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  • ANZUSRP Server Rules - https://www.anzus.life/forums/topic/72427-anzus-rp-server-rules/

    Discord Name:

    Forum Profile:

    Steam Profile Link:

    What is your character's name?

    Your Time Zone:

    Your Age:

    Please link any RP-related social media:

    What previous SERIOUS RP servers have you played on?

    Can you screenshot your FiveM hours?

    Do you have anyone who would vouch for you in our community? If so, please type their name + Discord:

    Can you please link the rules and tell us what you think is good and bad about them?

    Please explain what role-play means to you in your own words:

    When is it okay to break character?

    What is your character's backstory? This answer requires great detail. Please take your time with this answer. Short/low-effort answers will not be accepted. (300 WORD MINIMUM)

    What are your character's strengths and weaknesses? Please elaborate on your answers.

    Describe what your character's short and long-term goals would be in the city and how they would achieve them:

    Scenario 1: You’re walking back to your car after a shift doing pizza deliveries. You've finally made a big chunk of money and can afford that car you've been saving for. You're about to get into your car when a masked figure points a gun at you, tells you to get on your knees, and gives him everything you have on you. How does your character react? (150 WORD MINIMUM)

    Scenario 2: Lavender is your favorite color. You’re wearing your favorite lavender socks with shorts, and you've stumbled into the wrong side of town. Next thing you know, 5/6 people are surrounding you, all wearing purple, telling you to take your socks off as it’s their color. What does your character do? (150 WORD MINIMUM)

    If you were an animal, which animal would you be and why?

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