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Patrick Lee

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Posts posted by Patrick Lee

  1. Not sure you could get it to work on the mdt like that, however it might be possible to where the pco can draw on the map and everyone can see it. Mario would be the man that would know if it's possilbe 

    • Like 1
  2. Punishing Trooper Details 

    Troopers Name: Liam Forder

    Rank: Aux Trooper

    Badge Number: AX-675

    Department: Highway Patrol 

    Reason for PunishmentPunishmentClassification T - Teamkilling Members of PD

    Result of Punishment: ROFT


    Authorizing Trooper Details

    Trooper's Name: Patrick Lee

    Rank: Captain

    Badge Number: 112 

    Department: SWAT

    Trooper's Signature:Plee

  3. Punishing Trooper Details 

    Troopers Name: Nathan Smity

    Rank: Senior Trooper

    Badge Number: 206

    Department: Admin Services

    Reason for Punishment: Classification B

    Result of Punishment: 1x WW


    Authorizing Trooper Details

    Trooper's Name: Patrick Lee

    Rank: Captain

    Badge Number: 112

    Department: SWAT

    Trooper's Signature: Plee

  4. 4 hours ago, Raphael Mephistopheles said:

    Can't really fix it as mentioned it is just an ArmA thing that happens sometimes. Removing them would just make the map have less detail. We also have lots of barriers to force people into better driving habits. I know that doesn't work on everyone or in every location, but we essentially had little or no barriers, cars would be all over the place. 

    It’s just annoying as the majority of 10-80s someone’s goes through an invisible barrier, doesn’t mean they get away but just annoying to deal with 

  5. 58 minutes ago, Brandon McHelm said:

    skill issue, nah but really its arma 3 engine related, it happens on vanilla with the trees and shit being put back up after people join or relog, not something you can really fix

    Remove some of them innit 

  6. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: Unsure if best to put this as a bug report or a suggestion so putting it here anyway. The barries and hedges placed around the map are not getting destroyed globally and are being destroyed client side, please see below 2 examples where a suspect has been able to drive through the barriers and hedges due to them already being destroyed for the suspect. This can be heavily abused by civs if they wanted to allowing them to pre destroy barriers in certain spots so they can then escape when robbing stores are so on. This works on all the barriers to my knowledge including the metal once. Please fix, thanks.

    Solution on how to make this work?: Devving / we don't need thousands of barriers would help to optimize the map a bit as well

    Pros & Cons?: No cons only pros here 



    • Like 2
  7. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: I think some new activites should be added to Mexico for gangs to fight over, currently gangs only really fight over zones and transport truck. The problem with this, is that it takes ages driving the trucks across the map and going around capping zones, so some gangs don't really fight over them as it's not worth the time for the money you get as a reward. It's more profitable for gangs to just try and pop a major every 45 mins as they can make more money this way. I think some more areas should be added in mexico where gangs can take control over the area and receive more monitery rewards or access to better weapons, for example if they controlled the ghost hotel for 30 mins they gain the ability to purchase a small amount of higher caliber weapons or gain the ability to sell higher caliber weapons from the ghost hotel and will gain money from this. Could add a new cartel that allows ilegal runs to be sold at for a much higher price then up north, this would make combat gangs protect people doing these ilegal runs as they will gain reward for them selling in the capped zone. This would also make gangs fight over these areas more as they can gain a higher monitery reward. 

    Solution on how to make this work?: Create some new zones that will allow for bigger and longer fights

    Pros & Cons?: Will create less pressure on gangs wanting to just do major crimes 24/7 as this gives them another option to actually make money rather then just holding a zone for weeks in order to buy a gang hideout. Con would be, it would need to be balanced so it doesn't crash the economy but hoefully it could be rewarding like major crimes. Another Con would be it would have to be balanced on the weapon side of things so that crafters don't become benign.

    • Like 13
  8. Type of Suggestion?: Server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: The statistics page currently doesn't show the capture zones statistics since switching from the old cartel system to the new, could this be updated to capture the stats from the new bases?

    Solution on how to make this work?: Don't know not qualified in this area

    Pros & Cons?: Pros Stats, Cons dev work?


    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Doug Jumper said:

    I think the main question from Trick is where did you get the idea this is happening, I checked and 99% of people are doing exports to get their trucks, warehouses etc. 

