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Carboni Family Application

Matt Carboni

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Gang Name: Carboni Family

Gang Leaders:

Sean Carboni, Matt Carboni, Durwin Carboni

Gang Leader Discord: 

zerhas#0970Alex27#9082, Spoofy86#8618

Brief Summary Of Your Gang: 

We enjoy confrontation with anyone we dont discriminate lol. Looking for experienced members in RP and in Arma combat mechanics so that we can continue to grow our gang within the community.  Our main goal is to work our way to one of the top Mobster groups. We run illegal drugs and do major crimes as frequently as possible to ensure that we have an action packed time while playing. Any further questions or concerns feel free to message any of us.

Do you have a uniform available:

Not yet we will get the uniforms if we are accepted as official gang otherwise we will purchase and add the uniform once we determine exactly what we want to wear. 



List of players (INCLUDING STEAM64ID):

1. Sean Carboni 76561198147129007

2. Johnny Doss 76561198035667260

3. Durwin Carboni  76561198082265153 

4. Matt Carboni 76561198811410665

5. Frank Bank 76561198084667000

6. Frank Wilson 76561198072230780

7. Russell Johnson 76561198149486102

8. Jacob Carboni 76561197981794899

9. Wayne Carboni 76561198055107320

10. Carl Carboni 76561198072665721

11. Ryan Field  76561198087130314

12. Michael Jared  76561198128348885

13. Lucien Sneezer 76561198154591739


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-1 From my experience the carboni family had been toxic but also rob people doing legal runs. This is not something you should be doing especially if you are trying to become an official gang. 

Matt Pad - epic reaper man 
Matt Frost - Bar Cert, ex Assistant Chief Public Defender, ex Prosecuter, ex KPRS LT, MSPA Command 😎

Matt Winter - Epic Judge man

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5 hours ago, Benjamin L Bean said:

-1 randomly rob civillians, including people doing legal runs such as steel and they often break obvious rules such as no value of life.


1 hour ago, Matt Pad said:

-1 From my experience the carboni family had been toxic but also rob people doing legal runs. This is not something you should be doing especially if you are trying to become an official gang. 


1 hour ago, Patrick Winter said:

-1 Every single interaction with them has been toxic as fuck they rob people doing Legal runs for no reason and just overall cock heads to people they don't deserve to be an official gang 

Crazy no one asked. 

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51 minutes ago, George Fredrickson said:

-1 I have had nothing but toxic interactions with theses guys. Every time they either win or lose a situation they're super toxic and just throw verbal abuse at everyone. 

These guys have been going around causing so many issues they've done a lot of toxic things. 

I dont believe I have ever interacted with one once in the island as one of the leaders of the Carboni's I find it very odd how you are making the accusations with 0 proof. If these were actual problems where's the report thread so we can discuss it properly not in our gang application thread.

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1 hour ago, Durwin Carboni said:

-1 for over reacting every time they lose a fight and getting so upset that they break insanely obvious rules like nlr and mass rdm!

Durwin dont feed into the toxicity please we need to set an example for these other gangs. So these miniscule reports stop happening and we can all enjoy the island peacefully

Best Regards - Matt

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7 hours ago, Patrick Winter said:

-1 Every single interaction with them has been toxic as fuck they rob people doing Legal runs for no reason and just overall cock heads to people they don't deserve to be an official gang 

Same as stated to other reapers and lionheart members,  We are not looking to start a verbal war on the forums as this is just childish if you have a complaint with proof please post it in the correct thread to ensure its dealt with. Spamming our posts with downvotes and negative comments gets both of us no where. We are just looking to enjoy the island like everyone else.

Best Regards - Matt

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8 hours ago, Matt Pad said:

-1 From my experience the carboni family had been toxic but also rob people doing legal runs. This is not something you should be doing especially if you are trying to become an official gang. 

Thank you for bringing this to our attention Matt if you have proof of us being overly toxic I would love to see it so I can deal with members accordingly. As far as legal runs go this is just part of the game since we realized that this is frowned upon for official gang application we have not done once since. Regardless its still a part of the game and would I would greatly appreciate it if you bring this up with us directly instead of down voting our gang application. If there is further rules/toxicity that you believe we have broken please post it in the correc thread so that we may deal with it in a timely manner.

Best Regards - Matt

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1 hour ago, Matt Carboni said:

I dont believe I have ever interacted with one once in the island as one of the leaders of the Carboni's I find it very odd how you are making the accusations with 0 proof. If these were actual problems where's the report thread so we can discuss it properly not in our gang application thread.

I was a cop when you guys were 7 manning gas stations and saying if we dont leave we will be shot just as we arrive on scene just to simply go for the kills. After we caught you we asked what was the point of 7 manning and indicating straight way you guys said because its fun. so its very clear that all your gang wants is to pvp rather than try anything else.


