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Scotty Grahner

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Posts posted by Scotty Grahner

  1. 13 hours ago, Jammal Murray said:

    anton made a comment already stating he could keep up... sure class 3s will be not as easy access to come by, but labs, pirate ship and crafters... crafters have already said they can do it. People will just have to actually think twice about what they are doing with a class 3 and use it well. 

    And Raphael said KD can only handle legal sales, and Anton said it would take time. And I'm not here to bash KD guns, I love what they do, but even back in 5.0 where class 3s were purchaseable from a shop they'd take about a week for a single MK-1 EMR to be ready. They aren't able to handle the demand

  2. 57 minutes ago, Sigurd Steele said:

    Here's where I want to point out that crafting is very different now, its a lot easier to grind (progression wise) Anyone can craft and get to the higher tiers now with less grind. Whilst I agree expensive class 3s could cause issues, this could be a way to keep some balance, there are major's to get class 3s, crafting, airdrop, transport, and maybe some low tier class 3s in the shop. This is just to get us started things can always start adding things into the shop on further updates. 

    And that was during a time of covid when people had free time. Now, the wide spread covid pandemic is gone for most countries with restrictions being lifted. People have less free time and some of the top crafters have personally said to me they won’t be able to handle the demand.


    Crafting might be easier, but it’s offset by time. And this option alienates those members in the community that don’t have much of it this causing the player base to drop like it did back then.

    I’ll sum up the feeling people have had and will have if this avenue is implemented: it means if you don’t  spend several hours on the server a day you might as well not play at all because you won’t make reasonable progress. Having to spend 6-7 hours grinding for the 1-3 hours of enjoyment is not good game design and it’s why multiple servers and multiple games die out.

  3. I'll be frank, I don't see option 2 working. Like @Ryan Hancocksaid, the player base dropped. In an ideal world it would be great, but making class 3s cost 25k (which is 250k old economy) would mean even majors won't net a profit after cuts. For newer people, class 3s use to cost 50-70k. Meaning, since we scaled the economy back 10x, it should cost 5-7k per class 3.


    Secondly, option 2 simply doesn't work because of the demand. Even during Kamden crafting groups like KD with numerous members would take around a week to finish one's order for a few class 3s. In an ideal world, option 2 would be the best, but this isn't an ideal world. Every time option 2 has been tried people claimed that "they'll grind enough to match the demand" and it has never happened leading to a drastic loss of population. If option 2 is selected again, I doubt it would work this time. Especially since it's not during the summer where many people have more free time, instead, many of the community are dealing with university classes + work.

    And to add onto that, remember when people were banned for doing deals of discord as metagaming and fail RP? That's right, if you wanted to sell guns and set up a deal and time to be on the server you aren't allowed to do it over discord. I feel like that's something a lot of people are missing, which means, you'll have to be on the server 24/7 and possibly sacrifice your time schedule to even make deals.

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  4. Option 3 is the best bet. I remember when class 3s were made expensive and  tried to implement crafting. Two main outcomes came of this, player count dropped and toxicity in death chat was at an all time high. No one wanted to lose their 200k gun and took anger out on others.

    Personally, I don’t think the standard guns should be grindy to get. I always viewed crafting as the way to get a bunch of high tier weapons like 7.62s, snipers, etc. The standard 5.56 guns like the colt commando, HK416, M4 tact should be relatively cheap (ranging 5-7k). People will still use crafters to purchase guns, I can’t tell you how many guns I bought off KD during Kamden. Doing this allows crafters plenty of room to set competitive prices. If a gun at rebel was 25k (250k old economy), then something like a MK1 would be around 140k (1.4 mil old economy). And then there would just be a general lack of buyers and be counter productive, no one is going to spend that much on a single gun let alone reliably.


    I would like to reintroduce my idea of having minor crimes be done with class 1s and 2s only and change some stuff like swat base to be a minor crime. I know some combat andys might not like restrictions, but this discussion is all about compromise for both parties. Plus, ill be honest, people popping minors with class 3s are mostly doing it to shoot something, the payout is abysmal for the risk. It gives people who are less combat inclined some form of robbery to do and roleplay out with the cops during negotiation. 

    Lastly, the issue of grinding. Grinding should be a way to obtain advanced things for you to use, penthouses, expensive cars, player hideouts, warehouses, etc. But one thing I noticed is that these aren’t “essentials”. Just QoL changes and upgrades to make your grind more efficient or show off your cool vehicles and such. But class 3s shouldn’t be grindy to get, they are sort of essential. They allow people to participate in majors, gang activity, and allows the standard individual to defend their runs.


    There are lots of reasons why I think option 3 is the best bet. With that said, I don’t think you should ever include higher tier weapons into rebel. Tavors, 7.62s, snipers, etc should never be in rebel, no matter how expensive they are. People should look to crafters and establishing a deal for them.

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  5. Name: Scotty Grahner
    Main role on the server: Civilian
    Time at ANZUS: 600+ hours
    Opinions on each rule and what you voted:

    1. It's fine and adds more dynamic scenarios to occur. It sucks when 10 cops start chasing after one person with a class 1 at a gas station robbery, but with that said, there were situations that occurred where the civilians outnumbered cops at major crimes. As long as PD doesn't go about abusing it with over the top numbers I see no problem with it. From my personal experience, there are plenty of command members who understand this and refrain from using drastic numbers in scenarios, while others will gladly take any officer available despite it being only 1-2 suspects. Overall though, a well welcomed change.

    2. Of course, one can't remove cop response numbers without looking at the removal of max civilians allowed per situation. This rule was always painful because occasionally there would be people who would be left out of situations, thus lowering the population of the server since it supported smaller groups. I don't think gangs should be doing 12 man gas station robberies like a certain group did on 4.5, but this change is also welcome.

    3. Illegal runs should be risky given the amount of profit one is able to receive from it. Before, people doing illegal runs would only need to look out for CID or police raids, now everyone is a threat. It makes perfect sense.

    4. I think roleplay requirements should still be put in place though for scenarios outside of illegal runs. Makes no sense to have regular civilians doing an earth run to be initiated on for no reason.

    Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete:



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  6. 19 minutes ago, Doug Jumper said:

    I would love to have some people comment on how this can be combated. Obviously we don't want to push new people away, what are peoples opinion on a solution to this?

    I don't think people should be outright targeting newer players for robbing which is indicated by their apple symbol or the type of truck they're driving. But the thing is, I don't think this needs to a be rule, I've seen many gangs simply let them continue on.


    Some people mentioned hiring protection or having cartel/mobster defend their runs, and that makes perfect sense. But furthermore, it also makes people face more consequences for their actions. People like Pug and Trick rarely gotten robbed and it's because people respect them. It places more of an emphasis on who you are, and that makes it so you are robbed much less often.

  7. Just now, Rose White said:

    This isn’t me trying to down any of this, as I do think it can be beneficial. I just hope these bans are looked at before any action is taken, I been on a server in the past that did this, and it didn’t go to well. I just don’t want any of it to backfire and possibly cause some chaotic situations, and issues to the community. I definitely do believe in second and or third chances, but if a individual is unbanned, they should be on 90 points and a mess up should add there perm back.

    This is just my opinion. I would hate to see things go wrong.

    Probation is a reasonable assumption

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