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  1. Welp. Okay. Brutally honest time. This has been done before and it flopped badly of which resulted in Anzus player base dropping considerably in 4.0. This feels like a re-run of previous mistakes. 25k for a class 3 is ridiculous you’ll be doing a Knox and a payout will only just cover the class 3 you used if your lucky. Nevermind other majors won’t cover the cost of a class 3. Conflict will completely die off if this becomes a thing so all the hard work you’ve put into conflict will be thrown out the window so if this becomes a thing you might as well remove conflict with it. Not to mention the fact that people grew to hate crafters only for class 3s cause crafters could never keep up with the demand of the players wanting constant class 3s. It just doesn’t work. If crafters are offline and player has no class 3 they don’t want to play because they can’t get a class 3 to use or have to pay a ridiculous amount for a class 3 which won’t happen and will drive players away. Not all people want to have to constantly contact crafters for class 3s. Anzus already has so many massive money sinks, don’t make another one. Majority of people in 4.0 grew to hate SMGs and Pistols only in shops so don’t repeat that again. I’m all for low tier class 3s being in shops for a reasonable price and higher tier being crafting but anything less than that is a big no from me. Overall I feel Option 3 is the best one for Anzus as a whole and the longevity of Anzus alongside keeping the player base happy.
    15 points
  2. All respect although I personally feel that is a matter of opinion. Apologies in regards to conflict I was not aware that had changed. My stipulation still stands in regards to supply in comparison to demand. Unless crafters are constantly online and are constantly making class 3s then I don’t feel it’ll be enough to keep up with the demand of players. I can agree 4.0 was harder across the board. Although it indicates that premise or basis did not work in my opinion (unless it is made extremely easy to craft), there was never really enough people crafting class 3s alongside a number of crafters got burnt out and left after constantly doing runs to keep up with demand. From a player that was putting 30/40+ hours a week in 4.0 I can argue the point that covid ending was not the only reason to 4.0 player base dropping. A vast amount of players got fed up, bored etc. Although yes some did leave cause of covid ending. I can agree 5.5 was too focused on combat but as stipulated before in my own opinion I do not feel making class 3s in shops expensive is exactly the right answer to counteract this. If class 3s in shops are more expensive I do feel major prices will need to be buffed. And if you want to give it a go by all means. I will also like to bring up the point of people that will play in low player count times that they will struggle to find any crafters to supply their class 3s therefore forcing them to purchase at a higher price at a shop therefore draining their bank account and driving them away from wanting to play. This is only a potential problem that might occur (it might not) and I feel should be taken into consideration. Although I still stand by my opinion with the best option being low tier class 3s in rebel for an affordable price and then crafters controlling the market of a wide variety of higher tier and better class 3/4s. Even if that means reducing some of the class 3s in the shops. My main concern still lies with me not wanting to see Anzus fall under a re-run of what has occurred in the past where it didn’t work resulting in player loss and lowered player retention.
    3 points
  3. Option 3 is the best bet. I remember when class 3s were made expensive and tried to implement crafting. Two main outcomes came of this, player count dropped and toxicity in death chat was at an all time high. No one wanted to lose their 200k gun and took anger out on others. Personally, I don’t think the standard guns should be grindy to get. I always viewed crafting as the way to get a bunch of high tier weapons like 7.62s, snipers, etc. The standard 5.56 guns like the colt commando, HK416, M4 tact should be relatively cheap (ranging 5-7k). People will still use crafters to purchase guns, I can’t tell you how many guns I bought off KD during Kamden. Doing this allows crafters plenty of room to set competitive prices. If a gun at rebel was 25k (250k old economy), then something like a MK1 would be around 140k (1.4 mil old economy). And then there would just be a general lack of buyers and be counter productive, no one is going to spend that much on a single gun let alone reliably. I would like to reintroduce my idea of having minor crimes be done with class 1s and 2s only and change some stuff like swat base to be a minor crime. I know some combat andys might not like restrictions, but this discussion is all about compromise for both parties. Plus, ill be honest, people popping minors with class 3s are mostly doing it to shoot something, the payout is abysmal for the risk. It gives people who are less combat inclined some form of robbery to do and roleplay out with the cops during negotiation. Lastly, the issue of grinding. Grinding should be a way to obtain advanced things for you to use, penthouses, expensive cars, player hideouts, warehouses, etc. But one thing I noticed is that these aren’t “essentials”. Just QoL changes and upgrades to make your grind more efficient or show off your cool vehicles and such. But class 3s shouldn’t be grindy to get, they are sort of essential. They allow people to participate in majors, gang activity, and allows the standard individual to defend their runs. There are lots of reasons why I think option 3 is the best bet. With that said, I don’t think you should ever include higher tier weapons into rebel. Tavors, 7.62s, snipers, etc should never be in rebel, no matter how expensive they are. People should look to crafters and establishing a deal for them.
