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Roman Novak - Blacklist appeal

Rubin Novak

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Trooperss Name: Roman Novak 

Your Rank: Senior Trooper

Your Department:   Patrol 

Your Badge Number:  249 


Discipline Information

Punishing Trooper:  Marcus Gray

Their Rank:  Major 

Their Badge Number:  103

Punishment you where given:  Blacklist, Contract Term

Link to punishment report


Please provide in detail on what happened?:  I was burned out from playing police too much and over stressed with IRL events. Unfortunately I lost the plot and decided it would be funny to give away police keycards and get myself blacklisted on purpose. 

Why should your punishment be overturned?: I think it should be overturned because up until then I had no warnings (bar 1 written warning for bad paperwork) and always had very good reviews off my command / fellow officers. Also now that 6.0 has released it would be nice to give me a second chance and give me the opportunity to prove I am able to be in the police again.

Just a side note I think that a big part of the problem before was that I burned myself out as I had way too much free time to play cop. This is no longer the case due to IRL commitments and while I still have the time to meet the active requirements I have alot less time to play than before hence massively reducing the chance of burnout 

Do you agree not to message a Major+ to review your appeal?: Yes

Do you have any evidence to support your dispute? (Video strongly recommended) I don't understand what the issue would be giving me another chance, as previously stated I put in months of good police work and made one, albeit, major fuck up.  Not like I am going to be a Cadet and go and dish out keycards on orlando, if I knew it was an actual server rulebreak before I would never have done it in the first place so that should be enough reassurance for you.



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  • Community Lead

@Rubin Novak
After reviewing your appeal, I have decided to deny your appeal. 

Giving away police keycards ruins the economy (they are meant to be a rare item to get, otherwise they'd just be in burglary store) and intentionally getting yourself punished isn't a good look. 
As you where blacklisted less then 3 months ago, lets give it some time before you will be considered for a unblacklist. 

As a member of the community its your responsibility to know that it was a rulebreak (its been a rulebreak for ages), and you've been at ANZUS long enough to have read over the rules more then once. 

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27 minutes ago, Paul Phantom said:

@Rubin Novak
After reviewing your appeal, I have decided to deny your appeal. 

Giving away police keycards ruins the economy (they are meant to be a rare item to get, otherwise they'd just be in burglary store) and intentionally getting yourself punished isn't a good look. 
As you where blacklisted less then 3 months ago, lets give it some time before you will be considered for a unblacklist. 

As a member of the community its your responsibility to know that it was a rulebreak (its been a rulebreak for ages), and you've been at ANZUS long enough to have read over the rules more then once. 

How long would you consider an acceptable period to be unblacklsited? Not asking for it to be in the near future but just an estimate 


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