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Barry Wintergreen - Blacklist Appeal

Barry Wintergreen

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Trooper's Name: Barry Wintergreen

Organisation: MSP
Rank: Corporal
Department: DOC/CRT
Badge Number (If Applicable): Dont Remember

Punishment you were given: Removed + Blacklist
Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): around 4-5 Months ago i was a Corporal within DOC as well as a Marksman in CRT, During my time there, i made my fair share of mistakes and i will admit that, it began to reach a point of me showing that i was unfit and had a lack of maturity. I made the awful mistake of attempting to provide special op weapons to civilians, i was caught and removed, i understand that what i did was incorrect and majorly breached my sops in which i swore to follow, but in the 4-5 months that i have had experienced while no longer being of apart of PD, ive come to genuinely miss it and over this time i have grown up and have become a more mature individual. I would appreciate to be given a second chance, i know my mistakes were a major offense and not one to be taken lightly, but i genuinely feel that i am ready to take on PD, and show that i have what it takes to succeed.
Any evidence to support this: N/A



Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): No, i was informed the day of the disciplinary action

Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: Not Needed

Do you request the Montana Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: Will not be neccesary




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  • Community Lead

@Barry Wintergreen
After reviewing your appeal, I have decided to deny your blacklist appeal. 

Although it happened a few months ago, you need to show as you stated in your appeal that your lack of maturity lead to do such things which has changed. 
If you've come to miss PD, you should've thought of that before providing spec ops weapons and such to civilians, which is a breach of the rules and SOPs, I highly doubt you will be unblacklisted any time soon. 

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