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Bill Burr

Senior Support [Arma 3]
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Posts posted by Bill Burr

  1. 7 minutes ago, Daryl Ward said:

    It is a server rule: 6.4 - Police must call the fire rescue to revive anyone they've incapacitated, police must use stabilizers to keep them alive. If there is no response from the Fire Department on frequency or the Fire Rescue say they are unable to come. Police may take two attempts to revive the suspect if they fail they must leave the scene as if the person was dead and no longer there.

    Gosh darnit, I tried to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Thanks for pointing that out. Hmm then sure why not It will help determine if someone is violating the rules. I still don't like the idea that Civs are mentioning it in game or any of the above stuff I mentioned. I feel like this should be more a IA issue and not a Server Rule issue. 

  2. -1 Civs are not supposed to know about the two pump since its in SOPs or quote from it. They also shouldn't mention it when they get picked up. It also wouldn't be a staff issue if you did revive them when you was not supposed too.  They should just ask for your info, and then report it to IA for review.

    3.26 - You cannot quote SOP's at all. The only exception to this is when you have been given access to SOP's in roleplay and are in a court case or close to a computer. This includes saying "you can't do this according to your rules" or anything similar. 

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