rule that you disagree with or think that can be modified to better the community fill out this form


Current Rule:

New Rule:



Current Rule: 4.19 - If you're within 1km of a situation your gang is in you must be in your gang uniform/clothing to join the declaration. You can not use a different uniform and then put your uniform/vest on when you're in position to then join the declaration.

New Rule: 4.19 - If you're metronomes from the potato farm you must wear a potato uniform.

Reason: I think that this should be changed because potato's are awesome.

If you agree with the rule please react +1 to it, if you disagree with it please react -1 and then post why you disagree with it.

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Just now, Kerry Elliott said:

Current Rule: Staff have say over giving points and forcing compensation.

Compensation no longer completely negates points. It shall be considered in deciding how many points to give you (generally half) Points given are at staff discretion and are not dependent on the decisions of the person reporting the player.

New Rule: Delete it.

Reason: Player affected not staff, Staff should have no say over it unless it affects them in a direct way.


Example: John vdm's Bill and John goes to helpdesk and wants compensation and doesn't want to push for points. But staff feel like they want to give him points. "

No thanks.

Staff give the option of compensation/points to the person but if they've received points before they receive half the points if they were to only receive points.

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Current Rule: (Cant copy and paste the rule number, I’m on my phone.) 

If police attempt to S1 your vehicle during a pursuit, this is initiation. (two sided)

New rule: In a pursuit, s1 is two way initiation, but once the evading vehicle has been stopped, the police have to re-initiate. 



I find it wierd how the cops can S1 a evading vehicle, and once the car is stopped and the civilian starts running, the police can open fire, because they are initiated. It gives the police the power, to when a vehicle has been s1’d and crashed, for all the police to potentially open fire on any occupants inside, or any armed gangs inside the vehicle. It would be nice just to have a little more RP, when in a police chase, without the end result being a straight up gunfight.

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20 minutes ago, Danni Free said:

Current Rule: (Cant copy and paste the rule number, I’m on my phone.) 

If police attempt to S1 your vehicle during a pursuit, this is initiation. (two sided)

New rule: In a pursuit, s1 is two way initiation, but once the evading vehicle has been stopped, the police have to re-initiate. 



I find it wierd how the cops can S1 a evading vehicle, and once the car is stopped and the civilian starts running, the police can open fire, because they are initiated. It gives the police the power, to when a vehicle has been s1’d and crashed, for all the police to potentially open fire on any occupants inside, or any armed gangs inside the vehicle. It would be nice just to have a little more RP, when in a police chase, without the end result being a straight up gunfight.

-1, while cops are allowed to initiate on a car in this manner, it is just so that they are all clear on the server rules side, while the SOPs dictates way more that is required in order for cops to engage on a target. In that case, you should report it to a supervisor, police command, or IA. When police have justification to engage on a suspect as per SOPs, they should be allowed to, and this rule allows PD to abide by SOPs without violating server rules.

Administrator Harvey Armstrong

BAR Certified, ID Number 4010205

Lieutenant (O-3), Judge Advocate General, JAGC, USCG

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Current Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go.

New Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR between eachother (not 2 attempts per cop/civ) against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go (without searching/taking items).

Reason: The cops seem to have it in their thick skull that each one of them can do 2 attempts of CPR on a civilian

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Just now, Ambience said:

Current Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go.

New Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR between eachother (not 2 attempts per cop/civ) against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go (without searching/taking items).

Reason: The cops seem to have it in their thick skull that each one of them can do 2 attempts of CPR on a civilian

Don't really see this as a problem as I'm playing as a cop. Maybe this was a one time thing. The rule change just seems unnecessary .

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Just now, Duck Atron said:

Don't really see this as a problem as I'm playing as a cop. Maybe this was a one time thing. The rule change just seems unnecessary .

I've seen it happen twice, It doesn't really hurt to change the rule just to make sure that its specific enough and avoid confusion. 

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2 hours ago, Ambience said:

Current Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go.

New Rule: 11.7 - Police/Civs may do two attempts of CPR between eachother (not 2 attempts per cop/civ) against a dead criminal, if they manage to revive they must bring to hospital before transporting to prison. If they fail to revive police must either wait for EMS, let the criminal respawn or revive them and let them go (without searching/taking items).

Reason: The cops seem to have it in their thick skull that each one of them can do 2 attempts of CPR on a civilian

This is the current interpretation of the rule. It is not per person. It is per faction.



3 hours ago, Danni Free said:

Current Rule: (Cant copy and paste the rule number, I’m on my phone.) 

If police attempt to S1 your vehicle during a pursuit, this is initiation. (two sided)

New rule: In a pursuit, s1 is two way initiation, but once the evading vehicle has been stopped, the police have to re-initiate. 



I find it wierd how the cops can S1 a evading vehicle, and once the car is stopped and the civilian starts running, the police can open fire, because they are initiated. It gives the police the power, to when a vehicle has been s1’d and crashed, for all the police to potentially open fire on any occupants inside, or any armed gangs inside the vehicle. It would be nice just to have a little more RP, when in a police chase, without the end result being a straight up gunfight.