    Information I have obtained from crafters in groups that I am apart off who have been crafting gun parts to get ready for the class 3 release, other sources of information from taking part in a house raid earlier today where the home owner had a collection of weapon parts. If i am wrong then fair enough and i retract my statement on the hoarding of materials. 

    • monkas 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, Trick Sanchez said:

    Hi, Grinder here;
    I thought this issue got solved? Doug gave the W for Bischerman taxing the wall at steel mine since this doesn't break the rule "You can't rob legal runs' since they technically aren't robbing the run. They are taxing it. Refer to screenshot:


    Please tell me where you and others are getting this crazy claim that we're stockpiling weapons? Maybe other people are but I know I'm sure as hell not. Want to know what I've been doing? Exporter. That's it.
    I wait for exporter contrracts to refresh at the top of the hour, then I grab the highest percentile one for steel. Steel pays more than earth. It's always been like that since 3.0 (maybe even 2.0 but I only played after 2.8)
    I run steel from the mine to the gang warehouse. 'Gang' as in 15-20 people pooled money together and bought a 2 million dollar warehouse. Crazy right? Not really.
    Guess what? We're still pooling money to get all of the perks for the warehouse. We have a steel processor which is why we only run steel.
    So what does this contract entail? Well, this current contract I am on is for 6,000+ steel. A 600 slot truck holds 300 unprocessed steel. That's about 15-16 trucks (including inventory space). Contract was at 155% so at the end I'll get a great payday; but, at what cost?
    It takes me no joke 12-14 hours to complete it. No normal person is going to do that by themselves. They might enlist friends so they can split it. It is safe to assume, that was the original purpose of these massive contracts.
    However, you can't always get what you want. There has existed since 3.0 mind you, people like me,like Pug Winter, like Parker Snovle, like Riiken Tenkashie, like Sam Ryder and onel from the past to all the new grinders I've met today (Devin Rouge, The Alucard Brothers some to list). So listen up, because this is a message from us grinders.

    You can't tell us how to play the game. We'll always be here. You're not stopping us.

    *Editors note*


    The screenshots should speak for themselves. I've put a lot of time into not just Anzus; but, Arma in general. I was ranked (at the time when I first left in 5.5) #4 most played time on Anzus. I've had to pleasure of competing with Parker in his prime. I still have my 3rd place 3.0 and 2nd place 4.0 trophies for grinding. I was rewarded from the very start for doing what I do. I understand the function/mechanics on Anzus to a point I could more than likely write my own guide on it. Though on my streams, I may smoke weed (legally, recreational) and seem like a total goober, I'm Anzus smart.

    I have no issue with people grinding and I do respect the grind, my main concern is the people doing runs to craft class 3s, doing your exporter runs is fine I have no issue, if that's what you want to spend your time doing that's up to you. I just don't want the same thing to happen which happened on Florida where we had class 3 crafters having 0 risk invovled in supplying the entire island with ilegal weapons. There should be a risk involved in this.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Ben Cukowski said:

    so we let random hobos get robbed for their shitty runs that pay nothing because of that? You're better off adding a new part to crafting that makes it harder, whether that be a new material or two new materials that are illegal and only for guns/attachments? Allowing brand new players get robbed for a run that pays nothing is pretty daft

    Don't think the starter runs should be robbable, but runs like sulfur should be as they serve no purpose apart from crafting guns 

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Saleh Eyjafjallajoekull said:

    The reward for legal runs is a joke so should not be robbable, however if the reward increases by a lot then I don't mind letting it robbable.

    Also it's kind of funny that cops are the one complaining about legal runs.

    The reward is high once they can start crafting class 3s from the resources gathered from the runs they are stockpiling 

  13. Punishing Trooper Details 

    Troopers Name: Jason Rocket

    Rank: Corporal

    Badge Number

    Department: SWAT

    Reason for Punishment: Classified 

    Result of Punishment: 1x WW and ROFT


    Authorizing Trooper Details

    Trooper's Name: Patrick Lee, Jack Barrow

    Rank: Captain, Colonel

    Badge Number: 112, 100

    Department: SWAT, TxDPS

    Trooper's Signature:PLee

    • OMEGALUL 2
  14. On 12/20/2023 at 4:34 PM, Hue Hatch said:

    There use to be a wall that blocked drop down from one side but idk what happened to it which made it easier to push but it got removed probably by accident im assuming


    Was removed on purpose 

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