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What is your favorite thing on 5.0? // What is one thing you dislike on 5.0?

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Hey everyone. I hope you've had a good Christmas/new years. 5.0 launch has been great and I hope you've all enjoyed it. A lot of stuff has changed and obviously its a bit different then what it will normally be like without class 3s but we want to get a vibe on how people feel about the new changes.. positives and negatives.

Reply to this thread with the two questions answered. With your dislike feel free to add a suggestion to a fix, it is more likely to be successful change if you can make us understand.

Feel free to drop a thank to the developers in your message as well, they deserve it! 

What is your favourite thing on 5.0?
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0?
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike?


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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The roleplay and the possible future roleplay possibility's
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Rebel is to far from everything
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Move rebel above Elk
Edited by Mike Getreel

        Jason Board,
                 Attorney of Law


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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The map is sick, like it much better than Los Diablos
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Everyone having a Sanchez and crashing them into cars and trucks
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Make food and water go down slower and remove the Sanchez and give everyone a cheap car instead.
Edited by Mike Oxbig
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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The map, well done dev team
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Because im stupid, cant work out where to buy mushrooms or opium/poppy seeds to do Heroin ir LSD
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Add additional tips in the help menu on the phone
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ANZUSGaming Senior Support | ANZUSGaming Veteran

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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? the map, it probably the vibeyist map out there and definately fits anzus
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0?i think that the prices of cars/motorcycles and houses need to be lowered or runs need to be worrth more 
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike?increase runs like oil coral and uranium and maybe even ruby it takes a long time to get around this map and alot of people dont have the time to do runs all day with thsi being said i think that runs need to be worth more 
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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? Map is amazing. feel like it is legit all of the others put together. The MELE SYSTEM IS THE BEST THING GOING RN KEP IT HOW IT IS NO RULES ADDED TO STOP IT ETC AND ELK IS AMAZING RN AS WELL
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Stats Transfer system. ITs a double edges sword but from what i have heard it seems to be a massive pain for cop mains who are stuck as them having to basically re-start as a civ and spend a lare amount of time to get back to a high lvl and money etc. I understand the main reasons its like this and i do like it a bit myself i can focus on upgrading my cop perks on my cop charater and civ perks on my civ. I just feel its taken out alot of peoples main way to play both sides easily without suffering going 6hours deep in a run to just get the bare minimum
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? For many differnt reasons it has its pros and cons, some i wont even say the main thing i am worried about is EXP. It took too long on 4.0 to get anywhere close to a high lvl and that was when we had BOTH civ and cop. The only thing i could suggest is look at EXP and dumb down the progressive runescape Lvl up system

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What is your favorite thing on 5.0? Hard to choose between map and features. I think farming is my favorite. Haven't tried hunting yet but I figure that will become my favorite feature.

What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The inability to land a plane coming from BD island and get to BD processor. The hill is too steep to climb near Nasa- which also has no garage/air shop. You also cannot land a plane at BD processor due to a large number of trees on the only flat spot.

What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Either remove the trees next to BD processor to allow for safe landing of a plane, manipulate terrain to provide a safe route for foot travel to the processor, or add an air shop/garage to the Nasa air strip.

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What is your favourite thing on 5.0?
Cruising around seeing the sunset the map is amazing well done guys!
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0?
The far travel between left side of island and right side, it kinda needs more then 1 road to cross over.
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike?
Roads / Bridges


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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? Honestly the roads and driving it feels like a different experience each time you change a run or make a wrong turn. Also the chases are great on the roads too.
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Not enough ATMs at gas stations and cities, it feels like sometimes I have to travel to the next city to get money for food or a gun at a gun store.
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Add more ATM's at locations like gas stations, supermarkets and gun stores pls and ty.
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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The roleplay and good interactions you get when being a officer and even a Civilian, 
not needing to be scared to get robbed by stopping by the side of the road for someone that is running just to be nice.
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The fact that people abuse the Prison Lifer system when DOC is closed etc.
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Make Prison lifers not able to wake up when DOC is closed, and some more suggestions 
that I don't want to get too much into here.
Edited by Mita Soso
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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? My favorite thing is the variety of different ways to make money. 
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? People who don't look both ways before pulling onto the road in Elk City. 
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? You can't fix the people not looking however Rebel is extremely annoying. By either adding a road onto the back of Rebel or making another one up North that would make it much more accessible. 
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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? Montana state police skins are amazing
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? SWAT got nothing new clothing wise. They had that uni in 4.0. They've had the same stuff since 4.0
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Use old 3.0 uniforms like tiger vest and backwards hats with headsets. Or maybe even 2.0 swat stuff. 


 KSP SWAT Breacher/LDSO SWAT Breacher/MSP SWAT Breacher/CTRG Sergeant

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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? my favourite thins is the hole mape all the new fatures it feels like the cops are doing much more rp and the big possebbilitys of doing some fun rp and making some good content. i cant say thank you enugh to the hole dev team i honestly think they deserve a big thank you from everyone and get some well earned rest
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? the way people are driving. fps drop in elk and all the explosions of cars/bikes but i know this will work out in time withe the great dev team this server have 
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? make a rode around the city ? or maybe move modshop idk if its modshop but sometimes i drop all the way down towards 11 fps when entering the side with modshop.

and a big thank you to you doug for doing all of this and making a great server like this. and setting up such a great dev team



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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? that its been slowed down a little to make it a little more fun and RP sided
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The food man, it goes down so fast XD 
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? i think its a simple thing i also think Dev Team is on it but its only thing i hate right now
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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The map is great, a little large but fun to drive. the new clothes are also nice.
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The food and drink system, it depletes way to quick and supermarkets are so far away from most places that you end up blacking out multiple times way too much. Also needing to buy 10 doritos to fill up on food is annoying and 1200 for frenches when starting off is really rough to afford.
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Make it not go away as quick I guess.

kev dawg

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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? Blood diamond Island, love the looks and feel of that place.
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? nothing other than BD/ archeologist on that island.
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike?  Add like hunting to BD island or some other thing you can do on that island.


new signiture.PNG

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What is your favourite thing on 5.0? Love the farming aspect of it, makes everything feel more immersive 
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Building getting destroyed, redburger and paycheck center go down almost every reset
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Make important buildings indestructible ideally.
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4 hours ago, Mita Soso said:
What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The roleplay and good interactions you get when being a officer and even a Civilian, 
not needing to be scared to get robbed by stopping by the side of the road for someone that is running just to be nice.
What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The fact that people abuse the Prison Lifer system when DOC is closed etc.
What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Make Prison lifers not able to wake up when DOC is closed, and some more suggestions 
that I don't want to get too much into here.

I was on yesterday and I was trying to get on prison lifer but I couldn't because it said DOC was closed. So for me it didn't allow me to.

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