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Scouge official gang app

Kevin Lodge

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Gang Name: Scourge
Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang): Zach Myers
Gang Leader Discord: ™Mr.Cream™#5885

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): Who we are, we are The Scourge. What we are, we are plague doctors. We're from the year of our Lord 1543. We were fighting the  Black death on the marshes of the french Atlantic coast. Hence when all of a sudden my men who were rooting the plague clean from the lands, started falling ill and fainting all around me. I thought they were dying from the plague including myself who became ill and passed out as well. When I came to, I saw my men and other plague fighters scatter along the marshes, but things looked different way different. I gathered up my men waking them up checking for survivors along the shore. All of the men were fine including those not in my crusade fighting in France to rid the lands clean of the black death. (Real 1543 name is Charles DuMont, but that is irrelevant now.) We slowly started to gain conciseness back and began a life altering check among-st these "NEW" marshes. We are all disoriented and scathed walking in our outfits as we come up upon this highway. To say we were confused would be an understatement. We start walking this highway when some bikers having a bike rally, ride by and well rally around us thinking we look out of place. They start berating us with modern insults, ones in which
we don't know the meaning of words or haven't heard them used in such a fashion before. ETC. Called dirtbags and sleezeballs.. we are like Whats a b-ba-bag? Bag? Dirt? Im not dirt? Whats a bag? Sleazeball I cannot fathom your language, wheres your lord or king? They think this is funny, my men and I are utterly confused. Out of nowhere one of the bikers pulls out a cigarette and pulls a lighter to his face to light his newly showcased stress reliever. He flicks his bic, flame appears and before he can light his fresh Marlboro in his pursed lips MY MEN AND I ALL GASP! My men and I go hysterical and the bikers are caught so off guard they don't pull weapons on us because we are so intrigued about this fire that this man produced from his hand with a special tool. We thought of him and them as modern alchemists, just like us but from another realm. The bikers interest is peaked and they let us play around with the lighter and we are utterly enjoying striking the light over and over and chanting when it comes on and how easy it is to strike it with no chants or potions. The bikers think this is funny like we are some sort of primitive minded individuals. Thats when we reveal our plight to them and they are taken aback by this and even somewhat sympathetic. Because we were fighting for the innocent much like the bikers have a code of protecting the innocence like women and children, etc. The bikers decide to show us around Florida on their bikes. They take us to a bike meet where they vouch for us. Some of the bikers decide to teach us how to ride the bikes in the parking lot at the bike rally. We Start riding and following their instructions and the rest.. well the rest is history. We fall in love with these mechanical bipedal wheeled horses made by the alchemists of the realm and time. We become our own biker gang and are allied with those bikers. Most everyone else outside of my men and the bikers we don't associate with as we are still learning this new world and trying to figure out how we came to be here. How this realm hopping (time travel) occured. We have learned to ride bikes use phones and follow and respect the rules of the road and treat them chivalrous

Why you would like to become official: Scourge has proven time and again that we possess the strength, coordination, and determination necessary to excel as an official gang. Through countless missions, challenges, and battles, we have demonstrated our ability to work cohesively as a unit, strategize effectively, and adapt to any situation. Our members have honed their individual skills, specializing in different areas to create a well-rounded team capable of tackling diverse objectives. Becoming an official gang would provide us with numerous benefits, such as increased recognition, access to exclusive resources, and the opportunity to participate in larger-scale competitions and events. We have built a strong community within the game, and obtaining official gang status would solidify our bond and elevate our gaming experience to new heights. With our unwavering commitment, camaraderie, and unwavering determination, we are ready to take our gang to the next level and leave an indelible mark on the game's landscape.
Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: Yes

Do you have a uniform available: Yes 
If you have a uniform available please post it in the format below.

Please provide a list of your gang members using the following format:
#1 Zach Myers (
#2 Kevin Lodge (76561198166756779)
#3 Richard Head (76561198411360996)
#4 Ricky James (76561198199122014)
#5 Cole Myers (76561199163093610)
#6 George Nelson (TBA)
#7 Daniel Cheese ()
#8 Jerome Stokes (
#9 John Vickers (TBA)
#10 Carlos Danger ()
#11 Assad green (
#12 Jake Lodge (76561198138424685)
#13 Mosses Hunt ()
#14 Simen Johnson (TBA)
#15 Zachary White () 
#16 Aiden Lodge (76561199007064787)
#17 David Json (TBA)
#18 Hank Liss (TBA)
#19 Jimbo Smit ()
#20 Doug Clapton (TBA) 
#21 Joe Caption (TBA)
#22 Luke Sanchez ()
#23 Miles Miller (TBA) 
#24 Nuf Snow (
#25 Tony Macs (TBA)
#26 Sancho Sanchez (TBA) 
#27 Roger Sosa (TBA)

Scourge has a Roster that we have our members fill out with Rank, Name, Discord name and steam64id

scourge front.png

scourge back.png

signature THIS ONME.png

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