    3 points
  4. As a long time anzus player I got some reservations about option 1 and 2. As we remember on 4.0 the only crafted class 3s was heavily disliked by many people and no matter how you look at it, the change tanked the population heavily due to fact arma is so adapted to have good gunplay and IMO that is what sets it apart from FiveM and other life mods which it showed people also thought. People just did not like how hard it was and how long it took, and clearly did not enjoy the class 2s and class 1s. Paying 20-30k for a class 3 is absolutely bonkers in my opinion. I have just about 100 hours on the sever as a cop w about 10-15 hours as a civ and I have just about 180k which is not low for cops. This means I could buy 7 class 3s with 100 hours of playtime. Of course there are civ mains w more money and less hours but cops should also be able to go on civ and not worry about going broke. I suggest that we do a hybrid version of option 3 where you add basic class 3s that start at maybe 5-6k instead of 3k and make changes as we go. Don’t get me wrong, I love class 3 combat and RP and wouldn’t mind buying class 3 from people but I don’t think it is the play to try something that we already have tried and almost killed the server in the process.
    3 points
  5. Hello everyone, I hope you're enjoying 6.0. Player wise it's officially the most successful release even topping 3.0 playtime, big ups to everyone who made it possible. For those who are new Class 3 = assault/automatic rifles. Class 3s have been a hot topic this week after Lewis millers thread popped off a bit. We always said pistol only will be for 2 weeks then we will look at discussing how we want to release class 3s and that time is here. 6.0 has had a completely different vibe and there is worry from SMT that class 3's could effects this, we want to implement class 3's in a way where it will not effect the vibe whatsoever. We understand we need to start sinking the economy and that a lot of the combat andies are getting a bit bored. This transition has to be done right though. My question to the community is, what way do you think we should implement class 3s? Noteable recommendations from Lewis millers thread: Note - These are beginning recommendations, the end situation will always result in class 3s in rebel for an affordable price based on the economy. Option 1: (From me) - Bring back class 3s in rebel at 20-30k (or a a high number) to begin with - Add class 2s in rebel for a affordable price - Allow class 3s to be bought from crafters (Note crafting is A LOT easier in 6.0, some people are already level 70+ and have a big stock of C3S. They will be affordable regardless of rebel price) - Class 3s can only be used in the baron land(Rebel and above) and Majors. Option 2: - Only add back class 2s to rebel - Allow crafters to run the class 3 market - Allow class 3s to be used at majors/red zones Option 3: - Go back to normal straight away (Class 3s in rebel for cheap and allowed to use anywhere) These are just 3 different ideas, doesn't have to be this way I am 100% open to hear what the community thinks. To achieve what I want from this thread short +1 responses are not wanted, we want well thought out responses. Important things to add in your response How much you believe class 3s are worth How you believe they should be accessed Where they should be used This thread is very important for the future of ANZUS, we won't have an opportunity to re-do this until 7.0 at the latest.
    2 points
  6. 100% agree with ryan on this. Everyone I have talked to recently just wants class 3s. Like Ryan said in the past this has been tried and it didnt work. IMO what you could do to make crafters still involved is to have higher tier weapons being crafted by them and keep rebel simple for the most part. Like Doug said crafter is way easier, im sure there are plenty of people right now that can already start to craft those higher tier weapons. I think just adding the weapons in instead of making a go around for people to complain another week about will be better (Including myself lol).
    2 points
  7. I think it needs to be a bit of a mix. Bring back class 3's to rebel but at a higher price (for the ADHD Andies), but make it affordable to buy them from crafters instead. Make sure prices aren't stupid for cops, since when they are forced to use them they don't stand to make any profit. I wouldn't say restrict them to only majors, forcing a narrative always kills fun & RP. There can be plenty of other good uses for them, so long as civs have an actual financial risk when using them.
