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Inactive House Wipe - 17/04/2021

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As per the announcement in the ANZUSGaming discord, the following people have had their houses wiped (which includes all contents & furniture).
Another house wipe will occur again in a month, please remember that you MUST have 10 hours in the past month in order to keep your house. 
A announcement will be put out in the ANZUSGaming discord (discord.gg/anzus) prior to the wipe. 

- Joey King
- Brad Rask
- Ron Faigini
- Jimmy Dinero
- Charlie Watson
- Noah Dent
- Borat Smith
- Oscar Aelos
- Ryan Navas
- Sigurd Steele
- Slade Wilson
- Chris King
- Vincent Gambino
- Mario Gambino
- Ollie Meeseeks
- Neveden Holderhek
- Tug Prates
- Tommy Fandango
- Iron Strodum
- Green Smoke
- Hasse Ravelli
- Michael Bravo
- Lee Whitfield
- Rhys Gambino
- Cameron Lopez
- Chris Lex
- Steve Jones
- Rick Cooper
- Leon Angelo
- Leon Woods
- Wall Matt
- Johnson Habibi
- Jerry Zappa
- Dakota Rogue
- Xavier Rogue
- Austin Marino
- Dave Scaletta
- Smitt Phillips
- Jake Thomson
- Troy Jones
- Colby Bryant
- Tony Okland
- Cyrus Green
- Rilo Roddy
- Jimmy Daniels
- Joey Bean
- Fockland Pears
- Nate Dawg
- Jimmy Johnson
- Michael Jared
- Bryan Tony
- Harrison Ramirez
- Carl Carboni
- Buster Jones
- Kyle Fischerman
- Alex Sharp
- Coopah Chumba
- Craig Elsabri
- Amado Carrillo
- Jamess Smith
- James Hudson
- Mike Black
- John Hancock
- Lori Guanja
- Matt Franzese
- Dianna Dreamer
- Yaegar Kalashnik
- Mike Oxtinx
- Anders Johnson
- Chris Rust
- Ayman Guanja
- Cory Trevorson
- Gelato Jong
- Joey Martinez
- Ozzy Shaw
- Avon Rogers
- Braydon OBrian
- Jordan Taylor
- Jaden Stein
- Luca Gann
- Chuck Antonov
- Mark Spade
- Sean Sparrows
- Dave Coleman
- Dominic Sont
- Kyler Smith
- Trent Perkins
- Kinga Bean
- Frank Wilson
- Ryan Field
- Bob Smithson
- Steve Glock
- Johnny Doss
- Willy Bean
- Slappy Stephens
- Tony Valoretti
- Phin Willow
- Papi Carlo
- Tom Gaydy
- Night Black
- Bobby Williamson
- Lucien Sneezer
- Cody Lee 
- John Vickers
- Mikhail Novikov
- Sam Devereaux
- Dean Laker
- Alex Evans
- Christian Savage
- Mike Bunss
- Mason Steele
- Martin Baxter
- Zach West
- Luca West
- Jack Snaps
- Harley Wholley 
- Mister Winters
- Matt Kelley
- Lucio Pitabread
- Tommy Maxamoff
- Herman Milowski
- Tony DeAngelo
- Jack Johnson
- Rosevelt Teddy
- Donell Malone
- Ben Williams
- Liam Scottfeilds
- Keeno White
- Tropical Deer

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