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Jason Board Senate Appeal

Jason Board

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Trooper's Name: Jason Board
Organization: LDSO
Rank: Senior Deputy
Department: Patrol
Badge Number (If Applicable): 136
Punishment you were given: Contract termination

Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned):
I believe my punishment should be overturned for multiple reasons. I was part of the LDSO for a little under 3 months. I made my way from a cadet in DOC, to a senior deputy in patrol. I dedicated well over 150 hours to the department and tried my absolute hardest to put on a good face for the department. During my time in the LDSO, I took on a position in the DA's office to assist the Attorney General's. Due to my termination in the department, I have lost all my responsibility's from helping the DA's office to protecting the people of Los Diablos. I had a lot of fun in the department and met a lot of great people. 
   I have been marked active for all but 2 activity checks during my employment in the LDSO, and I have never been in trouble. I had never received any warnings, points, or punishments until I was terminated. I am aware I messed up, and I apologize to the entire department for my actions. Since then I have apologized to the people at the casino that I could find. I believed my actions should not go unpunished, but I think that being terminated from the department after all my hard work and dedication is not a fair punishment. I think that a fair punishment for my actions would be a 1-2 week suspension, as nobody was harmed because of my actions.
   If I am terminated from the department, I am not sure I will be able to go back through DOC and back into patrol. I had a hard time staying through DOC the first time as I got very bored. I want to continue to serve the department and spend time with the great people I have met and enjoyed my time with. I hope to be able to serve the LDSO once again and learn from my mistakes.
Any evidence to support this: No



Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): I was told, but am unable to see them now.

Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: I was denied evidence.

Do you request the Kings Peaks Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence held by the government in relation to your case?: Yes please.

Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here: 


        Jason Board,
                 Attorney of Law


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@Mike Getreel
After reviewing your appeal, I have decided to deny your appeal for the following reasons: 

- "Off Duty" is not something that is currently a thing for a LDSO deputy to do, once you want to go "Off Duty" then you go to PD and then log off the server. 
- As being apart of the LDSO for a little under 3 months, by now you should understand that at no point during being on duty, should you remove your departmental issued GPS. 
- Removing your GPS is a SOP violation, and is there to provide other deputies with vital information that such as your location in need of backup. 

- If someone bad was to happen at that casino, you would've had no way to contact the LDSO for backup, as you would've had your GPS taken off which could've ended very badly for those involved. 
- Especially disabling your GPS to go and gamble at the casino while on duty is not tolerated. Nobody will  be ever allowed to gamble after taking their GPS off at the casino. 

Therefore I have denied your appeal, if you wish to re-apply to the LDSO you may, but consider yourself very lucky that worse didn't occur while you had your GPS off otherwise you would probably would have been blacklisted. If you wish to get back into the LDSO, you will need to re-apply. 

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