    2 points
  8. My opinion on the topic of class 3's is 1. add class 2s to the rebel shop and let them be used freely. 2. Add class 3s to the transport truck, Smug boat, airdrop crate, pirate boat, these can also be used freely. (High risk losing a 3 that can only be found) 3. Run this for 5 days, Monday to Saturday. If people like it, keep it for another week and then release crafters to sell 3s and let them control the gun market. 4. (maybe) - Military base I'm not sure if it's a major because I've never seen it pop. But make the robbery there give class 3s of x amount. 5. after x amount of time release 3s to the shops - say 3-6 months from now
    2 points
  9. In my opinion, I think going with a player ran C3 market to begin with is a smart idea, this adds more roleplay interaction and allows crafters and the player base to change the market, it has massive roleplay opportunities and it can work well. Slowly after time goes on, class 3s can be more integrated, I think C2 should be the available option in rebel and regular police such as patrol should only have class 1s, if SWAT is rolling around and acting as a SWAT team they will carry Class 2/3s but it should be as and when. I think the right balance is necessary but hard to accomplish, but the player base running the markets is a good idea in general. Class 3s are extremely valuable for both Civs and Cops, being regularly available and used all the time takes away from the realism part, due to everyone just having a giant rifle, and just becomes a giant shooter clusterfuck. With regards to price, 5-15k for Class 2s and 20k+ for Class 3s, depending on their tier/power.
    2 points
  10. please if we do any of these options can we not limit someone on where they can use a gun. honestly idc what option wins but i do not want to have to carry a class 3 and a class 2/1 at all times just in-case i get into a fight in a area i cant use a certain gun. but option 3 is the best this didnt work in 4.0
    2 points
  11. I'm gonna be honest, 20-30K is like a few hours of grinding with the best truck, best run, etc., and the truck already takes forever to get. Crafting is good as it is right now, it allows Civs to get specialized class 3's that might not be in rebel... but this is where the dilema comes in, if you allow crafters to be the only ones with class 3's, people will start to hate crafters, just like hancock said, it always turns into the crafters can never meet the demand of the civs, and there's never a lot of class 3's around. The second option has been implemented before, it did not go well. It was not enjoyed, and people still had the same issues with crafters as I just mentioned. When it was implemented before, it was shit, boring, and overall unenjoyable. 20-30k is absurd for a class 3, I was assuming 10k would be the price for a good class 3, and like a cold would be 5/7k from the start. Option 1 limits class 3's to CTRG Base, Conflict, Majors, and Zones. Kind of goofy, don't think it would work out in the long run, what do you do if you're going from your house to conflict and boom a cop shows up and tries to pull you over, and now you get in a gunfight with your class 3 in Orlando, seems to me like it would create a lot of salt reporting. Just my thought on that though. Obviously I'm a CTRG Brain goober, but I cannot see option 1 or option 2 actually working for the server population as a whole, and I can see it going south quickly with both options.
    1 point
  12. I'll be frank, I don't see option 2 working. Like @Ryan Hancocksaid, the player base dropped. In an ideal world it would be great, but making class 3s cost 25k (which is 250k old economy) would mean even majors won't net a profit after cuts. For newer people, class 3s use to cost 50-70k. Meaning, since we scaled the economy back 10x, it should cost 5-7k per class 3. Secondly, option 2 simply doesn't work because of the demand. Even during Kamden crafting groups like KD with numerous members would take around a week to finish one's order for a few class 3s. In an ideal world, option 2 would be the best, but this isn't an ideal world. Every time option 2 has been tried people claimed that "they'll grind enough to match the demand" and it has never happened leading to a drastic loss of population. If option 2 is selected again, I doubt it would work this time. Especially since it's not during the summer where many people have more free time, instead, many of the community are dealing with university classes + work. And to add onto that, remember when people were banned for doing deals of discord as metagaming and fail RP? That's right, if you wanted to sell guns and set up a deal and time to be on the server you aren't allowed to do it over discord. I feel like that's something a lot of people are missing, which means, you'll have to be on the server 24/7 and possibly sacrifice your time schedule to even make deals.
