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Doug Jumper

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Posts posted by Doug Jumper

  1. I feel like this is just a terminology thing, the only reason we call it frisking is that we have an animation for it. If we just called it "SEARCH" I don't think anyone would care. The border is meant to be a deterrent for illegal runs and we want people to take the extra steps to get across. 

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  2. On 2/23/2024 at 2:05 PM, Guest Anonymous said:

    I think it would be a lot more of an enjoyable experience on Anzus if the Economy was buffed, me and some other guys I know are struggling to keep up with the Economy as we work full time jobs and don't have all the time we would like to have, we would love to just hop on Anzus and play for 12 hours straight but we're not young anymore and have all the free time in the world, I understand that there will always be people with more hours / more money / assets but at least we'll actually be able to have things instead of driving a bus around for 4 hours a day to make enough money to buy a house in a week, It feels like I'm working another full time job here on Anzus now. I used to enjoy myself so much not having to stress about having enough money. Remember the 4.0 - 5.0 Economy? those Economies were the best in my opinion Of Anzus history, you didn't have to put in that much work to make a few hundred thousand but you also weren't rich because you made a few hundred grand, it just helped a lot with getting the basic things you need. you could grab yourself a house in a day with just a few hours of grinding and that's all it really felt like I needed to start enjoying myself on Anzus because then all you needed or wanted was cars and to just roleplay with people, right now it's less roleplay, more grinding, everyone is stressed out because they just want a foundation to be able to start making a name for themselves, or most just want to be able to enjoy the roleplay experience and the current economy has drained all that motivation for roleplay out of a lot of people. I understand the Economy most likely isn't going to change based on this suggestion but hopefully y'all can see some of our struggles! Thank you.

    We've made several adjustments to the economy, early game always sucks but once you get a decent truck its a lot easier than Florida currently. We are actually considering going the other way with some runs. 

  3. Hey everyone! The day is finally here, the 7.0 announcement.

    Here is the planned timeline:
    15th February - 7.0 Character Creation Day (Thursday)
    16th February - 3PM EST, 12PM PST, 8AM GMT/EU - 7.0 OFFICIAL RELEASE (Friday)

    Hope you're all as excited as I am! I look forward to seeing everyone back.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Anthony Carter said:

    This is not a proper response to the essence of the point people are trying to make. Yes, ofcourse don't break rules but sometimes mistakes happen. If a person decides to report the person 2-3 days later I could totally understand how with no evidence provided that he doesn't remember it.

    The point of this suggestion isn't to allow rulebreaks, but to remove anonymous reports to give the person who made a mistake a proper chance to recollect the situation and defend himself. 

    I understand the point, it doesn't change my opinion on it. The reason for it is because of people like Tariq and Justin harrasing people that report people. 

    • pepelaugh 1
    • OMEGALUL 1
  5. Just don't break the rules, it's very very very easy. Some people have been here for 5 years now with 0 rule breaks and thousands of hours. If you're not a constant rulebreaker staff will be lenient on you if you make mistakes, the people who feel like they're getting overly punished for "simple mistakes" are likely the people who constantly make these "mistakes" and are careless. 

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