As addressed by the officer above. The current reasoning behind the current rule is:

 - Making it less complicated

 - Police can be taken to court for excessive use of force. (Police are managed by both rules and SOPs/Laws, which isn’t quite the case for most Civs)

 - Civs want to be able to stop, jump out and just gat cops

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54 minutes ago, Jack Fire said:

This is the current interpretation of the rule. It is not per person. It is per faction.



As addressed by the officer above. The current reasoning behind the current rule is:

 - Making it less complicated

 - Police can be taken to court for excessive use of force. (Police are managed by both rules and SOPs/Laws, which isn’t quite the case for most Civs)

 - Civs want to be able to stop, jump out and just gat cops

Aight Jack, thanks for mate x


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Current Rule: 3.13 -  Jumping out of moving vehicles/helicopters at unrealistic height & speed will be classed as Fail RP as you would not survive these falls without the script.

New Rule: 3.13 -  Jumping out of moving vehicles/helicopters at unrealistic speed will be classed as Fail RP as you would not survive these falls without the script.

Reason: You still die if you jump out of a moiving helicopter

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Current Rule: No rule

New Rule: When someone has a hostage at gun point, anyone other then police or gang members cannot declare on the hostage taker/negotiator.

Reason: I was holding a hostage at gun point, i asked for his keys and he was stalling, then the hostage said he had no affiliation with a man (Elias Wowogandi) that declared on me and then shot me. The outcome was irrational and this needs to be addressed.

Video Clip:


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18 hours ago, Brock Brinkworth said:

Current Rule: No rule

New Rule: When someone has a hostage at gun point, anyone other then police or gang members cannot declare on the hostage taker/negotiator.

Reason: I was holding a hostage at gun point, i asked for his keys and he was stalling, then the hostage said he had no affiliation with a man (Elias Wowogandi) that declared on me and then shot me. The outcome was irrational and this needs to be addressed.

Video Clip:


First off you initiate on him on the roof, leaving yourself exposed with no real hostage, if the hostage ran behind that would he would of not been you're hostage. the guy who counter initiated wasn't even in a gang, and simple was trying to help out another civ, you played that situation bad, there are things in-game to help this, such as zip ties, blind folds, lock picks... the guy that told you to put you're hands up was behind a wall when he initiated he also doesn't have to value a hostages life as hes not a cop.


If you ask me this was poor role-play if you're trying to steal his car why is he you're hostage. like role-play say "I'm searching you for keys!..." "i found the keys in the right left pocket"

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I also think the DOC class three kos rule needs to be worked on, we robbed DOC with 4 guys and a cop hostage and we told the officers that we had a cop hostage and they still simply just shot two off us off the roof and called negotiations off. and rushed the building.. all we wanted was a simple RP situation for the DOC cops and normal cops but its sad that cops just go for frags and they have servers rules helping them do it.


*Edit, we also landed on top of DOC and we had setup with no cops inside DOC.

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1 hour ago, Adam Johnson said:

Current Rule:3.16 - Official gangs are not to go around robbing people 24/7

New Rule: You cannot rob the same group within 10 or 20 minutes. 

Reason: I was robbed at cocaine processing yesterday by a gang, then the SAME gang robbed me and my friends again at drug dealer, like 12 minutes later.

Oh yeah sure let’s allow people to just make illegal money without any consequences? You’re making a lot of money by doing illegal drugs it’s normal that people rob you. You expect us (speaking for all gangs) to leave you alone with bags money? Protect yourself it’s just a cheap way to get away with doing drugs.


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21 hours ago, Sossa Rodriguez said:

Oh yeah sure let’s allow people to just make illegal money without any consequences? You’re making a lot of money by doing illegal drugs it’s normal that people rob you. You expect us (speaking for all gangs) to leave you alone with bags money? Protect yourself it’s just a cheap way to get away with doing drugs.

What do you mean illegal money? If cops were the ones who killed him I would understand where you're coming from but its other gangs who have no moral compass to enforce the law? Gangs benefit pennies while new players lose racks.

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On 6/11/2019 at 8:46 AM, Ling Chong said:

I also think the DOC class three kos rule needs to be worked on, we robbed DOC with 4 guys and a cop hostage and we told the officers that we had a cop hostage and they still simply just shot two off us off the roof and called negotiations off. and rushed the building.. all we wanted was a simple RP situation for the DOC cops and normal cops but its sad that cops just go for frags and they have servers rules helping them do it.


*Edit, we also landed on top of DOC and we had setup with no cops inside DOC.

That's not very professional, if you got a video of it send it to Carlos Luis Fernando and he'll sort that madness out. Absolutely unacceptable and not preserving life (if true).

Henry Free Henry Wagner

For any queries, feel free to contact me on Teamspeak, Steam or the forums PM system.

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