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Bobby River

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Posts posted by Bobby River

  1. On 10/8/2023 at 12:29 AM, Andrew Smith said:

    -1 what? It’s a modded roleplay server, I think the FPS is very good as is rn.

    If you get bad FPS, then you have a toaster PC. I like the fact that their is modded buildings everywhere 


    the whole rebel thing:

    I like this idea, and I think it should be kept as is, and the option of interacting with crafters to get your guns would be increased during these times..

    that’s not true in my experience, my pc cooks arma and i get 120 fps on altis and 80-60 on anzus but after 6.5 i cannot go into orlando square without dropping to 15 fps

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Mike Carter said:

    I am not trying to be rude  the last couple of conflicts i have been at  it was not a option to push to a point cause as soon as people would leave the conflict spawn u would get shot at by atleast 5-8 people

    I would disagree with this because with the new kuruma system i haven’t been ripped at spawn once. I will say the bug that makes them not have smoke is what makes it so hard to slam.

  3. 5 hours ago, Lee Bread said:

    If the gang does it right any zone can be controlled and it hard to take it over people bitched about the last zones lol

    Lee, the problem is you can’t slam with a high pop. If there’s 6-8 people on those flags you can’t slam

    • Like 2
  4. Type of Suggestion?: server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: I wanna know my killstreak ing and also in conflict

    Solution on how to make this work?: Add a killstreak counter to a random corner of the UI and make it show how many kills you have got this life.

    Pros & Cons?

    - Be able to see killstreak


    - dont see any

    • Like 3
  5. 7 minutes ago, Hue Hatch said:

    What happened to all the zones from the conflict zone challenge that happened?

    some of those looked sick and fun to play i wish some of those were used


    FR, also I kinda agree not 100% because some of the new flags are fun

  6. 2 hours ago, Crowsnest Bill said:

    Not a bad idea, but only 10-15k payout for possibly up to 8 people participating? That's not really to worth it. I wouldn't make it major payouts, but i'de say an even 30k is a nice payout and would go straight to gang bank. Or you can make the payout a crate that has common items a gang would need or use such as low tier 3 guns, crafting ingredients (either parts or processed items/bars), illegal ingredients, maybe it takes rep/money away from the other gang (of course not a huge amount, but enough that would suck a bit), or something along those lines. But 10-15k is just not worth it imo, even if it went to gang bank only.

    30% off rebel guns?

  7. Type of Suggestion?: server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: No one does minor crimes unless they are bored because they pay nothing, gas stations are from 500-2000 from my experience and jewellery stores pay 3600 i think with all bags.

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    Make gas stations pay 10k and jewletty stores 15-20k and allow cops to round up on response numbers and increase duration of robbery. (5 - 10 mins rob time - 1civ/3 cops , 3civs/8 cops ect) and make it so only 2 jewellery stores can be popped at once. Not only will this increase cops vs civ fights but also will increase roleplay as there would be a genuine reason to roleplay a gas station or a jewellery store with fake documents ect as it would be profitable.

    Pros & Cons?: Pros - More RP 

    - More minor crimes

    - more cop vs civ fights

    Cons - economy hit i guess as a 2v5 will get you 10k each but not really as civs will lose more class 3s and it will be hard to 1v3.

    • Like 5
  8. Type of Suggestion?: server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: There is no civ va civ combat outside of cartels and there is too much downtime between majors.

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    Add a gang warehouse robbery that allows us to rob the warehouse of another gang with a pair of bolt cutters for 10-15k. Make it so the gang has to have atleast matching numbers to the gang who robs it (similar to majors) or so they need to have 8 online or smth. Make it have a 1 hour cool-down and whoever wins should get 30 mins - 1 hour of 30% off rebel guns.

    Pros & Cons?:

    • Like 3
  9. I agree with this i just think calling it a major is stupid and making it go off timer is worse. We need more things to do in the huge amounts of downtime so giving us a civ vs civ house raid or something that can cause a big gang fight only if the gang your fighting has enough members it would be fun. This also should have no money reward as people will do it for fun, make rebel weapons like 30% off or smth for 1 hour if you win.

  10. 13 hours ago, Jason Marlito said:

    Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Add a server feature / rule that limits how many majors a gang can do per restart

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) I have been playing for the past 3 days, and I have tried to do a major atleast 3x a day. I haven't gotten the ability to do ONE. Its almost impossible, either GFK, Symbol, or 2NR sit there, spamming the same rinse and repeat majors and it basically makes it impossible for any other gang to have the ability to do a major. If you don't believe me go in PD discord and look at the major logger. You will see nothing but RGN, 2NR, Symbol, and GFK.

    Solution on how to make this work?: Just add the rule / feature

    Pros & Cons?

    Pros: Variety of gangs doing majors increases
    Cons: Dev work, big gangs get upset because they can't just spam majors all day

    -1 you can’t even spam the major because you have to wait ~3 seconds between each hit and i’m ngl we all deal with majors being yoinked. If you lose one you just gotta try again 

  11. 2 hours ago, Cameron Long said:

    Conflict has flopped, it flopped when it first came out, there high risk no reward to it. It doesn't benefit anyone from them doing it. 

    theres no risk now they removed losing gear


  12. Type of Suggestion?: server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?:  The smoke overlay in conflict has a slightly white tint. At night time it makes the smoke unplayable as you literally cannot see shit. Also people abuse smoke to be invisible and roach in a one way.

    Solution on how to make this work?: Make it only have a blur but not too much to the point where it’s aids. Also add a script that limits view distance to 15m-20m when you are in smoke same as the overlay to minimise smoke 1 ways. The same as every server has it.

    Pros & Cons?:

    Pros - not much dev work

    - lowers smoke 1 ways effectiveness 

    - makes conflict playable at night


    - can’t see any obvious ones

  13. 56 minutes ago, Cameron Long said:

    Seems like a decent idea, but we saw how conflict flopped and that no one does it this just seems a revamped version of it an I can see it Dying out very quickly where no one will do it. 


    I do think the current Gang wars system is ok and it works as it is especially when its only done once a week, if we as a player base come together to help make some changes to gang wars I can only see it getting better. 

    conflict hasn’t flopped, just pop is not full of pvp ers to make it seem fun, there has been a few meth conflicts since unban tho

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