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Inactive House Wipe - 6/09/2021

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  • Community Lead

Hi all, 
The following people have 7 days in order to gain 10 hours on the server otherwise they will be loosing their house & house containers. Failure to do so will result in the houses being removed from these players and being put back into the public where they can be purchased by anyone. 

Big thanks to Chris Wilson for helping with the house wipe (previously it took me 3-4 hours to complete a house wipe prior to Chris giving me a hand with database work)

- Donell Malone
- Janno Drenthen
- Billy Frankenstein
- Dimitry Ivanov
- Charles Brown
- Bera Hand
- Oscar Farris
- Murve Burton
- Sam Sloth
- Lukka Lewis
- Jacob Crew
- Chris Thompson
- Dave Reaper
- Corey Wilton
- Curtis Leek
- Lilo Allen 
- Alber Bruning

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Community Lead

Hello All, 

Apologies for the wait, but there is now more houses that are available for purchase across Los Diablos. 
The following people have had their house and crates wiped for failing to meet he above listed requirements. 

- Janno Drenthen
- Billy Frankenstein
- Dimitry Ivanov
- Bera Hand
- Keir Warren
- Oscar Farris
- Murve Burton
- Sam Sloth
- Lukka Lewis
- Jacob Crew
- Chris Thompson
- Dave Reaper
- Corey Wilton
- Curtis Leek
- Lilo Allen

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