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43 minutes ago, George Fredrickson said:

I was a cop when you guys were 7 manning gas stations and saying if we dont leave we will be shot just as we arrive on scene just to simply go for the kills. After we caught you we asked what was the point of 7 manning and indicating straight way you guys said because its fun. so its very clear that all your gang wants is to pvp rather than try anything else.


I wasn't apart of this event but Im pretty sure the member's that were on were attempting to complete the daily challenge of robbing gas stations. I do agree with you that we are quick to end negotiations most the time because we dont really have anything to offer and the more time we allow for police to setup just makes our time harder. We do enjoy quality rp but you have to think in regards to robberies that no one would really negotiate unless its a hostage situation. Otherwise I feel its more than real for a gang to be initiating quickly as they just want to do the crime and leave. if they could do it risk free they would but, push comes to shove violence is inevitable in these situations. If you have any further things you would like to bring up to me im more than happy to talk.

Best Regards - Matt


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I do believe that a lot of the claims made in this thread are valid and that there has been a significant amount of grief caused by the Carboni Family. However in my experience with them as people they are nice and when told they broke rules they were apologetic. I can’t say that I have seen the trash talking/toxic side of them. But I do believe that in the beginning of their time on the island they did struggle with following basic rules and still struggle with it, but the people that are left in the Carboni Family must want to make an effort to change since they are wanting to become official.. As becoming official will put even more scrutiny on them and they will be held to a much higher standard then they are now. 

I say go for it, make them official and if all these things continue to happen/happen again they will be punished and disbanded for it. But not giving them a chance because of some past mistakes seems unfair. I’ll be honest my first thought when I saw this thread was “heck no”, but as I thought about it I think it will be good for them to become official as it will hold them to a higher standard and the true Carboni Family culture will come to light. We might be surprised. But I’m all for giving them a chance to become official, or even like a zero tolerance period for their first week of becoming official. I know the Mr. Mob boss will make the right call.


Reapers | Head Supervisor 
Staff | Senior Moderator

How to play Server Rules Support ticket | General Appeals

Discord - Danny Moore#1448

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16 hours ago, Matt Carboni said:

Id like to see your proof of said broken rules and toxicity otherwise your claims are just invalid. 

Best Regards - Matt

Not giving you shit, surely the ammount of -1’s on this post and your Gangs general bullshit of going around downvoting the posts of the people who -1 this application.

Jack Noble
Nick Boyd smells
Bar No. 10932450

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3 hours ago, Jack Noble said:

Not giving you shit, surely the ammount of -1’s on this post and your Gangs general bullshit of going around downvoting the posts of the people who -1 this application.

It's hard to respect the validity of the -1's when they are mostly from the same 2 groups of people that we have had in-game conflict with. Also please stop accusing us of trying to be toxic by claiming we downvote everyone who -1's the application when there is only 1 player from the gang who downvoted someone's other posts besides any that are in this thread. Note how you guys (Reapers/Lionheart mostly) downvote posts such as the application and we aren't downvoting your -1 posts. I have talked to some members of the gangs who seem to be brigading the thread with -1's ingame and you guys seem to be cool guys but it sucks that you are trying to incite drama on the forums. It's always a good idea to remember it is just a game and just because someone might have robbed someone else when we were starting to get established doesn't mean we run around robbing new players who go to mine rubies. I know I personally and any Carbonis I role with are always chill with any new players I run into or even just others I see doing runs.

12 hours ago, Danny Moore said:


I do believe that a lot of the claims made in this thread are valid and that there has been a significant amount of grief caused by the Carboni Family. However in my experience with them as people they are nice and when told they broke rules they were apologetic. I can’t say that I have seen the trash talking/toxic side of them. But I do believe that in the beginning of their time on the island they did struggle with following basic rules and still struggle with it, but the people that are left in the Carboni Family must want to make an effort to change since they are wanting to become official.. As becoming official will put even more scrutiny on them and they will be held to a much higher standard then they are now. 

I say go for it, make them official and if all these things continue to happen/happen again they will be punished and disbanded for it. But not giving them a chance because of some past mistakes seems unfair. I’ll be honest my first thought when I saw this thread was “heck no”, but as I thought about it I think it will be good for them to become official as it will hold them to a higher standard and the true Carboni Family culture will come to light. We might be surprised. But I’m all for giving them a chance to become official, or even like a zero tolerance period for their first week of becoming official. I know the Mr. Mob boss will make the right call.

Thanks for the +1 man. I know some of us come from servers with different rules that we played on in the past so we try our best to get used to the rules but we all just want to play and have fun to the best of our ability. If we break any rules we want to know so we can fix our behavior because if others on the server don't have fun/get off the server we won't have fun because we can't interact with them.

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