    1 point
  13. ~ Raphael has entered the chat... ~ I want to push for keeping the population high and entertaining for as long as possible. This means new content and a change of normal routine is what I'm aiming for. In the past, we had times where we had eased into Class 3's by starting off with crafters selling them, making it more of a player economy. Then there were times where small bundles of Class 3's were added into Rebel throughout weeks. I'd like to propose a option that adds small bundles of Class 2's into Rebel/PD shops which may extend over the course of a week or two, and during this time we can allow crafted Class 3's to be used in Conflict/Capture points and Majors only. This allows the majority of the population (which I don't feel will be doing Conflict/Capture or Majors often) to continue their grind for money/xp and roleplay. There are several people that I know will utilize Class 2 and Class 2-A weapons. Most WL Civilian factions have Class 2's in their crafting bench and allowing more focused Class 2 and 2-A combat for the majority of Florida will also include more matched force between Cops and Civilians. This should also encourage more people to sink money into Extended Carry Licenses for Class 2-A's. I've had a more enjoyable time here while we have had Class 1's as opposed to the end of Kamden. I know Class 3's weren't the sole reason, but I also don't want to see people getting big heads and ruining role play situations for others. I like the slow and easy approach, and I'll agree that after two weeks of Class 1's, we can step it up a notch. With this idea in place, there is the possibility to see; All WL Civilian Faction guns, every MP5 variant, Para AUG, ADR97, PDW2000, Protector, Vermin, AWM, Saiga-12, Winchester, Desert Eagle, and a few others. Here's the definitions of Firearms Classifications:
    1 point
  14. In my opinion, the overall feel of ANZUS since pistol-only has been really nice. It's been really enjoyable as a cop main to be able to do traffic stops or speed traps without being viewed as a talking loot drop by the apes that don't care about RP. I'm on ANZUS to play a role and socialize, not feature in some kids over-saturated, third-person, max FOV fragtage set to a shitty drill track and edited in Filmora. That said, I recognize their necessity given our unfortunate community playstyle split. I'd suggest Option 2, but with the omission of location-based use, as I think that will be needlessly painful to enforce, with little overall gain. If you do down that route, I think you'll need to tighten rules on robbing cops, or taking them 'hostage' but stripping them anyway, as cops will definitely be targeted by the combat andies when they're either too lazy or poor to speak to a crafter for their Class 3s, and if cop RP gets killed to the point that it was back in Kamdan, I don't see myself playing at all. I've made a rule adjustment suggestion in the Staff Suggestions section on Discord, as I believe it deserves its own discussion, and will be necessary if access to C3's becomes in anyway partially restricted.
    1 point
  15. I agree with everything here except for labs. I think there should be some decent weapons in there as its kinda high risk high reward sort of deal. Since you cant loot players the only way to "farm guns" in labs is to find them which from my experience in 5.5 is mainly just pistols are rarely class 2s (deagles and revos).
    1 point
  16. i feel like we should start out with option 1 or 2 and maby a month in or at the 6.2 update we can use option number 3
    1 point
  17. As someone who has been enjoying pistol combat and enjoying not being shot from some Guerilla Fighter in a bush from 700m every engagement being the norm lately I also see the need to up the ante a bit from pistols finally for fun urban engagements from beyond 100m. I also think the best result is to ensure crafters are involved in whatever way the vote goes as its a shame to see these players actively grinding levels and then the average joe just buying a cheap 556 preventing any interaction with the crafters. I also wanna quickly give my opinion on if we do go to class 3's I would rather we do red dots/holographics/none magnified scopes for a bit instead of going straight for magnified scopes. I'd much rather a scope nerf than to limit when and where the weapons can be used. Onto my optional choice votes. I'd rather option 1 or 2 preferably. I think going straight for option 3 would not be a good decision. Just my thoughts as a cop main who enjoys interactions and not every traffic stop being seen as a free opportunity to pocket wipe a cop for his kit. Too often do players think with their gun and not their brain once they have a class 3. This isn't all players, just some of the ones most cop mains like myself would rather actively avoid for this exact reason.
