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Matt Valentine l SDAC Appeal

Matt Valentine

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Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee

Disciplinary Appeal

Case Number: [Office Use Only]


Kings Peaks Legislature

Officer Presiding: [Office Use Only]

Matt Valentino


GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Alaska State Troopers )



Trooper's Name: Matt Valentino

Organisation: AST
Rank: Corporal / Probie
Department: DOC/PATROL
Badge Number (If Applicable): 204

Punishment you were given:

Classification T x1 contract termination

Class K Infraction x2 written warnings

Class K Infraction x1 warning point

Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned):


When I first joined AST I was greeted with a open arms policy, My first day as patrol I was processing a suspect and was given the ok to stack charges and file a field processing request, When I looked at this "sheet" for FPR's it was extremely confusing and worded extremely oddly, I assumed that I could stack the charges up to and add all the charges to a suspect with the FPR. Mr. Mort Higgins gave me the a ok to process it and I processed the inmate and told mort he was being sentenced for the allotted amount. Mort then pulled me aside told me I could not do this and went straight to Mr. Liam where Liam issued me x2 verbal warnings. Because of the situation I realized I was in I went to a DOC officer inside internal and told him to let him out after the specified time and refiled the FPR for the correct amount. 

I do not think that is a fair punishment because the " flow chart " is weirdly worded and confusing and nobody explained to me


The second punishment I got was for a baton that I did not even purchase or use. I woke up on the server to speak to Pitbull about a transfer to DOC because I felt as if I was better in DOC, I could have physically not bought the baton the night prior because I was not online and I woke up to speak to Pitbull in a TeamSpeak channel.


The third and final punishment was a force transfer back to patrol where I disagreed with the commanding officer about how I felt about his decision, I got heated he got heated and we both started disrespecting each other, This entire situation was over me being told I could issue points because I stepped out for a second in a TeamSpeak channel and the person who was supposed to be supervising the punishment being given went back in game. I came back asked the other corporal in the channel what the outcome was and he said " follow the demerit sheet, it was approved ". I cannot help but think that this is a unfair punishment to begin with, This entire situation stemmed from 2 minor incidents 1 of which I appealed but was overlooked by a major and his response was " I guess I overlooked it, sorry ". If the second punishment was null and voided this entire situation would have never stemmed as far as it did, I would have been given points but I would have not been on a 1 week trial inside doc. This would have completely nulled the conversation between me and anyone regarding it and I would have accepted the points because it was my fault for not clarifying with my deputy warden.

It was my first time issuing a punishment and I was not supervised at all, He just approved it, told the other corporal I approve it and left. I do not think it is fair for me to be punished, Yes I got angry and was having a bad day and I should have not taken it as far as it did. But I was upset that the entire situation happened and got me removed from a department that I fit in.




Any evidence to support this:




The deputy step warding recognizing I was a good fit for doc and patrol ruined it.


Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): No

Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: No

Do you request the Kings Peaks Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: Yes

Bar Certification #5010959

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Community Lead

@Matt Valentine
After reviewing your appeal, I have decided to deny your appeal. 
Below I have listed the reasons for your denial. 

- Regarding the arrest flowchart, it is up to the individual to read the process and ask questions if you don't understand. Command is more then willing to answer questions if you don't understand, as Command might not be aware of questions if you don't ask them. 
- The only way you could have had a Police Baton is by purchasing one from the store. There is no other way to get them that doesn't include corruption. 
- During conversations with Command, people are allowed to get heated, however its always best to take a step back from the situation. 
- If you are having a bad day, its best not to take it out on other Command members or others Troopers of the AST, take a day off and don't come on duty, simple as. 

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