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Loxxon Husky

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Posts posted by Loxxon Husky

  1. On 8/26/2021 at 1:08 AM, Orest Howson said:

    I understand but after talking to my fellow judge they had their trial scheduled well in advance. I get he is a busy man but at the same time I wish for justice to be done as well as none of his rights to be suppressed. Trial will need to be rescheduled to a different date.

    I'm free this up coming week again same time again around 4:30 yeah ? or we can do it earlier like 2:30 if be up to @Aiden, ADN 🔥 if you like ?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Orest Howson said:

    @Aiden, ADN 🔥 @Loxxon Husky At your earliest convenience please come up with some times and dates that work well for a court trial. As I will be gone for most of this discussion I will say I am available everyday of the week after 7pm EST and open after 2 PM EST on weekends. Please discuss with your self's and your clients to come up with a court date.

    Your Honor, I'm willing to Attend on the 13th of 7pm EST.

  3. 11 hours ago, Orest Howson said:

    @Aiden, ADN 🔥 @Loxxon Husky After taking to the Chief Justice he and I have come to an agreement to open for discovery for the next few days closing 8 hours before the trial time. Trial will be set to take place when we were to have discovery.

    Your Honor, 

    I'm a bit confused here

    So we are doing discovery  here ? or still in game? on Sunday at 6 PM EST ? while I'm guessing the courts have allowed the Defendant to come to discovery is this right ?



  4. 7 hours ago, Aiden, ADN 🔥 said:

    Your Honor,

    We simply don't have anything to say. This weekend would be fine. As we are still actively involved and preparing our case, we'd like for the Prosecutions motion for summary judgment to be denied for those reasons.

    Your Honor,

    I would like to say that the Defence Council was 3 days late to reply and did not object to the matter at 1st hand.

    As seen here you Honor, Defence Council Only agreed to the weekend there was no objection made for his client not being able to attend to the discovery.

  5. Just now, Orest Howson said:

    I will deny the request for summary judgment this time but when prosecution and the judge talk about what time works and even ping you in it that you should probably respond. As of now Sunday will be the only open time for discovery for me. Both prosecution and defense agree to a time and inform me when you come to agreement. 

    @Loxxon Husky

    My apologize Your Honor,

    Your Honor,

    The Prosecution would like The Defence to set a time for Sunday from their on we can see if We can attend or not.

    Letter of Notice @Aiden, ADN 🔥

  6. 15 hours ago, Orest Howson said:

    @Aiden, ADN 🔥 and @Loxxon Husky at this time I am opening the case for discovery as well as for you to fill motions. I do request that Prosecution and Defense talk with me to come up with a date/time for the trial. 

    Your Honor, 

    I request we do Discovery at the courthouse without needing the defendant to be at the court.

    The trial would be set to a different date once the discovery is done.

    Regarding this your Honor,  I request 3 witness to come to the courthouse for a testimony  Barry Bravo, Harry Lenner & Joko Saunters.

  7. Question 1: Do we want to completely wipe just money? (You will keep your crafting, mining level etc and perks)
    My opinion:  Yes I love this idea however I think it would be best if Law enforcement got a pay rise right now the Taki $17.500 we get on max paycheck perk helps us alot. I hardly even made 2mil yet.

    However if we want to balance things out at least drop it to like $8,700 max perk.

    Question 2: Do we want to add some sort of function such as a dice roll or a rock paper scissors for majors for any major that lasts longer than 30mins?
    TLDR: If a major is at a standpoint where the cops are holding and the civilians are holding and no one plans to push, one side loses a 50/50 and has to push.
    My opinion: No Just no This is a bad idea Mister.

    Question 3: Do we want player reports on the forums to be completely anonymous/private?
    My opinion: I'm going to say yes to this most of us don't want to have our player report videos to be public to everyone on the forums.

    Question 4: Did you prefer the map layout of Kings Peaks or Kings County?
    My opinion:  @Doug Jumper I'm gonna say it but bring back 2.0 Map good Old Kamdan 


    Question 5: Do you want Takistan to go full Purge with unlimited money, levels and jets?
    My opinion: ye bruh

    • Dislike 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Luke Redd said:

    literally just give up lmao worst comes to worst you get 3.5k a paycheck and you have a cheap loadout. Methods of making money can be in RP I think if we could gets cuts of tickets it would fix it 

    Before REA was made we used to be making all the money from ticketing but not anymore.

    Like There is nothing for Patrol to make any money at all Our Patrol Missions suck balls they only give us 100$ or 366$ which is nothing at least buff it to $1.200 per Patrol at least.

    Only good thing Patrol Missions give us is XP.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Mort Higgins said:

    As long as you have direct deposit you are good, I only play cop and I have no issue with money. Unless you die more than I do then you will lose more money, however, it is remarkably easy to get cash as a cop. I have around 7 million right now and I have bought cars, given it away or just in general spent it since I don't need that much.

    Mort I don't die that often but its a big of a bitch to make any money on cop.

    It takes 5 pay checks of $3.500 to get $17,500 I mainly spend around 15.500$ my gear loadout including Items. 

    Ain't 5 pay checks like 2 or 3 hrs ? 

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