    1 point
  18. MY OPINION AS A PLAYER NOT AS DEV OR STAFF: Add class 2's to rebel Allow crafters to run the class 3 market (From my understanding the problem on 4.0 was that crafters could not keep up with demand, which increased prices) Add class 3's to the darkweb/bitcoin shop Don't add any restrictions on where class 3's can be used (possibly add some restictions to the orlando. Incase it becomes a fragfest and people aren't able to rp)
    1 point
  19. What I want - option 3 what I think will benefit the server/community the most - Option 2 HOWEVER. I feel like going back to normal is still possible just with a different approach. I think adding class 3s back as normal is what should happen now however as you have said remove some of the cracked/good versions from rebel and make them craft only. Also keep the prices high at the start but no restriction on where it can be used, instead HOW it can be used. For example keep it so you cannot rob legal runs at all so it doesn’t effect the people who run businesses and make it so class 3s cannot be used in cities excluding majors. I feel like a majority of the population resides around the cities to keeping the class 3 combat to the open areas and away from those high pop points can help solve the problem with people getting effected by class 3s. I think also going with option 3 make it a no tolerance period for anything involving class 3s. So the people who act like monkey and ruin other peoples time and result in the complains actually get delt with. I think it’s time class 3s come back a lot of people are getting restless and want them back. Even if it’s the “combat andies” there is still a lot of us and we all just want to enjoy the class 3 combat again. Price of the lowest Class 3 - 6k Price of hte highest class 3 - 15k ^^^ Rebel only This is double the price of the old class 3s but also reasonable on a side note you should all go like MY thread and post your comment on there also…
    1 point
  20. Allow crafters to run the class 3 market but make it hard/grindy to make. full run of multiple materials. Do not limit where you can use class 3s, we have rules in place for a reason. Someone earned the money/materials to carry a higher class weapon they should be able to use it anywhere they like. The cost and difficulty to obtain will be enough to keep people in check.
    1 point
  21. I also forgot to mention that doing military base major gives out class 3s as well
    1 point
  22. I personally would 100% prefer option 2 but I am just concious how well this will work. I think as long as their is an effective auction house or dark web system works without the need of bitcoin, then no matter if crafters are awake or not, they can be purchased from a crafter controlled marketplace. Option 3 may be something to introduce at a much later stage if there are only 4-5 dedicated crafters left on the island later in the year.
    1 point
  23. I honestly believe it’s a good idea to go with option one but I’d even much rather got with option 3. Having them back would be much better but putting restrictions on class 3s will eventually make it so people aren’t interested and it’ll get to a point where only 1 gang will have unlimited class 3s and robbing every other gang that’s trying to make money to get class 3s and once they do, boom it’s gone. I believe 20k:30k is even still TOO expensive. That’s like double the price of an average car. Minimum class 2s should be 3k-8k and class 3s 8k to 15k. I believe there should be little to no class 3s in rebel however and make it so crafters control most of the market. Maybe class 2s and maybe 1-5 different horrible class 3s in rebel. My idea: adding class 2s to rebel around 3k-8k crafters control most class 3 market barely none to little class 3s in rebel itself Do not put restrictions on where people can use a class 3.
    1 point
  24. Option 1- Bring back class 3s in rebel at 20-30k (or a a high number) to begin with- Add class 2s in rebel for a affordable price- Allow class 3s to be bought from crafters (Note crafting is A LOT easier in 6.0, some people are already level 70+ and have a big stock of C3S. They will be affordable regardless of rebel price) Change Class 3s can only be used anywhere however having a visible class 3 or if police report an individual with a class 3 that person is KOS by the police with no initiation regardless of code color, though perhaps 10 / 15 mins after they are last seen by police this KOS ends unless seen again with the class 3 . This would allow people to use them to rob etc but would be more weary about flashing them about. Or instead of going as extreme as KOS remove police response limits on individuals with class 3's. If you want to add an RP reason in the extremely unlikely event the above gets implemented could be that the Government has outlawed all assault rifles or something. I think an important thing to add, which no one seems to have touched on is that if you go for one of the options which heavily limit class 3's or make them alot harder to obtain you should also strip back police gear to only high ranking police having class 3's or SWAT. This would fit in well with the above because if an individual is seen with a class 3 more heavily armed police would be called in as it would in real life. Would make for some quite funny sits if you have some heavily armed rebel heavily outgunning a bunch of normal cops then the SWAT boys roll in.
