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Lewis Miller Blacklist Appeal

Lewis Miller

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Trooper's Name: Lewis Miller

Organisation: Kings County Sheriff Office??
Rank: CPL I think not 100% sure was a long time ago
Department: Patrol
Badge Number (If Applicable):  Cannot remember P232 is stuck in my head but could be wrong

Punishment you were given: Removed + Blacklist
Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): To be blunt its coming up to 2 years since the incident and looking back on it it was just out right stupid. I have no idea what I thought I would get from what I did I can only imagine it was me thinking it was cool. I'm returning back from a long long break and would like to kick things back to what it used to be. There isn't really a reason or appropriate excuse for my actions however it was during 3.6 or something like that so the community and departments have changed a lot, hardly anyone who was there when I was around is still here and therefor it would be a good fresh start.
Any evidence to support this: N/A



Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): N/A

Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: N/A

Do you request the Montana Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: N/A

Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here: N/A


Edit : I a called Lewis Miller on my civ but I know the blacklist isn't character based its player restricted so this unblacklist is for me to return to cop not Lewis Miller, I will have to return with a new name

SP |SFNP| DND| GC | Castro | SWAT Lt/Cpt | Spec Ops Major

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Community Lead

@Lewis Al-Assad
After reviewing your appeal, I have decided to accept your blacklist appeal. 

I have discussed with appeal with State Command who have agreed to allow you back into PD. 

There will be a condition to this, although you are now unblacklisted, PD High Command will be aware that you have joined the PD under a new alias due to your civilian name being Lewis Miller. Therefore if you do something to get blacklisted even 2 years in the future then you probably won't get unblacklisted any time soon (due to having a previous blacklist already). 

You have been unblacklisted. 

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