    0 points
  25. Option 4, Add able to pick up downed people guns(Hobos can finally snowball off dead grubs) allow class 3 to be used for however one wants. Ram by crafters and high prices rebel ontop of weapon crates. You could add a higher advanced rebel perk to gain access to higher tier weapons and cars Just limiting it is just cringe because current combat is extremely limited People that are voting here aren’t combat driven, a side part of the map should be heavily pvp influenced just like certain parts of the map is extremely safe and initially non robbable
    0 points
  26. That is certainly true, but crafters can't be awake 24/7. I believe the Auction House fee needs to be highlighted to those using it and potentially increased. A fee not so much that it would make the auction house equal or worse than Rebel. But a fee that would certainly encourage the buyer to reach out to the poster and would allow a peer to peer transaction.
    0 points
  27. I think this is a bad representation of reality. 4.0 was completely different when it comes to crafting levels and crafting guns. It is probably 10x easier now then it was back then. We've made it so people can easily sell guns at 4k-10k and still make a profit. If guns were 10-20k in rebel they would still be obtainable but cheaper from crafters. A lot of the reason 4.0 died was because it was hard across the board, and covid ended.. not just because of class 3s. 5.5 died A LOT more than 4.0 did when we were too focused on combat. You haven't played 6.0 so you don't know that Conflict you don't even lose your gear. I really want this conversation to be a good one but people blindlessly agreeing with people ignoring context will only hurt your cause. In reality the safest way to do this is to put class 3s in the shop for 10-17.5k (ish) and make crafters be the forefront of the market and slowly lower the prices until its at a point where its balanced. If that means increasing majors to make it better, sure we can consider that. All respect Ryan, you know I got you homie just needed to say this.
    0 points
  28. Been here since 2.9, and I'm open to a lot of options. Two major points I see being discussed is PRICE and CRAFTING. Price: 20k+ for a basic class 3 is absolutely insane. This makes doing majors with class 3s basically unpractical for the average player. Sure, there's plenty of "rich" players on ANZUS but there's also way more folk who only get to play for an hour or two a night. They shouldn't need to spend half their playtime just trying to be able to afford one class 3 and have it taken away. I know I personally wouldn't be motivated to do runs just to afford such expensive weapons to do a major. The economy has gone through many significant changes since my time here, and one thing I noticed is the harder you make things, the less motivated people become to play civ or play all together. Crafting: Everyone knows 4.0 was a terrible time when Class 3s were almost only obtainable via crafters. There are too many combat-oriented players for the crafters to keep up with demand. Even if crafting is somewhat easier, it's still a heavy investment as it sits right now for the casual player due to how many different materials you need to gather, purchase a large enough house to store said materials, and take the time to get the crafting level up to where you can actually craft decent weapons. I've put in a decent amount of time to the server since 6.0 launched, and I only made enough for a trailer house (20k), a few decent vehicles like the ford raptor, WRX, a dump truck, and the 200k truck. Players who need to meet hour requirements on cop also have less time to put into time sinks like crafting. Ease our way into class 3s, with lower end ones available at Rebel, high end ones slowly being trickled into shop, with crafters being able to sell them at the start. Crafters will slowly die down in population anyways after a while, and we shouldn't rely too heavily on them as they'll get burnt out from crafting weapons 24/7 and not having any other content due to demand. Class 3 price should be 5-15k (15k being the super high-end rifles, which only crafters will be able to sell at the beginning where they'll rake in the money). Class 2s should be 3-8k. Average folk shouldn't break the bank just to do a class 3 major with their friends, nor cop mains who barely make any money that want to take a break and hop on civ.
    0 points
  29. Class 3's | Purchased at Rebel for x2 the price you could get them from Crafters for Class 3's | Only allowed to be used at major crimes Class 2's | Can be purchased for a regular price, can be used at minor crimes (Gas station, Jewelry, etc.. This keeps pistol play active for a lot of situations
    0 points
  30. maybe try do legal class 3's e.g. there semi auto and then illegal ones could be crafted
    0 points
  31. I think option 3 is the best option, if people want to use pistols or class 2s or whatever, but I think a lot of people will appreciate class 3s coming back to what they used to be
    0 points
  32. From what you have been talking about in bringing the economy up, I believe Option 2 would best fit your ideals for the economy, it would allow for more Roleplay in the sense of trading illegal firearms to buyers and would bring more economy in as people trade money from runs for goods.... This would then also would create not such a high influx of weapons right away, if you were to go with Option 1 straight away. Personally Option 2 would be a good start, bring in buyable Class 2 firearms and allow roleplay and trading between members of the community for Class 3's. Then later on if you choose to, bring in Option 1... Just my personal opinion as I like Roleplay and Economies...
    0 points
  33. I Like Option 2 But I Am Going to Tweak It a Little Bit Option 2:- Only add back class 2s to rebel- Allow crafters to run the class 3 market- Allow class 3s to be used at majors/red zones I Like This Idea but I Would Add Option 3 in At a Later Time So the Island Don't Die Off. But I Would Do.... - Option 2:- Only add back class 2s to rebel- Allow crafters to run the class 3 market- Allow class 3s to be used Anywhere
    0 points
  34. Personally, I am not a Highly Combat driven player. I love combat, dont get me wrong. But my true enjoyment comes out of the interactions and roleplays with other groups. For me these two weeks have been an incredible experience with pistols only so far. I understand that people are saying it draws out the firefights but I dont see that as a problem at all. The longer the firefights the more chance for interesting roleplay scenarios instead of just pew pew and its over move on. I would love to see class two's become available soon but dont see class 3's as being something that should be used on anything other than red zones / majors. My Favorite option out of the ones given would be option 2. Class 2's at rebel would alleviate some of the problems people are having but still give that bit of progression and keeping the streets not absolutely insane all the time. The think the C3 market being handled by the crafters would be great, but I am a bit worried about the price decline with the crafting competition. I could see class 3's becoming scary cheap... Maybe we could introduce a min price to not completely flood the market with C3's right away. The Class 3 market being only used by crafters at a high price point (15-25k a gun is what ive been thinking) will inturn raise prices of player to player traded goods. making the player to player market a larger part of the game. I think as long as we can control the minimum price of class 3's this would work very well! If theres anything that doesnt make sense, or your knowledge tells you different then mine please let us know. This is just my opinion no matter what i cant wait to be shoot by you folks
    0 points
  35. To add to this. Maybe there is potential to create a app on the phone where players can advertise what c3 they wish to have & the crafters can accept the job to make the weapons? Just a thought
    0 points
  36. My idea: Add class 2 all of it to rebel shop. Add class 2 to PD currently we are heavily limited on it. I recommend PD the following Any Variant of MP5 smgs & PDWs , Senior Trooper+ MPX trooper + Protector - Trooper+ weapon. Steyr AUGA2 Para 9mm - Senior Trooper+ Sting 9mm - Cpl+ P90 - Sgt+ Allow civs to buy SDAR Allow CG to use SDAR Allow civs to get class 3s pre doing smug boat, transport truck and pirate ship. Crafting also another good thing.
    0 points
  37. Personally I think a combination and modification of option 2 and 3 is the best for a balance between the people wanting C1s and those wanting c3s. - Class 2s in shops for reasonable prices - Class 3s limited to only being made by crafters for now, added to shops later down the road starting with lower value ones and growing over time naturally. - 2/3s can be used anywhere freely - Expansion on the available C3s and progressive lowering of price in shops once they are added and become more common. as for value, I would say C2s ranging from $5K-$15K and C3s ranging from $20K-$35K
    0 points
  38. Hello Long time arma player, I believe there could be a best of both worlds scenario for the Role players, Crafters, and Fraggers to meet in a somewhat middle ground. My opinion/suggestion is as follows The Ideal idea would be to put Class 3's into rebel for a decent price as Doug stated in Option 1. allow the crafters to only able to make the high tier weapons as well as WP's to produce more fighting in the upper areas. this including snipers such as AWMs, 7.62 weapons like the Troy, and many more high power rifles. Thus giving a reason for crafters to control the higher tier market for guns creating it almost like a royalty to be able to own and craft one. The War Points would make it so you can get mid to high-low tier weapons to peruse more fighting into conflict and capture zones inducing for the fraggers to have more than just gang money to care about. and for lab raids only allow the low tier C3s to be put in there but make it like an uncommon item to get vs C2s and C1s loot table make Getting Class 3’s hard to get into lab raids so they aren’t farmed for free guns and kill the market this way. Make it like a rare or low chance of receiving one. Persoanlly I think Class 3’s need to be a thing that is some what easy but a bit grindy to get. I would still like to see them be able to be used all around Florida and not restricted to majors only. There are multiple loop holes to that and can get troublesome for long term issues.
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